Write up about the Conference
International Teacher Education Conference 2014 aims to provide a multinational platform where the latest trends in education can be presented and discussed in a friendly environment with the aim to learn from each other.
Feedback on paper presented
The audience generally enjoyed the paper I presented. They liked the simplicity and depth of the teaching strategy I proposed for ending classes.
Future directions of research presented
The audience suggested that my proposed teaching strategy be further tested to more classrooms and courses to see areas which may further improve it, and make it applicable to wider scope of students.
Other important contacts and insights
As educators, I realized that, in order to continuously provide quality education to our students in our own classrooms, we should strive to continuously improve the quality iof our nstruction through constant research and innovation.
Short write-up of one’s participation (to be used to feature/publicize the grantee’s participation in the conference)
ITEC 2014 is the second international conference I have attended. Different from the fist one (i.e. the International Conference on Sciences and Social Sciences 2013 (ICSSS 2013) held in Thailand), where topics of paper presenters from different parts of the world were highly varied, topics in the ITEC 2014 were more concentrated. As the topics of paper presenters in ITEC 2014 focused on education, instruction and related subjects, I learned various interesting lessons which I may adopt, improve and apply in my own classes and may share to my colleagues. As a paper presenter on the other hand, it felt grateful on my part to share my own research on education, specially instruction. I have never felt so grateful having my own researches shared to the whole world. My whole experience in ITEC 2014 did not only contribute to my professional development, but to my own personal growth as well. My hopes now are with my fellow instructors to also have the courage to attend and present their papers in international conferences such as ITEC. The experience is indeed irreplaceable.