IPA Recipients for October 2016

IPA Recipients for October 2016

Jose Ernie C. Lope and Mark Philip F. Ona Institute of Mathematics College of Science UP Diliman Holomorphic and Gevrey Solutions of a Singular Integro-Differential Equation. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1707: 040001, 7 pages, 11 February 2016. Finding solutions to differential equations is an important problem in applied and also theoretical mathematics. In this research, we study an integro- differential equation and show that it has a power series solution. The said equation arose from investigations in differential geometry. We will use a fixed point argument and a family of functions to show that the equation has unique and convergent series solution. […]

UP Manila prof is world’s most prolific editor

UP Manila prof is world's most prolific editor

Dr. Jose Florencio Lapeña, Jr. of UP Manila is the world’s busiest editor. This was according to Publons, the UK company behind the inaugural Sentinel of Science awards. Lapeña received the award for handling the highest number of manuscripts across all the world’s journals. As this year’s top contributing editor, he will get $100 cash and a $200 credit with Wiley.  Publon created the awards to “honour the expert peer reviewers and editors who stand guard over research quality, and lead the charge for better, faster science.”  Lapeña, who is a professor of otorhinolaryngology at UP Manila, an attending otolaryngologist, aerodigestive tract, and cleft and craniofacial plastic surgeon at the […]

Latest invention disclosure awardees come from UP Visayas

Latest invention disclosure awardees come from UP Visayas

Two faculty members from the UP Visayas recently qualified for the Invention Disclosure Incentive, a monetary award launched last year to enlarge and enhance the University’s intellectual property portfolio. At the Invention Disclosure Clinic held on 7 September 2016 in UP Visayas, Prof. Ernestina Peralta reported her research on producing oyster powder while Prof. Ernesto del Rosario described his work on the fish feeder, both by means of confidential forms. Their works were chosen by the Executive Committee of the UP System Technology Transfer and Business Development Office (TTBDO) for their inventiveness, industrial application and commercial potential. Under the incentive, each invention will receive 40,000 pesos to be released in two […]

UP Cebu Phil-LiDAR 2 turns over detailed resource maps to Negros Occidental

UP Cebu Phil-LiDAR 2 turns over detailed resource maps to Negros Occidental

The 28 resource maps produced by the UP Cebu Phil-LiDAR 2 project have been handed to the local government units of Negros Occidental on 17 August 2016.  They show in detail the agricultural and coastal resources of the province. UP Cebu Phil-LiDAR 2, headed by Dr. Judith Silapan, associate professor of biology, with Brisneve Edullantes as assistant project leader, is part of the bigger Phil-LiDAR 2 project which seeks to use LiDAR data to ensure that the ongoing programs of government agencies complement each other. Formerly called the Nationwide Detailed Resources Assessment Using LiDAR, it is directed by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) and composed of various projects […]

Prof. Butch Dalisay: We need a new cultural revolution to know what it means to be a Filipino in this globalized world

UNDERSTANDING THE PHILIPPINES Dr. Jose Dalisay Jr. 14th APRU Senior Staff Meeting 7 September 2016 Good morning, and a very pleasant welcome to all of you to the Philippines and to this historic island of Mactan, the site of a fateful (and, for some adventurers such as Ferdinand Magellan) a fatal encounter between East and West nearly 600 years ago. I’ve been given the formidable assignment of helping you understand the Philippines today—something that I’m not entirely certain I do, myself. I could give you the safe Wikipedia version of contemporary Philippine history and politics, or alternatively the even safer […]

President Pascual: “Our outlook must become global while continuing to address local concerns”

14th Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU) Senior Staff Meeting 7-9 September 2016, Crimson Hotel, Mactan Island, Cebu Welcome & Opening Address: The Internationalization of Higher Education in the Asia-Pacific Alfredo E. Pascual President, University of the Philippines   Good morning to you all! It is my honor and pleasure to welcome you to the 14th Senior Staff Meeting of the Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU), here on the historic island of Mactan, Province of Cebu. It is here in Mactan where Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan fell in battle in 1521 against the warriors of the island, led by […]

IPA Recipients for September 2016

IPA Recipients for September 2016

Anna Lena Lopez Institute of Child Health and Human Development National Institutes of Health UP Manila Evaluation in Cameroon of a Novel, Simplified Methodology to Assist Molecular Microbiological Analysis of V. cholerae in Resource-Limited Settings. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 10 (3): e0004573, 14 pages, 21 March 2016. Catchy title of research: Use of a simplified methodology for molecular analysis of Vibrio cholera in developing countries Laboratory confirmation and sample preservation in areas where cholera is a problem is difficult. To improve the ability to identify cholera and understand its epidemiology, we used simplified collection methodologies to facilitate timely molecular characterization of […]

SC decision on Bt eggplant brings ‘rays of hope’ to UP scientists, agri stakeholders

SC decision on Bt eggplant brings ‘rays of hope’ to UP scientists, agri stakeholders

According to UP Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA) Gisela P. Concepcion, the recent decision of the Philippine Supreme Court to dismiss the Petition for Writ of Continuing Mandamus and Writ of Kalikasan with Prayer for Issuance of a Temporary Environmental Protection Order (TEPO) that first stopped the field testing of Bt eggplant in 2013 brought “rays of hope” to UP researchers, as well as to stakeholders in the feed miller and livestock/poultry industries. Concepcion stated in an interview that the Supreme Court’s reversal of its December 2015 decision to deny petitions to dismiss the 2013 ruling of the Court […]

Fiction and public science education

Fiction and public science education

Dennis Posadas is a technical consultant for clean energy projects and author of Leap: A Sustainability Fable (Singapore: Pearson, 2015). His previous books include Greenergized (UK: Greenleaf, 2013), Jump Start: A Technopreneurship Fable (Singapore: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2009) and Rice & Chips: Technopreneurship and Innovation in Asia (Singapore: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007).   His latest novella on biomass energy, Santander’s Revenge, hit number one early this month on in the green business (Kindle ebook) category. Santander’s Revenge is a business mystery-adventure short novel that discusses some of the real challenges faced by businesses as they try to adopt low carbon and renewable energy strategic […]

Water distribution in Cordillera highlands “embedded in culture”

An article on how economic activities in water distribution and exchange are embedded in the culture of indigenous communities in the Cordillera highlands of Northern Luzon appeared in the August 2016 issue of the journal Asia Pacific Viewpoint.  Written by researchers from the Institute of Management in UP Baguio, it presented some of the findings of Towards Good Water Governance for Development: A Multi-Case Analysis. The program, which is now in its fourth and last year of implementation, was funded using UP’s Emerging Interdisciplinary Research (EIDR) grant. The cases of three communities “suggest that water distribution and exchange are embedded in the community’s socio-cultural spaces, but the extent of […]