RDG Conference Report of Eileen Kai. A. Relao

Write up about the Conference

Attending the Asian Conference on Sustainability, Energy and the Environment form June 12 to 15 gave me the chance to join a prestigious global academic community. There were more that 350 participants (oral presenters and poster presenters) gathered from different institutions across the globe whose research interests covered a wide variety of research areas. Watching a number of presentations made by various speakers, I was able to listen to interesting and up-to- date research works, engage in scholarly discussions, raise questions and obtain answers which led to further queries.

In the conference, presentations tackling certain Communication study areas were heard, e.g. Intercultural Communication, Marketing, Public Relations, and Media Studies, where I acquired substantial information regarding research methods and current issues surrounding the said study areas.

The said conference also provided me with the opportunity to attend the Asian Conference on Social Sciences. The research works presented and the issues discussed therein were very significant to my master’s program (MA in international Studies). I could say that the experience broadened my understanding and knowledge about international relations and international studies and enriched my awareness of international relations and international studies and enriched my awareness of international issues.

The organizer of the conference, the International Academic Forum, made sure that the participants would have the chance to get acquainted with each other and establish connections. Events like the Welcome Drinks Reception, the Conference Official Dinner, the Kimono Demonstrations and Workshop, and the Conference Closing Ceremony convened the participants to talk about their personal and cultural backgrounds and  research interests. Events that promoted awareness among the participants as regards the Japanese culture and history were also present: the Taiko Drum Performance, the Kimono Demonstration and Workshop, and the Kyoto Tour. Taiko is a Japanese male group which performs Japanese music through various kinds of drums; they perform in different pats of the world. At the Kimono Demonstration and Workshop, each participant had the chance to wear a kimono, specifically understand how it is worn, and model the worn kimono around the Osaka International Convention Center. Though I did not opt to attend the Kyoto Tour, I had my Japanese friends tour me around Kyoto as well.

In summary, ACSEE 2014, my first international conference, gave me one of the best and most cherished life experiences I have had so far. I introduced me and my work to the international academic community formed by scholars whose research interests made me more determined in pursuing my own. It provided me with a possible publication opportunities: the conference proceedings, related journal publications, and future collaborations with some co-participants. ACSEE 2014 introduced me to brilliant and inspiring people who were very much willing to share their knowledge and culture. It was indeed a very rewarding experience.

Feedback on paper presented

My paper delved into the Japanese tuna industry and how the state had finally decided to conform to the international norms governing tuna fishing states around the international community. It was perfectly aligned with the theme of ACSEE 2014 which was specifically about sustainability, energy, and the environment.

The audience was composed of scholars coming from Australia, the United Kingdom, the United States, Malaysia, Qatar, and others. A number of the audience members were also from UP Diliman: Ms. Dy and Ms. Lagrimas who are students of the College of Engineering, Dr. Peleo who was my professor at the graduate school, and Dr. Manegdeg who is a professor at the  College of Engineering, Dr. Peleo and Dr. Manegdeg congratulated me for being able to present my paper well. Dr. Hindmarsh, a professor on environmental politics from Griffith University, Australia, and a reference of mine for the paper presented, expressed his interest in and fondness of my topic, and commented on how we like the theories I used and how I used them to lay out  my interpretations and analyses of the cases presented.

I was personally pleased with the questions raised and opinions contributed by my co-participants during Q&A. I was able to satisfy them with my answers and found their remarks very insightful and useful.

Future directions of research presented

I intend to do an ethnographic study of the Philippine tuna industry, discover its historiography, and deal with oceanography as well. In fact, I am set to visit the General Santos City in October 2014 to learn about the local tuna industry.

I shall also develop my examination of the international norms, international organizations, other international actors involved in the global tuna industry, and the relationship between and among them. Also, I plan to look into the complex relationship between and among governments, the media, and the citizens.

The motivation I have for this research endeavor comes from the desire to help revitalize the declining global and local tuna industries, and recuperate the declining tuna stocks in the high seas.

Potential foreign collaborators

  • Dr. Richard Hindmarsh from Grififth University, Australia
  • Ms. Jian Xiao from Loughborough University, United Kingdom
  • Mr. Martin Heger from London School of Economics, United Kingdom
  • Ms. Nour-El Bouhou from the University of Texas at Austin, USA
  • Ms. Suhana Saleh from Victoria University, Australia
  • Mr. Robert Aitken from University of Otago, New Zealand
  • Ms. Tyana Santini from Kyoto University, Japan
  • Mr. Dilton Riberio from Queen’s University, Canada
  • Ms. Malini Balamayuran from Sydney University, Australia
  • Ms. Julia Weber from the University of Kassel, Germany
  • Mr. Edson Kondo from Catholic University of Basilia, Brazil

Other important contacts and insights

  • Mr. Satoshi Arai and Mr. Otani Takehiro – Japanese locals who could help me conduct some research work in Japan in the future.
  • Ms. Trixie Dy and Ms. Charine Lagrimas – UP Diliman PhD students
  • Mr. Popoy Saboy – a UP Baguio graduate student
  • Dr. Amador Peleo – a professor of MA International Studies at UP Diliman
  • Dr. Ferdinand Manegdeg – a professor at UP Diliman College of Engineering
  • Mr. Duke Dolorical – a professor from Ateneo de Naga University

Short write-up of one’s participation (to be used to feature/publicize the grantee’s participation in the conference)

At ACSEE 2014, I was able to know about the latest research on the most pressing international issues as regards human and economic sustainability, contribute and publish research work to and before the global academic community, present in an encouraging convention of brilliant scholars from different parts of the world, and form new and valuable networks and relationship.