Write up about the Conference
The Asian Computational Fluid Dynamic Conference (ACFD) was first held in Hong Kong in 1996, with the intention of encouraging scientific and technical cooperation in CFD field among the Asian Countries. Since then, the conference has been held every two years not only to create a professional environment for the scientific and technical communications, but also to promote the friendship between the members and participants. The ACFD conference were held in Japan (1998), India (2000), China (2002), Korea (2004), Taiwan (2006), India (2008), Hong Kong (2010) and China (2012). The 10th gathering of ACFD will be held at the Jeju Grand Hotel, in Jeju, Korea, from October 19th to 23rd, 2014.
This ACFD aims to provide an international forum for presenting the latest achievements, exchanging innovative ideas and sharing the cutting edge aspects of the theories, analyses and applications about the computational methods in theoretical and engineering fluid and thermal science. The 10th ACFD includes several invited keynote lectures to be presented by distinguished scientists from across the globe. In addition, there are a few invited lectured and a large number of parallel technical sessions over the conference period, in which the researchers and participants from academia, research institutes and industries will share their valuable scholarly ideas and disseminate their up-to-date information, which in fact creates a priceless scientific foundation for the young scholars.
I hope as the 10th ACFD provides a highly professional environment, the esteemed guests and participants also enjoy the gorgeous nature and rich culture of Jeju Island.
Feedback on paper presented
The session on CFD Algorithm in which our paper was included went well. A German professor was interested on how to obtain the periodic solution in plane Couette flow. I explained to him the method which we used to obtain the periodic solution and I also sent him the information of the paper* by Dr. Shigeo Kida and my collaborator Dr. Genta Kawahara so that he can read more about it. Most of the questions I received during the presentation centered on the visualization of flow dynamics. I forgot to include them in my slides so I described to the audience what the flow structures and flow dynamics are.
*G. Kawahara and S.Kida, Periodic motion enbedded in plane Couette turbulence: regeneration cycle and burst, J. Fluid Mech., 449, 291-300, 2001.
Future directions of research presented
Our research group is currently working about the role of homoclinic orbits which we found in minimal plane Couette flow as a route to transition to chaos. Our group is still performing numerical experiments to gather more data to be able to write journal about a picture of the global bifurcation theory in transition to turbulence.
Potential foreign collaborators
This research is a collaboration with Dr. Genta Kawahara, my master’s thesis adviser , and Dr. Masaki Shimizu of Osaka University (Osaka, Japan) as well as Dr. Lennaert van Veen of University of Ontario Institute of Technology (Ontario, Canada).
Other important contacts and insights
I had exchanged cards with Dr. Bernd Rummler, a Mathematics faculty of Otto-Von-Guericke University Magdeburg in Germany, and Dr. Jaw-Yen Yang, a distinguished professor of National Taiwan University in Taiwan. Dr. Rummler was the one who asked me about periodic solution in plane Couette flow. Dr. Yang was one of the persons who asked a question during my presentation. I me the two when I attended the 9th ACFD in Nanjing, China two years ago. I learned a lot about computational methods in fluid dynamics though their presentation and my interaction with them.
Short write-up of one’s participation (to be used to feature/publicize the grantee’s participation in the conference)
It was the second time I attended the Asian Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference. The first time was in Nanjing, China in 2012, and this year in Jeju, South Korea, I was the session chair of CFD Algorithm in which our paper was included. I presented the result of my research collaboration with Dr. Genta Kawahara, my master’s thesis adviser, and Dr. Masaki Shimizu of Osaka University (Osaka, Japan) as well as Dr. Lennaert van Veen of University of Ontario Institute of Technology (Ontario, Canada). Our group is doing a numerical study on transition to turbulence in plane Couette flow, borrowing concepts from dynamical systems.
We had a technical tour in a renewable energy corporation’s museum. About 20% of the electrical needs of the island are supplied by solar cells and wind turbines and other renewable energy resources. After that, we visited a museum of local women divers where Jeju is famous for. We were treated with a traditional dance of Jeju during the banquet later that evening.