IPA Recipients 2016 Archives

January 2016 February 2016 March 2016 April 2016 May 2016 June 2016 July 2016 August 2016 September 2016 October 2016 November 2016 December 2016 2016 IPA Awardees of UP Baguio (Articles and Conference Papers) 2016 IPA Awardees of UP Baguio (Book chapter) 2016 IPA Awardees of UP Cebu (Articles) 2016 IPA Awardees of UP Cebu (Articles published in previous years) 2016 IPA Awardees of UP Cebu (Book chapter) 2016 IPA Awardees of UP Cebu (Book chapter published in previous years) 2016 IPA Awardees of UP Diliman (Articles and Conference Papers) 2016 IPA Awardees of UP Diliman (Articles and Conference Papers published in previous […]

IPA Recipients for December 2015

IPA Recipients for December 2015

Oscar T. Serquiña Jr. Department of Speech Communication and Theatre Arts College of  Arts and Letters UP Diliman Voices and Visions: Symbolic Convergences in the Oral Narratives of Filipino Comfort Women. Humanities Diliman, 12 (2): 79-109, July-December 2015. This paper analyzes oral narratives of 10 Filipino comfort women, who are members of the Liga ng mga Lolang Pilipina, or Lila Pilipina, an organization of victims and survivors of sexual slavery by Japanese military soldiers during the World War II in the Philippines. Guided by Ernest Bormann’s Symbolic Convergence Theory, this paper aims to describe the content, identify the salient structure, and […]

UP Diliman and UP Los Baños to compete in the final round of the 2nd Gawad Pangulo for Progressive Teaching and Learning

Four months after the nomination deadline of the 2nd Gawad Pangulo for Progressive Teaching and Learning, the winner is now ready to be announced as the finalists deliver their live course presentations on 18 December 2015. Two faculty members will be representing UP Diliman in the final round. They are Assistant Professor Maria Cecilia G. Conaco of the Marine Science Institute, College of Science and Professor Luis G. Sison of the Electrical and Electronics Engineering Institute, College of Engineering. Meanwhile, UP Los Baños will be represented by Alleli Ester C. Domingo, associate professor at the Institute of Mathematical Sciences and […]

Faculty members called to register in Google Scholar to update list of top Philippine scientists

In a memorandum issued recently, Vice President for Academic Affairs Gisela P. Concepcion encouraged faculty members to register and create their Google Scholar profile “so that the current list of UP scientists with citations could be updated and corrected in future editions of the Cybermetrics Lab ranking.” Last month, Cybermetrics Lab has announced the list of top 250 scientists in Philippine institutions. One hundred sixteen (116) of those who landed on the list are affiliated with UP, with UP Manila-based scientists occupying the top spots.  Prepared by Spain’s largest research body Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, the list was based on the public profiles of scientists as they […]

IPA Recipients for November 2015

IPA Recipients for November 2015

Leonila Corpuz-Raros Crop Science Cluster College of Agriculture UP Los Baños A New Species of Notogalumna (Acari, Oribatida, Galaumnidae) from the Oriental Region with a Key to Known Species. Acarologia, 55 (3): 267-276, 2015. Catchy title of research: Discovery of two new species of large-winged mites and first records of the genera Mirogalumna and Pergalumnain the Philippines (Acari, Oribatida, Parakalumnidae) This paper reports the discovery of two new species and the recording of one species of oribatid mites from the Philippines. The new species are Mirogalumnaleytensis from Mt. Pangasugan in Leyte and Mt. Makiling in Luzon, and Pergalumnapanayensisin Panay, Leyte and Luzon. A […]

Annual symposium brings together UP researchers from diverse disciplines

Annual symposium brings together UP researchers from diverse disciplines

More than 50 oral presentations were given during the 2015 OVPAA Research Symposium organized by the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs (OVPAA). Held on November 12 and 13 at the Intel Center for Science Innovation Auditorium of the National Institute of Physics in UP Diliman, the symposium featured the results of research projects under the OVPAA-administered Emerging Interdisciplinary Research (EIDR) and Balik PhD programs.  In her keynote speech, National Scientist Dolores Ramirez mentioned, among others, how intellectual property is receiving more “meticulous attention” now than during her time. On the second day, Dr. William Padolina, president and academician of the National Academy […]

2015 OVPAA Research Symposium to feature over 50 projects

Almost a year ago, the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs (OVPAA) organized a symposium to disseminate the results of 18 OVPAA-supported projects. The tradition continues this year with the 2015 OVPAA Research Symposium scheduled for November 12 and 13 at the Intel Center for Science Auditorium of the National Institute of Physics, UP Diliman. Proof to the energetic research environment in UP are the 57 plenary and parallel presentations, 20 of them on new projects, that had been lined up for the annual gathering. These projects are funded by the Emerging Interdisciplinary Research Program and the Balik PhD Program of […]

Singular rights-based approaches and monocentric institutions will not solve water conflicts

A complex layer of rights, players and interests characterize water laws in the Philippines. To the Last Drop: The Political Economy of Philippine Water Policy traced the dramatic changes in water laws in the Philippines, from the Marcos dictatorship to post-democratic transition: the inclusion of watershed, pollution and health concerns in policy; decentralization; openness to market solutions; state withdrawal from intervention to regulatory mode; more competition from private businesses in water sourcing and distribution; and adapting market benchmarks for the performance of water districts. But University of the Philippines researchers Rosalie Hall, Joy Lizada, Maria Helen Dayo, Corazon Abansi, Myra David and Agnes […]

IPA Recipients for September 2015

IPA Recipients for September 2015

Bea Clarisse B. Garcia, Ma. Angela Z. Dimasupil, Pierangeli G. Vital and Windell L. Rivera Institute of Biology Natural Sciences Research Institute College of Science UP Diliman Fecal Contamination in Irrigation Water and Microbial Quality of Vegetable Primary Production in Urban Farms of Metro Manila, Philippines. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B, 50 (10): 734-743 2015.  Catchy title of research: Contaminated surface water is used for the irrigation of fresh produce in farms of Metro Manila. Food contamination causes diarrhea and other diseases, especially to children, elderly and immunocompromised people. These diseases are caused by harmful bacteria that can be […]

Local government units can now identify exactly which activities contribute to carbon emission and carbon reduction

Local government units can now identify exactly which activities contribute to carbon emission and carbon reduction

Although the total greenhouse gas (GHG) emission of the Philippines represents only less than 0.5 percent of emissions worldwide, the country continues to implement policies, mechanisms and programs to keep its emissions in check. But two criticisms have been leveled against Philippine-prepared plans. The first is that there are no specific targets for lowering GHG emissions within a given time frame. The second is the absence of a baseline data against which the impact of action plans can be evaluated. To resolve these gaps, the group of Professor David Leonides Yap of the UP Diliman School of Urban and Regional Planning (SURP), Professor Toshiaki Ichinose of the Graduate […]