The Technology Transfer and Business Development Office (TTBDO) of UP Manila, in partnership with the National Telehealth Center (NTHC), hosted the web-based seminar “Practical Tips for Doctors and Students for Creating a Mobile Health/Telemedicine Startup“ on 9 May 2017 with Dr. Milton Chen as resource person.
The webinar had 27 virtual participants as well as a live interactive session with the staff of the TTBDO and the NTHC.

Dr. Chen addressing the audience from the UP Manila TTBDO and NTHC (Photo by UP Manila TTBDO)
Chen is affiliated with two digital health companies, VSee and This American Doc, which he co-founded without any business experience.
During the seminar, he stressed the importance of training one’s team on interaction design and of focusing on provider engagement such as incentives for doctor-users.
Another secret to a successful mobile health and telemedicine startup, according to Chen, is the habit of micro-learning–“breaking patterns and surrounding oneself with learners.” He encouraged the attendees to “aim for boredom” as “boredom creates spaces for new ideas.”
Also crucial to the entrepreneurial venture, Chen added, is learning sales as a craft and good leadership.
The UP Manila TTBDO is the technology transfer and intellectual property commercialization and enterprise management office of UP Manila while the NTHC is a research institution under UP Manila’s National Institutes of Health that develops information and communication technology tools for health.
View the recording of the webinar here.
(Article by the National Telehealth Center. Edited by ARM)