Lanndon Ocampo
School of Management
UP Cebu
The Impact of Firm Size in the Formulation of Sustainable Manufacturing Strategy Infrastructural Decisions Under Uncertainty. International Journal of Manufacturing, Materials, and Mechanical Engineering, 7 (2): 1-18, April-June 2017.
Catchy title of research: When firm size is considered, what is the form of a sustainable manufacturing strategy?
Developing a strategy that addresses the demands of sustainability along with the competitiveness of manufacturing decisions requires a synergistic approach that combines the classical concepts of manufacturing strategy and the emerging issues of sustainability. These concepts and issues are highly vague and uncertain when decision-makers are required to make decisions. Furthermore, the complexity of the decision-making process becomes a crucial issues in strategy development. This is even enhanced when firm size is included in the analysis as current literature provides emphasis on the differences of firm sizes. Thus, this paper provides a methodology in coming up with prescribed infrastructural decisions of the sustainable manufacturing strategy. Results show that the content of the infrastructural decisions of manufacturing strategy remains constant regardless of the presences of firm size component. However, the priority of each decision to the goal which can be translated as the priority of implementation of each policy varies with the presence of firm size. The contribution of this work is the formulation of the sustainable manufacturing strategy under complexity and uncertainty conditions.
Link to the article: impact-of- firm-size- in-the- formulation-of- sustainable-manufacturing- strategy- infrastructural-decisions- under-uncertainty/177144
Impact Factor: Not yet available
Allen L. Nazareno and Bryan S. Hernandez
Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Physics
College of Arts and Sciences
UP Los Baños
A Mathematical Model of the Interaction of Abscisic acid, Ethylene and Methyl Jasmonate on Stomatal Closure in Plants. PLoS One, 12 (2): e0171065, 12 pages, 2017.
Stomatal closure is affected by various stimuli such as light, atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration, humidity and phytohormones. Our research focuses on phytohormones, specifically: abscisic acid (ABA), ethylene (ET) and methyl jasmonate (MeJA) that are responsible for the regulation of several plant processes, especially in guard cell signalling. While several studies show that these three phytohormones cause stomatal closure in plants, only two studies are notable for establishing a mathematical model of guard cell signalling involving phytohormones. Those two studies employed Boolean modelling and mechanistic ordinary differential equations modelling. In this study, we propose a new mathematical model of guard cell transduction network for stomatal closure using continuous logical modelling framework. Results showed how the different components of the network function. Furthermore, the model verified the role of antioxidants in the closure mechanism, and the diminished closure level of stomata with combined ABA-ET stimulus. The analysis was extended to ABA-ET-MeJA crosstalk.
Link to the article:
Impact Factor: (2015/2016) 3.057
Mary Donnabelle L. Balela and Christian Mark O. Pelicano
Department of Mining Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
College of Engineering
UP Diliman
Formation of Zinc Oxide Nanostructures by Wet Oxidation of Vacuum Deposited Zn Thin Film. Optical and Quantum Electronics, 49 (1): Article 3, 11 pages, January 2017.
Catchy title of research: Nano-engineering Zinc Oxide Thin Films using Hot Water

Figure 1. SEM images of (a) ZnO seed layer, (b) vacuum deposited Zn thin film and optical image of (c) vacuum deposited Zn thin film and (d) wet oxidized ZnO film for 24 h at 90 °C.

Figure 2. SEM images of ZnO nanostructures formed after oxidation in hot water at 90 ° C for (a) 6, (b)-(c) 16 and (d) 24 h. Images labeled with (i) are taken at 45° tilt.
Hot boiling water was used to engineer the size and shape of zinc oxide thin film produced from vacuum deposited zinc film. It was found that by increasing the immersion time in hot water, zinc oxide nanostructures composed of rods to lotus-like structures can be formed.
Link to the article:
Impact Factor: (2015/2016) 1.290
Hernanie T. Salazar Jr., Elmer S. Estacio, Armando S. Somintac, Arnel S. Salvador and Roland V. Sarmago
National Institute of Physics
UP Diliman
Structural and Optical Characterization and Scintillator Application of Hydrothermal-Grown ZnO Microrods. Optical Materials, 65: 82–87, March 2017.

SEM images of hydrothermal-grown ZnO microrods. Rod-shaped structures with uniform dimensions and hexagonal cross sections occupy the entire substrate surface.

PL intensity distribution (streak camera image) of the UV emission of hydrothermal-grown ZnO microrods. The UV emission is intense even at an incident laser excitation energy density of 0.40 mJ cm−2.
Zinc oxide (ZnO) is often studied for its possible short-wavelength optoelectronic applications. In this study, we fabricated ZnO microrods by a simple hydrothermal growth route. These microrods were found to exhibit uniform dimensions, well-faceted surfaces, and hexagonal crystal structure. In terms of its optical property, it was also found that the rods have an intense ultraviolet (UV) emission with very fast average lifetime. This unique property will make it suitable as possible building blocks of a micro-structured scintillator screen. The proposed scintillator screen can possibly offer efficient and precise detection with high resolution. This research then holds a promise towards radiation detector innovation and integrated optoelectronic micro system.
Link to the article:
Impact Factor: (2015/2016) 2.183
Maria Angela B. Faustino, Lorenzo P. Lopez Jr., Nathaniel Hermosa, Arnel A. Salvador, Armando S. Somintac and Elmer S. Estacio
National Institute of Physics
College of Science
UP Diliman
Terahertz Emission Enhancement in Semi-Insulating Gallium Arsenide Integrated with Subwavelength One-Dimensional Metal Line Array. Optics Letters, 41 (19): 4515-4517, October 2016.
Catchy title of research: Enhanced terahertz emission from SI-GaAs for future photoconductive antenna application

(left) Illustration showing the dimensions of the 1DMLA samples. (right) Top-view schematic diagram showing the experimental set-up on THz emission measurement.
Terahertz (THz) radiation, unlike x-rays, is non-ionizing and therefore a safe technique for spectroscopic and imaging applications. It is a relatively new technology, and the trend is to increase the THz emission of some known emitters. In this study, an easy and cheap method was presented to enhance the emission of SI-GaAs.
Link to the article:
Impact Factor: (2015/2016) 3.040
Marjorie C. Pajaron
School of Economics
UP Diliman
The Role of Remittances as a Risk-Coping Mechanism: Evidence from Agricultural Households in Rural Philippines. Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, 26 (1): 3-30, March 2017.
This paper investigates whether agricultural households in rural Philippines insure their consumption and use remittances, informal loans or assets as ex post risk-coping mechanisms. Since these households have limited access to formal insurance and credit markets, any shocks to their volatile income can have substantial impacts. Using panel data and rainfall shocks as the instrumental variable for income shocks, this paper finds evidence that households depend on their networks of family and friends to partially insure their consumption. The analysis shows that approximately 27 percent of consumption is insured. International remittances from migrant members replace about 11 percent of income decline while domestic transfers replace about 14 percent. Informal loans, however, decrease as rainfall shocks increase. Borrowers and lenders may be experiencing similar shocks, which would reduce the effectiveness of local risk-sharing arrangements.
Link to the article:
Impact Factor: (2015/2016) 0.357
Ma. Rina T. Reyes-Quintos*, Sheryl Mae Lagrana*, Erasmo Gonzalo d.V. Llanes***, Teresa Luisa Gloria-Cruz***, Abner L. Chan***, Eva Maria Cutiongco-de la Paz** and Charlotte M. Chiong*
*Philippine National Ear Institute
**Institute of Human Genetics
National Institutes of Health
***Department of Otorhinolaryngology
College of Medicine
UP Manila
Middle Ear Microbiome Differences in Indigenous Filipinos with Chronic Otitis Media Due to a Duplication in the A2ML1 Gene. Infectious Diseases of Poverty, 5 (1): 97, 9 pages, 1 November 2016.
Catchy title of research: Increased otitis media risk and changes in the middle ear microbiome due to a prevalent mutation in an indigenous Filipino community

Dr. Eva Maria Cutiongco-de la Paz during the community meeting before the one-on-one Genetic Counseling.
The study showed that a prevalent mutation within an indigenous Filipino population of 200 increased risk for any form of otitis media, including otitis media of early onset (at <1 year of age), by almost four-fold. No other environmental variable was found to be significant. Based on a pilot sample, the microbiome of the middle ear showed differences based on mutation, with mutation carriers having a higher relative abundance of Fusobacterium. These findings were used to guide antibiotic treatment and provide genetic counseling services within the indigenous community.
Link to the article:
Impact Factor: (2015/2016) 2.130
Hazel O. Arceo
Marine Science Institute
College of Science
UP Diliman
Abundance and Diversity of Crypto- and Necto-Benthic Coastal Fish Are Higher in Marine Forests than in Structurally Less Complex Macroalgal Assemblages. PLoS One, 11 (10): e0164121, 24 pages, 19 October 2016.
Catchy title of research: More structurally complex habitat supports higher diversity and abundance of coastal fish species in the Mediterranean Sea

Four habitat types in North-Western Mediterranean subtidal rocky reefs. (A) forest formed by the locally threatened species Cystoseira brachycarpa var. balearica, and 3 habitat types that may replace lost Cystoseira forests: (B) shrubs formed by Dictyotales and Sphacelariales, (C) turf formed by articulated corallinales, and (D) barren characterized by the absence of erect macrophytes.

Quantitative sampling of crypto-benthic fish using Enclosed Anaesthetic Station Vacuuming.
Steps include: (A) Setting-up the perimeter fence by arriving vertically from 2mabove the substrate, and moulding the base of the perimeter fence (weighted with galvanized chain) to the substrate in order to avoid fish escapes; (B) Spraying of the anaesthetic and waiting for 1 minute; (C) Vacuuming for 2 minutes using an air-lift sampler; (D) Closing the collecting bag as soon as the vacuuming session ends.
Habitat complexity contributes to diversity of fish assemblages as they serve as nursery for juveniles and refuge against predators, therefore, degradation of habitats resulting to conversion to less complex structures may have implications in total diversity over time. This study reveals highest diversity for crypto-benthic and necto-benthic reef fishes in the Mediterranean Sea in structurally complex macroalgae Cystoseira forest relative to less structurally complex habitats surveyed. This study also introduces the use of a new method called Enclosed Anaesthetic Station Vacuuming (EASV) for sampling fish species that are ‘hard to spot’ due to their morphological traits (relatively small size and/or camouflage) and behavioral habits (remaining motionless and/or hiding within shelter). These organisms which are so-called cryptic species are usually underestimated in diversity studies which uses traditional Underwater Fish Visual Census method (UVC). The coupled use of the two methods— UVC for necto-benthic species and EASV for crypto-benthic species provide a better picture of fish diversity as well as fish assemblages in the three examined habitat types.
Link to the article:
Impact Factor: (2015/2016) 3.057
Marc Caesar R. Talampas
Electrical and Electronics Engineering Institute
College of Engineering
UP Diliman
A Geometric Filter Algorithm for Robust Device-Free Localization in Wireless Networks. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 12 (5): 1670-1678, October 2016.
Link to the article:
Impact Factor: (2016/2017) 6.764