RDG Conference Report of Gloria Luz M. Nelson

Write up about the Conference

“Sociology has a long and distinguish history opposing market fundamentalism and  supporting society control over  markets” Excerpt  from the welcome address of  Michael Buroway, President of ISA:

 An incredibly sensitive community of academics and professional such as the International Sociological Association, aware of the social transformations taking place in the world, cannot and should not be absent from a debate on inequality.

 The great tradition of multi, inter and trans disciplinary works in which the most complex problems of the present day world are addressed; its unique condition of being academically, scientifically, regionally, institutionally and organically plural make it ideally qualified to face the challenge of contributing to this international exchange, from which an intellectual and moral force can emerge in order to achieve drastic changes in the manners, forms of reasoning and scopes of the decisions to be taken in the world to ensure the preservation of human life and societies.

Feedback on paper presented

The paper on the effects…. was presented on July 14. there were 4 papers presented in the session. Majority of the questions during the open forum were addressed to me. One person in the audience asked  for a  copy  of the paper. The second paper was delivered on July 16 There was no time for open forum in the presentation on the paper on “globalization…” since there were 8 oral papers presented, but two people in the audience approached me after the session to express their appreciation of the paper I delivered and were simply amazed that Filipino women are “empowered”.

Future directions of research presented

I have submitted the paper on “The effects….”for publication in a journal. it is  currently being  reviewed. I was told to make revision. The other paper on “globalization….” still needs to be substantiatedwith additional data.

Potential foreign collaborators

Dr. Myriam de Loenzien centre Population and development, Paris, France;Dr. D’Lane R.Compton, University of New Orleans, NO, USA; Dr. Neeta Sane Dnyasadhana College, Thane, Ligaya Lindio McGovern Indiana University, Kokomo School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indiana, USA; Dr. Hiroshi Kameyama, Dept. of Bioresource Production Agricultural and Resource EconomicsKagawa university,Japan.

Other important contacts and insights

The methodology and disaster sessions were two of the most interesting. There is a Japanese professor,Dr. Takaya Sachi  from Okayama University  who is  doing  a research on Filipino women married toJapanese and we are now  communicating  for  future collaboration.  I will write  the concept paper/ researchproposal and  she  will look for funding  in Japan.

Short write-up of one’s participation (to be used to feature/publicize the grantee’s participation in the conference)

The XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology is the world cup of Sociology, the largest academic event for Sociologists held every 4 years. This year, it was held in Yokohama, Japan from January 13-19,2014, attended by 6000 members from 180 countries.Seventy percent of the members who attended the conference came from the developed regions. The under representation in attendance  from developing regions  is mainly due to cost of travel. 

I attended the opening ceremony, presidential session and several sessions  organized  by  several Research committees (RCs), Thematic working committees (TWC), etc.  I attended the business meeting  of RC 41 (Sociology of Population) of which I was a member since 2002. I was reelected Vice President  of  the RC 41 and will be servingin the  next 4 years or until 2018.  Attending the various session in the  Conference is like retooling skill for me. There are innovative methodologies, frameworks and research topics that are interesting, riveting and thought –provoking. The first paper I presented was organized  by RC 34  (Sociology of Youth) on July 14 while the second paper was presented in a joint session (RC 41 Sociology of Population and RC 30, Sociology of Stratification) on July 16 . Both sessions were well attended and many questions were fielded to yours truly and were satisfactorily answered. On July 18 at 8:30 am, I chaired a session on Environment and occupational Segregation. There were 7 papers presented by sociologists from Africa (1), US (2), Germany(1), Philippines (1) and India (2).The session was likewise well-attended.Attending this Conference is very fulfilling and productive. I also felt proud being a Filipino, although not because I represent an economically developed country  but  mainly because I come from  an English speaking  country, it  enabled me to  participate actively in  all the sessions(most  sessions are in English)  I attended.

Problems met: The  venue  is  ideal for  conference  but  an expensive place. The venue of the  Conference is the Pacifico Yokohama. Japan. I lost my way twice going to the Conference from the hotel via Japan transit.My wish at that time was to be able to communicate in Japanese. Reading maps, remembering landmarks, and being attentive to signages area must when traveling in a country where there is a language barrier.

Recommendations/ Suggestions: The Conference Organizer, especially the host, Japanese Sociology association deserved to be commended for their superb preparation of the XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology.