System-wide conference for research, extension and professional staff

Around 400 members of the research, extension and professional staff (REPS) from the University’s different constituent universities are at the UP System-wide REPS Conference 2018 to review the contributions of REPS to UP’s vision and mission, and discuss the issues and concerns of the REPS as a sector.

The conference, which will be held until tomorrow 19th October, includes three plenary discussions and two workshops on the contributions, representation and career path of researchers, extension specialists, librarians and guidance service specialists.

The participants were welcomed by UP Diliman chancellor Michael Tan. During the opening program, Staff Regent Analiza Fulvadora and All-UP Academic Employees Union national president Carl Marc Ramota expressed the need for the REPS to take part in university governance while Faculty Regent Patricia Arinto explained that one of the goals of the conference was to reach a consensus on proposals that would benefit the REPS.

In his message, President Danilo L. Concepcion underscored the importance of the REPS to knowledge generation. He specifically noted the enhanced research output coming from the REPS sector as indicated by the increases in the number of publications and research grants involving REPS in recent years. His message was read by Vice President for Academic Affairs Maria Cynthia Rose Banzon Bautista

The conference is the second system-wide gathering of REPS, following the two-day REPS general assembly held in November 2013. It is organized by the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

UP officials and REPS at the system-wide conference (Photo by Bong Arboleda, UP MPRO)