Gilbert R. Peralta Department of Mathematics and Computer Science College of Science UP Baguio Analysis of a Nonlinear Fluid-Structure Interaction Model with Mechanical Dissipation and Delay, Nonlinearity, 32: 5110-5149, 2019 The interaction between a solid and a fluid has been studied extensively in the past decades. Applications typically arise in several engineering designs and blood flow models. The research takes into account a model where there is a delay in the feedback control on the structural component. This entails that there is a time-lag for the control to be effective. It is known that delays can lead to instability. Nevertheless, the […]
IPA Recipients for November 2019

Benny Marie B. Ensano1, Mark Daniel G. de Luna1, Kim Katrina P. Rivera1, Sheila Mae B. Pingul-Ong2, Dennis C. Ong2 1Environmental Engineering Program, College of Engineering (UP Diliman) 2School of Technology (UP Visayas) Optimization, Isotherm, and Kinetic Studies of Diclofenac Removal from Aqueous Solutions by Fe-Mn Binary Oxide Adsorbents, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26: 32407–32419, 2019 This study focused on the removal of diclofenac (DCF), a widely used non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, from aqueous solution using Fe–Mn binary oxide (FMBO) adsorbents. The selected FMBO combination takes advantage of the superior adsorption ability of iron (III) oxide and the excellent oxidation potential […]
IPA Recipients for October 2019

Karlo de leon1, Michael Francis Ian G. Vega II1 1National Institute of Physics, College of Science (UP Diliman) Weak Gravitational Deflection by Two-power-law Densities Using the Gauss-Bonnet Theorem, Physical Review D, 99 (12): 124007, 2019 Light rays bend around galaxies. In general relativity, the presence of mass curves spacetime, and this curvature bends light. Every galaxy then, depending on how mass is arranged inside it, has its own signature on how it deflects light. This allows us to “see” how mass may be distributed in a galaxy just by looking at how it deflects light around it. Knowing this is important […]
IPA Recipients for March 2020

Margaret M. Calderon Institute of Renewable Natural Resources College of Forestry and Natural Resources UP Los Baños The Effects of Petroleum Product Price Regulation on Macroeconomic Stability in China, Energy Policy, 132: 96-105, 2019 Petroleum products are important to all countries – various sectors of society have become dependent on these products for all kinds of economic activities. The growing scarcity of fossil fuel has resulted in increasing petroleum product prices (PPP), and countries closely monitor fluctuations in world crudeoil prices (WCOP), especially when there are world oil price shocks. China is no different, and it has undertaken measures to regulate […]
IPA Recipients 2020 Archives
January 2020 February 2020 March 2020 April 2020 May 2020 June 2020 July 2020 August 2020 September 2020 October 2020 November 2020 December 2020
IPA Recipients for September 2019

Remil L. Galay Department of Veterinary Paraclinical Sciences College of Veterinary Medicine UP Los Baños Induction of Intracellular Ferritin Expression in Embryo-derived Ixodes Scapularis Cell Line (ISE6), Scientific Reports, 8 (1): 16566, 2018. https://doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-34860-3 Ticks are obligate blood-sucking parasites of humans and animals that also transmit various diseases. Due to their feeding habit, ticks are exposed to large amount of iron. Iron is an essential trace mineral, but it is toxic in large amounts. Hence, iron metabolism is crucial in tick survival. Ferritin and iron-regulatory protein (IRP) are among the molecules involved in iron metabolism. This study investigated the induction […]
7th Interdisciplinary Book Forum features analysis of Spanish colonial baybayin documents

LIKHAAN: The UP Institute of Creative Writing will be holding the seventh installment of the Interdisciplinary Book Forum (IBF) on 17 October 2019, from 10:00 to 11:30, at the CAL AVR (1209-1210) in Palma Hall Pavilion 1, UP Diliman. The book-in-focus for this iteration is 3 Baybayin Studies. This book by Ramon Guillermo, Myfel Joseph D. Paluga, Maricor Soriano, and Vernon Totanes presents some of the most scientific and rigorous analyses of the most important Spanish colonial baybayin documents that have been found. Now that the symbolic value of our archipelago’s ancient aksary has found renewed political currency, the time has […]
Forms for UP Scientific Productivity System
Call for Applications (CY 2022): OVPAA Memorandum 2022-122: Call for New and Renewal Applications for the Scientific Productivity System (SPS) Batch 2022-2024. The deadline for submission by the CUs to OVPAA is on 30 September 2022. Application Forms (CY 2022): UP SPS Application Form 1.0 – New Applications and Renewal (CY 2022) (DOC) UP SPS Application Form 1.0 – New Applications and Renewal (CY 2022) (PDF) Guidelines: Revised Eligibility Requirements for the UP Scientific Productivity System Revised Evaluation Procedure for the UP Scientific Productivity System and the UP Arts Productivity System UP SPS System version 3-31-06 UP SPS Annex 1 […]
IPA Recipients for August 2019

Aileen A. Jara1, Ramon A. Razal1, Veronica P. Migo2, Menandro N. Acda1, Margaret M. Calderon3 and Leonardo M. Florece4 1Department of Forest Products and Paper Science, College of Agriculture and Food Science 2Department of Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology 3Institute of Renewable Natural Resources, College of Agriculture and Food Science 4School of Environmental Science and Management, College of Agriculture and Food Science UP Los Baños Chemical Composition of Bambusa vulgaris Shoots as Influenced by Harvesting Time and Height, Philippine Journal of Crop Science (PJCS), December 2018, 43 (3):1-9 Bamboo shoots are available as potential raw materials for […]
UP breaks into top 500 in world rankings

London-based magazine Times Higher Education (THE) has placed the University of the Philippines in the world’s top 500 universities, according to the 2020 THE World University Rankings. The national university is listed in the 401-500 group of 1,396 ranked research universities. This is UP’s fourth year in the rankings. It was included for the first time in 2017 among the top 1,000. The succeeding rankings showed marked improvement for UP as it climbed to the top 800 in the 2018 edition and to the top 600 for 2019. THE assesses research-intensive universities based on 13 performance indicators in five areas: […]