Preserving Philippine ethno-epics

Preserving Philippine ethno-epics

The Philippines is fast losing its chance to read and learn the orally transmitted folk literature of the Mandaya people of the Davao provinces in Mindanao, the second largest island in the country. Every year, the number of magdadawot (bards) who can chant the Mandaya dawot (epic poems) and old bayok (spontaneous poems), or recite the uman-uman and hullubaton (stories or historical narratives), tutukanon (riddles), and proverbs and sayings is fast diminishing. The language used in these oral traditions is archaic Mandaya, no longer spoken or clearly understood by the present generation. The few who are gifted and skilled to […]

Over 60 research projects in science, arts, humanities to be presented at system-wide symposium

Over 60 research projects in science, arts, humanities to be presented at system-wide symposium

The Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs (OVPAA) will be holding the 2017 UP OVPAA Research Symposium on 20-21 November 2017 at the National Institute of Physics, UP Diliman. The event will feature projects being funded by the UP through the Emerging Interdisciplinary Research (EIDR) Program and the Balik PhD Recruitment Program. Thirty-four oral presentations and 29 poster presentations will be given by past and present EIDR and Balik PhD grantees. The EIDR was established by UP to strengthen the culture of research in the University. It funds innovative, interdisciplinary and inter-CU research that generates fundamentally new knowledge […]

UP remains No. 1 university in PH despite drop in regional rankings

UP remains No. 1 university in PH despite drop in regional rankings

UP is still the leading university in the Philippines despite falling five notches in the new Asian University Rankings released by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) in October. From No. 70 in 2016 and 2017, it is now No. 75, with an accumulated score of 57.3. The national university received high points for employer reputation, followed by academic reputation and faculty-student ratio. Employer and academic reputation are measured by means of global surveys. Lower scores, however, were given to UP in research and internationalization metrics, particularly in citations for paper, outbound student exchange and inbound student exchange. Over 400 universities around Asia […]

IPA Recipients for November 2017

Meranoplus malaysianus, a new species record for the Philippines.

David Emmanuel M. General Museum of Natural History UP Los Baños First Global Molecular Phylogeny and Biogeographical Analysis of Two Arachnid Orders (Schizomida and Uropygi) Supports a Tropical Pangean Origin and Mid-Cretaceous Diversification. Journal of Biogeography, 44 (11): 2660–2672, November 2017. Mount Hamiguitan, in Davao Oriental, is famous for a large (~225 has.) pygmy forest and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.  We sampled ants in four zones (elevations in brackets): 1) near the Research Center [400 meters above sea level (masl)]; 2) established trail to Camp 4 [no fixed elevation]; 3) Camp 4 [940 masl], a semi-permanent campsite for researchers […]

IPA Recipients for October 2017

IPA Recipients for October 2017

Ralph John de la Cruz and Agnes Paras Institute of Mathematics College of Science UP Diliman Skew ϕ Polar Decompositions. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 531: 129-140, 15 October 2017. We determine when can we factor out a matrix A as a product of an orthogonal and a skew symmetric matrix, or as a product of a symplectic and a Hamiltonian matrix. Link to the article: Impact Factor: (2016/2017) 0.973 ________________________________________ Christian Joseph R. Cumagun Institute of Weed Science, Entomology and Plant Pathology College of Agriculture and Food Science UP Los Baños Evolution of the Wheat Blast Fungus through Functional Losses in […]


Guidelines on Enhanced Creative Work and Research Grant Forms 5.1 and 5.2 (Application form) Form 3.0 (Full proposal form and guidelines) Form 4.0 (Instructions for progress reports and final reports)

IPA Recipients for September 2017

IPA Recipients for September 2017

Carl Abelardo T. Antonio and Emerito Jose Faraon Department of Health Policy and Administration College of Public Health UP Manila Smoking Prevalence and Attributable Disease Burden in 195 Countries and Territories, 1990–2015: A Systematic Analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. The Lancet, 389 (10082): 1885-1906, 13–19 May 2017. Catchy title of research: Nearly 1 billion people still smoke daily Despite strong declines in the rate of tobacco smoking over the past 25 years, one out of every four men still smoke daily, as do one out of every 20 women. The prevalence of daily smoking declined on a […]

UP biodiversity educator honored for connecting theory and community engagement

UP biodiversity educator honored for connecting theory and community engagement

Dr Aimee Lynn Dupo, an associate professor at the Institute of Biological Sciences of UP Los Banos, is one of Bato Balani Foundation’s The Many Faces of the Teacher 2017 honorees.  The award is given to educators who “solve real community issues and turn theory to practice.” Dupo was recognized for her work that “enriches the perspective about the country’s biodiversity.” An entomologist, she conducts biodiversity training for hobbyists, students and faculty and leads seminars for communities to learn about beekeeping, pollinator studies and livelihood programs using honey. The Many Faces of the Teacher is part of the campaign of Bato Balani Foundation Inc. […]

The impact of an outpatient primary care system on health care delivery in UP Diliman

The impact of an outpatient primary care system on health care delivery in UP Diliman

Health outcomes and access to health services in the Philippines are characterized by a persistent disadvantage for the underprivileged. Central funding of primary care services in all localities and for all patient income groups may begin to address this situation.

Political, economic and historical factors push out-migration of Filipino health workers

Political, economic and historical factors push out-migration of Filipino health workers

The migration of highly skilled health professionals from developing to developed nations has increased dramatically in the last 10 years in response to a range of social, economic and political factors.