14 new titles to be launched by the UP Press

Fourteen books will be formally introduced to the public by the University of the Philippines Press (UP Press) in its forthcoming “Paglulunsad” on 27 May 2016 at Balay Kalinaw, UP Diliman. These include the selected works of National Artists Cirilo F. Bautista and F. Sionil Jose, whose earlier books had also been published by the UP Press, as well as other collections and literary pieces from some of our seasoned essayists, poets and fictionists. The third installment of Science Philippines, a compilation of essays edited by Vice President for Academic Affairs Gisela P. Concepcion, will also be launched. Volume II of Science Philippines bagged the Best Book on […]

RDG Conference Report of Anna Marie P. Talam

Write up about the Conference The theme of the conference was “Creating Sustainable Business Value –  Embedding Sustainable Practices Into Strategies”.  Its aim was to foster research relations between the academic and industry by bringing decision makers from the private and public sector to discuss the opportunities, the best practices and latest research in management and business innovation which are crucial for business sustainability.  Hosted by Asia Pacific International Academy, a wholly owned subsidiary of Aventis School of Management, there were 26 authors coming from different countries who participated in the conference.   Feedback on paper presented *  The topic […]

RDG Conference Report of Virgilio P. Sison

Write up about the Conference The International Zürich Seminar on Communications (IZS) is a biennial conference with technical presentations in the broad area of telecommunications. It serves as an opportunity to learn from and to communicate with leading experts in the areas of in formation theory, coding theory and signal processing. The other specific topics covered are Shannon Theory, cryptography, wireless communications, and network coding. As in 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, and 2012, roughly half of the presentations are delivered by external session organizers. No parallel sessions are anticipated,and all papers are presented with a wide audience in mind. The […]

RDG Conference Report of Eileen Kai. A. Relao

Write up about the Conference Attending the Asian Conference on Sustainability, Energy and the Environment form June 12 to 15 gave me the chance to join a prestigious global academic community. There were more that 350 participants (oral presenters and poster presenters) gathered from different institutions across the globe whose research interests covered a wide variety of research areas. Watching a number of presentations made by various speakers, I was able to listen to interesting and up-to- date research works, engage in scholarly discussions, raise questions and obtain answers which led to further queries. In the conference, presentations tackling certain […]

IPA Recipients for May 2016

Fig. 1. 
Method of indentation. (A) three sizes of cylindrical indenter, each with a hemispherical tip, (B) indenter set up, showing the largest probe pressed onto a noodle sheet supported by a glass slide, (C) typical results for a 10 s loading ramp to

Lilia S. Collado Food Science Cluster College of Agriculture UP Los Baños Indentation as a Potential Mechanical Test for Textural Noodle Quality. Journal of Food Engineering, 177: 42–49, May 2016.  Catchy title of research: A reliable mechanical test for noodle texture is being developed. It is possible to use mechanical tests  like indentation to assess texture suitability of raw materials such as sweet potato, mung bean, rice, sorghum starches, wheat, buckwheat, millet and semolina flours for specific end use such as noodles. Based on consistent data gathered it has potential as a reliable texture quality indicator alongside subjective methods like sensory […]

RDG Conference Report of Lourdes M. Portus

Write up about the Conference The 2014 APRU Global Health Workshop was well attended by representatives from about 22 member-countries of the Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU). The conference consisted of a pre-conference workshop, a keynote speech, four working groups, three special plenary presentations and ten concurrent panel presentations. There were more than 300 participants from around 20 countries. There were around 10 Filipino delegates coming from UP (Diliman, Manila and Open U), St. Louis University in Baguio, Cavite State University and University of The East. A competition for student poster presentations was mounted and adjudged prior to the […]

International Publication Award

International Publication Award

Download the revised guidelines and forms. Click here to submit your application. See the IPA awardees and read the popular version of their articles. IPA Awardees 2012 IPA Awardees 2013 IPA Awardees 2014 IPA Awardees 2015 IPA Awardees 2016 IPA Awardees 2017 IPA Awardees 2018 IPA Awardees 2019 IPA Awardees 2020

RDG Conference Report of Sonia M. Pascua

Write up about the Conference As observe the conference was a delegation of mostly PhD’s in the field of IT education where studies and research were categorically of cutting edge instructional technology  research and with realistic integration application. Most of the paper presentations in the conference talked about pedagogy in IT teacher education. Some of them are Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) teacher induction and professional support, technology-integrated classroom and the pre-service involve among teachers, assistive technology, media booking and 3D  printing, teaching technology engaging  students through 21st century learning, technological, pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK) and a lot […]

RDG Conference Report of Kristyl .N Obispado

Write up about the Conference El Colegio de Michoacán, A.C. and the University of Guadalajara organized this international conference in commemoration of the 450th anniversary of Legazpi and Urdaneta’s expedition in 1964. This expedition paved way for the galleon trade and constituted a landmark in the long relationship between the Philippines and Mexico. Starting in 1964, a series of celebrations has been organized to celebrate “The Year of Mexican-Philippines Friendship”. In line with this, this conference aimed to highlight material and cultural exchanges between Mexico and the Philippines, both in the past and present. It brought together eighteen scholars from […]

UP Knowledge Festival to showcase innovations in research and creative fields

From 17 to 19 April 2016, the University of the Philippines will showcase the outputs of its top scientists and artists in the areas of food production, health, climate change, energy, technology, education and more. Billed UP Knowledge Festival: Utak at Puso para sa Bayan, the three-day event will be held at the Taal Vista Hotel in Tagaytay City as part of the University’s efforts to increase scientific literacy and artistic awareness in the country.  “We want people to see that what UP has been doing inside the laboratories, in field researches and creative works are timely, relevant and beneficial […]