The workshop will take place on 24-28 July 2018 at the University Hotel in UP Diliman and will be facilitated by a panel of established LGBTQ poets led by Prof. Romulo Baquiran, Jr. of UP Diliman and Prof. Nerisa del Carmen Guevara of the University of Santo Tomas. Prof. J. Neil C. Garcia, project coordinator of the Philippine component of GlobalGRACE, will also be in the panel.

Submissions are now being accepted from Filipino LGBTQ poets, 18 to 40 years old, writing in any Philippine language. Submissions that are not originally written in English or Filipino must be accompanied by a translation into either language. Each submission should consist of a suite of 6 to 8 poems. There are no thematic requirements.

Submissions must be emailed along with a cover letter (that also attests to the works’ originality) to Prof. Francis Paolo Quina at [email protected].

The deadline for submissions is 15 May 2018.

Ten fellows will be selected.

This poetry workshop will be the first in an annual series of LGBTQ creative writing workshops that will be an affiliate activity of Likhaan: UP Institute of Creative Writing. Succeeding workshops will be devoted to the writing of LGBTQ fiction, creative nonfiction and drama. 

For more information, visit the Panitikan website.