Other lists: | 2019 | 2018 | 2016 |
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Drywood termites prefer Moluccan sau the most and eucalyptus the least
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Because bulk ZnO single crystals can resist and recover from ion irradiation, they can be used for radiation detectors inside future fusion reactors
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: The placental characteristics of cattle, which like humans carry their embryo for nine months, were studied
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Minkowski functional and cluster analysis can detect percolating channels or fluid traps in plasma-etched surfaces
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Some reefs in Samar were completely damaged and wiped-out by super typhoon Yolanda
SOCIAL SCIENCES AND LAW: Critical thinking can be taught more effectively by reconsidering the taxonomy of learning objectives and pushing for critical pedagogy
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Foreign assistance boosts a country’s health spending
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Mangroves are potential sources of active compounds that can inhibit the overproduction of melanin
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Liver flukes are good bioaccumulators and bioindicators of environmental pollution
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Genomic selection promises a more efficient way of improving quantitative traits in crop plants
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: In this first-ever transect study of the ants of Mt. Hamiguitan, 122 species of ants belonging to 51 genera and 8 subfamilies in the Family Formicidae were identified,with at least two species new to science
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: The study identifies three new species of Begonia sect. Baryandra from Panay Island, Philippines
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Brain injury in a baby mouse was stimulated without directly touching the fetal body; the fetal brains were monitored in real time by ultrasound imaging
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Nickel oxide and Yttria-stabilized zirconia (NiO/YSZ) composite was synthesized via a modified glycine-nitrate combustion process
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Response Surface Methodology can optimize the synthesis of polymer-based graphene oxide nanocomposites for the simultaneous removal of cationic and anionic heavy metal contaminants
ARTS AND HUMANITIES: Told in a series of snippets, the story revolves around lovers Becca and Macky, and their struggle to find time for their relationship in the midst of increasingly difficult career demands
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: The aggregated arrangement of palladium atoms in palladium-copper in the presence of adsorbates is not only dictated by the reactivity of palladium but also by the electronic and geometric structures of the molecules on the surface
SOCIAL SCIENCES AND LAW: Based on the syllabi of the Development Communication program of UP Los Banos, it is argued that the content of the syllabi could either be pro-development process or pro-participation
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: The analysis of covariance model was used to investigate the effects of sampling sites, season, and the different easily measurable physicochemical parameters on mean fecal streptococci count in Iloilo River over time
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Impressed Voltage Test (IVT) and gravimetric method were used to measure the effect of corrosion on the reinforcement of concrete
SOCIAL SCIENCES AND LAW: The study aims to analyze the patterns or trends of land use changes in an urbanizing segment in Laguna with the creation and implementation of the ASEAN Economic Cooperation and ASEAN Integration
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: The research group worked on novel absorbent materials, called FAP ionic liquids, which can dissolve carbon dioxide in industrial stacks better than other commercially-available ionic liquids
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Can we factor out a matrix A as a product of an orthogonal and a skew symmetric matrix, or as a product of a symplectic and a Hamiltonian matrix?
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: The study uncovers an important link to a disease which when left unchecked could be devastating to wheat
MANAGEMENT AND ECONOMICS: Human brand identities are co-created by multiple stakeholder-actors who have resources and incentives in the activities that make up an enterprise of a human brand
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: What are the effects of Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation, a therapeutic approach incorporating the use of manual contact, resistance, high repetitions and goal-oriented activities, on the strength, balance and mobility of a 69 year old male who had a stroke 17 years ago?
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: The high resistance to antimicrobials detected in pigs is alarming because these are the same drugs used for the treatment of serious human infections
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Two new species of relatively rare families of Philippine oribatid mites were discovered
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Two A three-year quarantine and disease screening method was developed to safeguard the local sugarcane industry from unwanted diseases
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: The study investigated the hematological, histopathological and post-mortem conditions of two whales, the Blainville’s beaked whale and the dwarf sperm whale, found stranded in Davao City, Philippines in 2014
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Colorimetric demonstration using pH indicators in illustrating the acidic or basic nature of common amphiprotic anions in aqueous solutions is a feasible classroom activity suitable for senior high school or undergraduate students
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: The study describes the impact of Typhoon Haiyan on health services delivery capacity and the factors instrumental in the resilience of the case hospitals in the Philippines
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Nearly 1 billion people still smoke daily
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: There is a global decline in deaths among children and adolescents but the progress is uneven
SOCIAL SCIENCES AND LAW: Malaysians and Indonesians are the most homophobic in Southeast Asia
SOCIAL SCIENCES AND LAW: Local giant media corporations staged a grand “media event” that nationally mediatized and publicly magnified the celebrity status of Pope Francis, the so-called “rock star Pope”
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: In Cuyo Island, the herbivorous C. fluctuata consumes autotrophs such as macrobenthic marine plants and algae whereas P. mammilla may derive carbon from epiphytes and phytoplankton via their bivalve prey
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: The study aims to determine and compare the puddling performance of three designs of tilling wheel for float-assisted tiller
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: While the A. digitifera bacterial community structure appears resilient to higher temperature, prolonged exposure and intensified stress results in changes in the abundance of specific microbial community members that may affect the overall metabolic state and health of the coral holobion
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: New age dating from siliceous nannofossils of the Zambales Ophiolite Complex reveals an older age which is Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Salmonella enterica strains with higher virulence and economic and clinical importance are present in meat products sold in Metro Manila wet markets
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: The use of ultraviolet-C irradiation in inactivating bacteria in human breast milk does not destroy the bioactive components of the milk
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: One potential non-thermal method to decontaminate liquid egg whites is ultraviolet-C irradiation
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: The farmlots being cultivated by smallholder farmers in the Philippines and Indonesia contribute to biodiversity conservation
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: A nanocomposite coating composed of rubber-modified PBZ and SiO2 nanoparticles has excellent protection property against corrosion attack even after prolonged exposure
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: A rubber-modified polymer material offers better balance of properties and can be a commercially successful product
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Coatings with different PANI loadings were shown to be more effective in providing corrosion protection than the neat polybenzoxazine/rubber coating
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Interviews show that the diagnosis of congenital adrenal hyperplasia is not kept secret within the family and is openly shared with members
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Gemini surfactant expands on calcium ion binding
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: This study introduces the response of Polyaniline, a conducting polymer, from doping, annealing, compression pressure and composition
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Carbon nanofibers and nanocapsules are developed from a plant oil through a process that reduce environmental and human health risks and total production costs
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: This study is the first to provide baseline information on Cryptosporidium contamination of Manila Bay where bivalves are commonly cultured
MANAGEMENT AND ECONOMICS: Financial Conditions Indexes for Asia successfully capture important episodes in each economy’s financial history but only the indexes of financially advanced economies Japan and Singapore have sufficient forecasting power to predict output growth and inflation
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: How does a nanotransistor respond to dynamic external effects such as a time-varying gate potential?
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Cache-based transport protocols in wireless sensor networks can improve network performance but will add complexity to the protocols
SOCIAL SCIENCES AND LAW: The first six months of the Duterte administration is not without its share of issues and controversies
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: The study looks at the effect of additives on acid-free, low metal ion concentration for Copper electrodeposition
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: A cardiovascular-respiratory system model is used to obtain an optimal control for time-dependent ergometric workloads by using the Euler-Lagrange formulation of the optimal control problem
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: The established predictive model in this study can estimate the effect of the intrinsic property of juice (soluble solid), extrinsic property (temperature and time) in the International de l’Eclairage (CIE) color space coordinates, and derived color parameters in grapefruit juice
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Pharmaceuticals are removed from wastewater using intermittent electrocoagulation
SOCIAL SCIENCES AND LAW: The first-ever global study on healthcare access finds massive health care inequity among and within countries, and concludes people are dying from causes with well-known treatments
SOCIAL SCIENCES AND LAW: Health spending is likely to increase rapidly in high-income countries, while low-income countries, where it is needed the most, are expected to see relatively slow growth
SOCIAL SCIENCES AND LAW: Despite substantial global reduction in diarrhea deaths, half a million children still die from diseases each year
JULY 2017
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: In terms of streamflow simulation, the radar-based quantitative precipitation estimate is as good as — or even better than — the gauge-only product
SOCIAL SCIENCES AND LAW: Moral bioenhancement is not necessarily equivalent to moral enhancement
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: When an aircraft is en-route and an airport congestion is known, what is the best air traffic flow management action?
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Governance of the Sampaloc Lake, Pandin Lake, and Tadlac Lake is collaborative but centralized
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: High-quality superconducting films which can be used for various devices were produced using an inexpensive tabletop set-up
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Study examines the Philippines’ first report of infection from Babesia vogeli, a tick-borne pathogen that is found in the blood of dogs
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Identifying similarities between food science and pharmacokinetics can elevate the use of nutraceuticals from ethnic and traditional to pharmacological
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Alternate wetting and drying helps rice farmers cope with water scarcity by reducing irrigation water by 30 percent without compromising rice yield
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Aging cells also contribute to embryo development and childbirth
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Small RNAs play a big role in coral stress response
JUNE 2017
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: The properties of silicon carbide nanotubes were modified computationally by putting Ca atom
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Cyano substituted P3HT is a good polymer blend candidate for organic solar cells
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: The Philippine plant Premnaodorata can be an alternative source of preservative with both antimicrobial and antioxidant efficacy
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Corn-based cropping systems increase carbon storage for mitigation of climate change
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: A new type of geochemical mapping of the of the Mount Pinatubo-Dizon Mine area, that considers environmental risk and the assessment of potential mineral resources, was made
SOCIAL SCIENCES AND LAW: Climate change has aggravated the everyday and invisible risks of children in poor households
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Mountain ranges enhances rainfall in the leeward side of the mountain (or behind the mountain) depending on the storm direction
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Simple Sequence Repeats markers were used to determine the genetic relationship among 20 eggplant accessions known to have varying responses to drought
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Formal Concept Analysis which can be easily adapted, modified, and automated for both data and marine scientist, leads to similar findings as those of traditional coral assessment
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: While native chicken meat has the potential to be a healthy substitute to commercial broiler, the latter has better processing potential
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Settled dust in public school classrooms in Metro Manila have the fungi Alternaria, Aspergillus, Cladosporium and Penicillium
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Andrographis pinaculata, locally known as serpentina, can be a potential herbal drug for ulcer
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Dried and pulverized unripe calamansi can remove the toxic components of wastewater such as heavy metals and dyes
MAY 2017
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Protein profiles of two inbred mouse strains were studied and compared to understand molecular differences in susceptibility to dioxin
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Monomodal island size distribution is attributed to enhanced nucleation and aggregation, and monotonically decreasing distribution to restricted aggregation
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Should health systems invest more in access to care by expanding insurance coverage or in health care services including improving the quality of care?
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Manganese-doping in GaAs can result to increased terahertz emission
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: The adsorption of CO on reconstructed PdAu surface strongly depends on the type of metal atom to which it interacts, and on its position on the reconstructed surface
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: An automated system for tomato classification based on artificial neural networks and trained using the artificial bee colony algorithm has higher accuracy rate
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Abdomen looseness is an accurate sexual maturity indicator in male mud crabs
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: A study of the intrinsic, algebraic properties of the Chemical Reaction Network Theory reveals novel network and kinetic properties little studied in the theory
SOCIAL SCIENCES AND LAW: Quantitative participatory methods and participatory numbers foster dialogue between stakeholders who seldom directly engage with each other
SOCIAL SCIENCES AND LAW: In the Meycauayan-Marilao-Obando River System, there are disparities in the level of awareness and actual level of implementation of functions between the water quality governing board and the local government unit
APRIL 2017
SOCIAL SCIENCES AND LAW: When firm size is considered, what is the form of a sustainable manufacturing strategy?
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Continuous logical modelling verifies the role of antioxidants in the closure mechanism and the diminished closure level of stomata with combined ABA-ET stimulus
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Hot boiling water was used to engineer the size and shape of zinc oxide thin film produced from vacuum deposited zinc film
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: ZnO microrods fabricated by a simple hydrothermal growth route exhibit intense ultraviolet emission and a very fast average lifetime
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: A cheap and easy method to enhance the emission of SI-GaAs was developed
MANAGEMENT AND ECONOMICS: Agricultural households in rural Philippines depend on their networks of family and friends to partially insure their consumption
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Prevalent mutation within an indigenous Filipino population increases the risk for any form of otitis media by almost four-fold
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: The study introduces a new method called Enclosed Anaesthetic Station Vacuuming for sampling fish species that are ‘hard to spot’ due to their morphological traits and behavioral habits
MARCH 2017
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Variations in the petrological and geochemical signatures of the xenoliths from Mt. Pinatubo and Mt. Iraya indicate two agents involved during metasomatism
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Gene expression analysis through PCR shows that HEdefensin was upregulated during blood feeding
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: The study tackles the problem of making sense of the interchange between operations of integration and summation when the necessary uniformity conditions are not met for the specific case of the Steiltjes transform
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: A simple method of growing various zinc oxide nanostructures on surface of zinc foil is proposed using boiling water
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: A method called sedimentation deposition technique is used to grow various zinc oxide nanostructures on surface of zinc foil using boiling water
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Plants have stable bacterial diversity composition regardless of the room climatic condition
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: This perspective offers insight into rethinking the way modifiers can facilitate crystallization through which materials grow
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Genetics and the environment contribute to the high occurrence of otitis media in an indigenous community in central Cordillera
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Model simulations of five-year coral cover trajectories show that a dynamite-blasted, back-reef site can benefit from coral transplantation
SOCIAL SCIENCES AND LAW: Knowledge of hazards and social relations explain people’s refusal to leave their homes during Typhoon Yolanda
SOCIAL SCIENCES AND LAW: The scientific undertakings of the Observatorio Meteorológico de Manila brought about major changes on the status and development of meteorology as a science in the Philippines
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: The mineralization of the recently discovered Shazigou Mo-W-Pb-Zn (molybdenum-tungsten-lead-zinc) polymetallic ore field in the North China Craton took place approximately 245 million years ago and could be linked to the subduction of the Paleo-Asian Ocean
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Porous silicon is a good candidate for THz technology since its surface area can be easily tuned, and is relatively inexpensive and easy to produce
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: The genetic population structure of the planktonic shrimp Lucifer hansei in the Indo-Malayan Archipelago encompassing Andaman Sea, Malacca Strait, Gulf of Thailand, Borneo Island, Philippines (collectively called TMP) is characterized by high genetic diversity centered in the TMP area suggesting high opportunity of developing a new species of this species
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Wind turbines have higher energy capture at higher wind fluctuation frequencies
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Red raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) intake reduces oxidative stress in obese diabetic (db/db) mice
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Increasing the amount of potassium ferricyanide as dopant or the duration of calcination red-shifted the UV–vis DRS of the doped TiO2 (db/db) mice
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: The discovery of polymorphisms correlates with Vitamin D deficiency among post-menopausal Filipino women
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: The H2 production of sphaeroides KCTC 1434 shows the highest SCE and H2 yield in butyrate and propionate under Ar headspace
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Silver-zeolite dispersed in chitosan matrix creates a biocompatible material with antibacterial property
MANAGEMENT AND ECONOMICS: household size, education, experience in fishing, the type of buyer, and effort days per fishing trip affect the municipal fishers’ adoption and non-adoption of sustainable tuna fishing practices
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Cellular senescence is also important in proper fetal development
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: The degradation of the OH- exchanged membrane stored in deionised water is not only due to the removal of the functional head group but also to the loss of the benzyl group
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: A Silicon Germanium based heterorjunction bipolar phototransistor is fabricated using a commercial SiGe bipolar integrated circuit process technology
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Community trials validated that ocean-based systems to optimize production potentials and enhance sustainability can be readily adopted by small-scale fishers
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Carbon monoxide undergoes dissociation and recombination before leaving the tungsten surface
SOCIAL SCIENCES AND LAW: A model for quantifying competitive relations within carnivore guilds is applied to the large carnivore guilds in the Serengeti (Tanzania) and the Kruger National Park (South Africa)
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Preventive care and optimization of children’s development potential must be prioritized through promoting awareness of congenital disorders, developing birth registration and surveillance for birth defects, strengthening of evidence on factors, and diagnosis of major birth defects, and developing of national plans
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Random masking simulation shows the contribution of veins in the liberation of minerals at coarser size and the increased degree of liberation
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: A numeration system whose base is a rational function is developed for polynomials and formal Laurent series over finite fields
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: A multi-phase segmentation technique is used to solve the Electrical Impedance Tomography problem
SOCIAL SCIENCES AND LAW: Privacy concerns have a stronger negative effect on perceived location-based advertising value than perceived sacrifice
SOCIAL SCIENCES AND LAW: Technological determinism and social determinism constitute a continuum, rather than a dichotomy, of theories about the relationship of technology and society
SOCIAL SCIENCES AND LAW: Improving the evidence base on drivers that might hasten the pace of progress for child survival is vital to charting the pathways for ultimately ending preventable child deaths by 2030
SOCIAL SCIENCES AND LAW: This study is the first publicly available data on field performance in Asia of the eggplant engineered to produce the Bt Cry1Ac protein
SCIENCE AND TECHOLOGY: In modelling CO adsorption on CuPd, Among the different nonstoichiometric Cu3Pd(111), the surface with ordered structure of bulk Cu3Pd () is the energetically most stable
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: The use of bactericidal UV (UV-C) in decontaminating Salmonella on desiccated coconut and its effect on the sensorial characteristics upon use as ingredient and in macaroon making has been explored in this study
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: The difference in sea level between the Philippines and Tahiti results from spatial variations of glacial isostatic adjustment of the two sites
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: A new species of Begonia was discovered in Catanduanes, Philippines
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Ranked Set Sampling in selecting observations ensures that the predictive ability of the fitted logistic regression model is better and more reliable than that of Simple Random Sampling
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Reduction in forest cover and rangeland leads to an increase in surface runoff and a decrease in baseflow or dry season flow and groundwater recharge
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Consumption of tilapia and walking catfish from Laguna de Bay resulted in changes in the uterus of the ovariectomized mouse
ARTS AND HUMANITIES: The article unpacks the prolific body of critical writings of eminent Filipino writer and scholar Gemino H. Abad by identifying the humanist and romantic theories of poetic subjectivity that underlie them
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Currently, about 70 percent of deaths globally are caused by non-communicable diseases
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Overall, good progress has been made toward health-related sustainable development goals
SOCIAL SCIENCES AND LAW: Presidential speeches may be seen as a crucial communicative technology of a political institution that perpetrates practices of control toward its exported human labor, and that employs discursive apparatuses to manage labor exportation
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: There is a need to screen probiotic strains used in both livestock and human applications to assure their safety and to mitigate their potential in significantly contributing to the spread of antibiotic resistance genes in our natural environments
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: The Ovitrap Surveillance System Framework opens up the possibility of determining the risk of dengue transmission without having to do active surveillance
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Shifting to better fuel such as compressed natural gas for buses and trucks substantially reduces estimated inter-regional carbon dioxide emission in Luzon