The 2015 National Book Development Trust Fund Grant

The National Book Development Board (NBDB), the government agency mandated to develop and support the Philippine book publishing industry, has recently launched a call for applications for the National Book Development Trust Fund Grant for 2015.

Authors and organizations are invited to submit at least 25 percent of their manuscripts or research works for books. The chosen works will receive a grant of P200,000.00 each.

Manuscripts or research works for books should be on any of the following subjects:

1. local history and culture (written in Filipino, English, or any Philippine language)
2. traditional medicine, integrative medicine or tropical medicine
3. food science and technology, organic agriculture, sustainable agriculture, or agritourism
4. popular science

Deadline for submissions is on May 31, 2015.

Questions may be sent to For more information and to download the forms, please visit the NBDB website.