RDG Conference Report of Jerico B. Bacani

Write up about the Conference

The International Conference on Mathematics and Computing (ICMC) 2013 was the very first international conference in mathematics and computing that was organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering of Haldia Institute of Technology (HIT) in West Bengal, India. This conference in mathematics was initiated when the institution had a successful international conference named as InfoSecHiComNet 2011, happened in October 2011. The ICMC 2013 was held on December 26-29, 2013, wherein the main objective of the of the organizers was to attract mathematicians and computer scientist all over the world to present recent advances and new research result in the fields of Mathematics, Statistics and Scientific Computing. 81 papers were submitted and underwent peer review process but only 23 scientific papers were accepted for presentation in the conference, and eventually accepted for publication in Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics. Fortunately, the paper that I submitted was one of the accepted papers for publication. The 23 scientific papers to be published in the proceedings include the topics on Rational Cubic Fractal Splines, Cryptanalysis, Applications of Hausdorff Measure, Low Rank Matrix Approximation, Frame Theory, Fuzzy Numbers, Optimization, and more. The first day was devoted to what they call ‘tutorials’. On that day 3 two-hour lectures were provided. On the next 3 days, the 23 accepted papers were presented as well as the one-hours lectures of invited speakers fro USA, Japan, Turkey, Hong Kong and Russia. The conference was attended by around 80 participants. The food was good and the receptionists were so hospitable. I presented my paper on the last day of the conference and I was surprised during the closing ceremony because my paper was commended for being the best paper in mathematics. There was also a best paper in computing. The “Best Paper Awards” were given to presenting authors of papers categorically  conference and was selected by the General/Program Co-Chairs based on the best combined marks of paper reviewing assessed by the Program Committee and presentation quality assessed by session chairs at the conference venue. During the awarding ceremony, i received a signed certificate, a medal, and a plaque.

Feedback on paper presented

The paper was presented morning of December 29. Though technical details of the paper were not fully understood by many, the organizers and the audience were still not very satisfied on the way I presented the results. I believe that they had a very good impression and assessment about the quality of the paper because they awarded it as the ‘best paper (in mathematics)’ and will eventually be published in Springer proceedings together with 22 more accepted articles.

Future directions of research presented

My research output opens more research problems as far as solving Bernoulli problem and getting the shape derivatives of a cost functional are concerned. The result presented here uses the so-called ‘perturbation of identity’ technique. My next goal is to compute the second-order shape is ‘Lagrangian Method’. Another direction of this research is to compute the second-order shape derivative using various techniques will be done. Inclusion of numerical methods is another future direction of this research.

Potential foreign collaborators

Since the following are experts in numerical analysis, they are my potential foreign collaborators not only in doing research but also in book writing:

  1. Aritra Dutta – Faculty, University of Central Florida, USA
  2. Dipak Kumar Jana – Faculty, Haldia Institute of Technology, India

Other important contacts and insights

The following are also important contacts because they work on things that I have encountered when I did my doctoral studies, and since I am also interested in topics cryptography.

  1. Prof. Nabin Kumar Sahu of Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur – he works on semi-iner product spaces
  2. Prof. C. E. Veni Madhavan of Indian Institute of Science Bangalore – he works on cryptography
  3. Prof. Duan Li of The Chinese University of Hong Kong – his interest is on Financial optimization

Short write-up of one’s participation (to be used to feature/publicize the grantee’s participation in the conference)

While most of our countrymen were very busy doing their fireworks or watching the fireworks display of their neighbors during the Christmas eve, I was in the air heading towards Kolkata, India. I arrived at the newly built Kolkota Airport around 12:30 am of December 25, 2013 (3 am in the Philippines), took a nap, and traveled to Haldia for 2 hours by car that was rented  by the organizers.

As I made the journey from Kalkota to Haldia, I saw part of the famous Ganges River, which is considered to be the most sacred river of the Hindus. Haldia is located in Purba Medinipur, West Bengal and I have learned that it is a major trade port of Kolkata and various major factories are built in the surrounding areas of the city. Like Manila, the place is also polluted, an I observed that the place is behind by 15-20 years, as far as infrastructures and life of constituents are concerned.

I came to India for the International Conference on Mathematics and Computing 2013, which was organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of the Haldia Institute of Technology. The goal of the organizers was to provide an opportunity to mathematicians and computer scientists, especially the young ones, to learn about the contemporary research in Mathematics and Computing. To achieve this goal, the organizers had carefully chosen speakers that are indeed experts on their respective fields. The invited speakers are from USA, Hong Kong, Japan, Turkey, and Russia. Paper presenters are mostly from different institutions of India, such as those based in Delhi, Kharagpur, Patna, Madras, Chennai, Bhubaneswar, Ropar, and Kolkata.

On December 26, 3 two-hour tutorial lectures were conducted. Tutorials include combinatorial batch codes, and frame theory and applications. The speakers were from Indian Statistical Institute Kolkata and University of Central Florida, USA. The conference proper commenced on December 27 and ended on December 29. Seven invited speakers gave one hour talks and I was one of the 22 presenters who gave a 30 minute talk. Topics that were presented in the conference include Low Rank Matrix Approximation, Application of Semi-Inner Product to Frame Theory, Cryptanalysis of Multilanguage, Fractional Programming Problem, Fuzzy Numbers, Quasi-ideals in Ternary Semirings, Elliptic Curve in Cryptography, Circular Symmetrization on Convex Functions, Frames and erasures, and many more. An amusing cultural show was happened on the night of 28th, as well as a very romantic banquet dinner of all the participants at river side, which is about 10 kilometers from the conference venue.

During the call of papers in July-August 2013, 81 papers were receive by the organizing team, but after 2 months of referring by anonymous reviewers, only 23 papers were recommended for presentation, the others were just included in the book of abstracts. These papers will be published in Springer proceedings (Mathematics ad Statistics Series). Our Paper was one of the accepted papers and will eventually be published. Two best paper awards were given during the closing ceremony – one in mathematics and the other in computing. The awards were given to papers presented  at the conference and were selected by the General/Program Co-Chairs based on the best combined marks of paper reviewing assessed by the Program Committee and presentation quality assessed by session chairs at the conference venue. Fortunately, our paper got the ‘Best Paper Award in Mathematics’. This is my first ever international award that I’ve received in a scientific gathering. This will be treasured for life. This is for you .. UP Naming Mahal!