RDG Conference Report of Ma. Doreen E. Candelaria

Write up about the Conference

The International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management is an annual conference where researchers, educators, government officials, consultants, managers, community leaders and others meet to present and discuss topics related to all aspects of solid waste technology and management.

The 29th International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management was held in Philadelphia, PA last March 30 to April 2, 2014.

A professional education short course on natural gases was held on the first day of the conference. The next two days were research presentations from professionals and educators from around 40 countries. The conference concluded with a technical tour on the 4th day in a landfill and in a food compost facility in Cherry Island in Delaware.

Feedback on paper presented

The research is mainly about using a type of fly ash as an additional material for CLSM. Some of the audience commended the research for its effort to recycle the industrial wastes from coal power plants. However, the study only investigated one type of fly ash from the industrial wastes. Some of the audience recommended/suggested to investigate also other types of fly ash from power plants.

Future directions of research presented

As what was recommended from the conference, the research will aim to include other types of fly ash from coal power plants. Moreover, more curing times will be added for the experiments since the investigation was only done until the 28th curing day.

Potential foreign collaborators

There are only 6 other researchers from the conference who did a research on fly ash. I only met one of them, who is from China, since the other 4 researchers belong in a different session and I was not able to watch their presentations. Though my research and the study from Beifang University of Nationalities in China both involve fly ash, the one from China focused on glass production using fly ash. However, collaboration is possible because both are dealing with the recycling of fly ash.

Other important contacts and insights

Ronald L. Mersky
Associate Professor & Director of Outreach and Recruitment
B.S., M.S., Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania
P.E., Pennsylvania
tel: 610-499-1146
[email protected]

Dr. Raul Oliveira Neto
Professor, Mining Eng., MSc, PhD
Universidade Federal de Pampa
[email protected]

Mr. Jason M. Munyan, P.E., BCEE
Senior Facility Manager
Delaware Solid Waste Authority
[email protected]

Short write-up of one’s participation (to be used to feature/publicize the grantee’s participation in the conference)

The conference was a 4-day event in Philadelphia, PA. It was held last March 30 to April 2, 2014.
A professional education short course on natural gases was held on the first day of the conference. The second and third day were allotted for paper (oral) and poster presentations. There are 8 sessions for presentations and 2 poster sessions in the conference. Each session for paper presentation has sub-sessions. The first 4 sessions were held on March 31 while the last 4 sessions were held the next day. My paper was among those that were presented on March 31. It was under Session 3C, the Industrial Wastes topic. While waiting for my presentation, I listened to other presentations from other topics like Construction Demolition Wastes, Recycling, and Landfill.

The conference concluded with a technical tour of your choice on the 4th day of the conference. There are two technical tours to choose from: Environmental Landfill and Composting or Recycling, Energy Recovery and Transfer. I, together with three other presenters from the University of the Philippines, chose to join the Environmental Landfill and Composting tour. We went to a landfill and in a food compost facility in Cherry Island in Delaware.