Write up about the Conference
The 5th IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC) 2013 showcased the works of researchers in the Asia-Pacific region as well as in other parts of the world in the field of Power and Energy Engineering. The keynote speech by Prof. Miroslav Begovic highlighted some challenges in modern power systems that merit attention for researchers and industry practitioners. Some of the issues include the challenges in integrating new renewable energy sources and smart technologies in the existing grid. Practitioners from the Hong Kong power industry also shared their experiences in integrating smart technologies in the power sector. Hong Kong’s distinctive customer demographics housed in densely packed skyscrapers presented technical problems in integrating smart technologies in Hong Kong.
Feedback on paper presented
Reviews were not made available to the authors during the paper review and selection process. There were no questions regarding the presentation from the session chair and the audience after the oral presentation.
Future directions of research presented
The research can be expanded to incorporate other power distribution system equipment in the binary formulation of SAIDI. This semester, an undergraduate student will attempt to improve the binary formulation to model the effects of distributed generation in SAIDI.
Potential foreign collaborators
A presenter from Thailand addressed a similar problem in their research. There were differences in scope and method implementation but their results will be useful in the future expansion of the research.
Other important contacts and insights
In the conference, I was able to meet the other representatives from the Philippines: Mr. Clares Jalocon and Mr. Marcial Jimenez. Both were MS EE graduates of UP Diliman and are currently working with the Philippine Wholesale Electricity Spot Market (WESM).
Short write-up of one’s participation (to be used to feature/publicize the grantee’s participation in the conference)
In participating in the conference I gained a wider perspective of the technical issues currently concerning researchers and practitioners in my field. But more than that, I have experienced a culture that is both familiar and alien at the same time. Thanks to this conference, and to the people who made this experience possible, I was able to travel outside the country for the first time. My four and a half days of stay in Hong Kong passed by so quickly – it was just like a dream.