Write up about the Conference
BOTANY 2014: New Frontiers in Botany was a large assembly of scientists of various botanical specializations from wide range of countries. The conference consists of plenary lectures, symposia, workshops and exhibits. The meeting was a great opportunity to share ideas and build collaborations.
Feedback on paper presented
My presentations covered the recircumscription of Begonia section Baryandra (Begoniaceae), utilizing molecular data. Not only were the audience interested in our research but they were greatly impressed by the large number of Philippine endemic begonias located at the pristine forests of mountains from Batanes to Basilan.
Future directions of research presented
The conference was an opportunity to meet my collaborators, we discussed the papers that we have to submit and the tasks that we each have to finish. There are several papers on new species of Philippine Begonia that we have to finish and publish.
Potential foreign collaborators
Majority of my research partners doing studies in Begonia are from Asia and Europe, the conference gave me that opportunity to meet other scientists from USA and other countries. After my talk, there were several botanists who approached me and are interested on doing research on Philippine flora.
Other important contacts and insights
Together with Dr. Brent H. Mishler and Dr. Benito C. Tan of University of California Berkeley we submitted a research proposal entitled “A Survey of Herbaceous Plant Biodiversity at Selected Limestone and Ultramafic Formations in the Philippine Archipelago.” The proposal was submitted to the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Partnership for Enhanced Engagement in Research (PEER) Science Program. Before proceeding to Botany 2014 Conference ar Boise, Idaho, these collaborators invited me to UC Berkeley and discussed further our project.
Short write-up of one’s participation (to be used to feature/publicize the grantee’s participation in the conference)
As a participant to the “BOTANY 2014: New Frontiers in Botany Conference,” I shared to the world the Philippine Begonia specifically our research on the recircumscription of Begonia section Baryandra (Begoniaceae), utilizing molecular data. My botanical knowledge was enriched by the talks that I attended. The topics range from systematics to biogeography, phylogenetics, molecular ecology, ecological physiology, paleobotany, etc. My network was widened by the scientists who are interested in doing research on Philippines flora. Together with my collaborators we renewd our commitment to produced more publications on Begonia.