Every year, UP generates more international journal articles and scholarly books and book chapters across fields of study. But which subject areas have more publications than others?
According to Scopus, almost half of UP’s publications in indexed scientific journals, books and conference proceedings in the last 100 years were in agriculture and biological sciences, and medicine.
Of the 10,835 publications of UP from 1911 to 10 May 2018, 24.5 percent were research papers in agriculture and biological sciences while 23.5 percent were related to medicine.
Scopus currently has the most extensive abstract and citation database of refereed publications in the world, with over 64M records and more than 21,000 peer-reviewed journals and 131,000 books from 5,000 publishers. Its scope extends as far back as the late 18th century.

Scopus-generated chart illustrating the distribution of UP publications by subject area. “Other” comprises 18 subject areas: mathematics (5.3%), chemistry (4.5%), materials science (4.2%), arts and humanities (4.2%), immunology and microbiology (3.7%), pharmacology, toxicology and pharmaceutics (2.9%), economics, econometrics and finance (2.9%), energy (2.0%), business management and accounting (1.9%), veterinary (1.9%), chemical engineering (1.7%), nursing (1.4%), psychology (1.0%), neuroscience (0.8%), multidisciplinary (0.8%), decision sciences (0.7%), health professions (0.6%) and dentistry (0.4%). Data accessed on 10 May 2018.
The same subject areas also came out on top for UP in global rankings. In the 2018 Times Higher Education (THE) University Rankings by Subject Area, the University obtained its best score in the clinical, pre-clinical and health fields (201-250 bracket) while in the 2018 Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings, it performed strongly in agriculture and forestry, making it to the 151-200 bracket. Both THE and QS use the Scopus database to evaluate scholarly output.
UP’s most cited research papers were likewise in agriculture and biological sciences, and medicine. These papers appeared in influential, high-impact journals including the New England Journal of Medicine which currently has the highest impact factor at 79.258, The Lancet (53.254), Journal of the American Medical Association (47.661) and Science (41.058). The impact factor is considered a relevant measure of an academic journal’s importance as it shows how often an average article in the journal is cited in a given year.
Last updated: 12 October 2018, 3:19 PM