Good practices, successful models to be discussed in system-wide Academic Leadership Conference

Given the rapidly evolving internationalized landscape coupled with the rise and infusion of technology in education, it has become imperative for the University of the Philippines (UP) to implement infrastructural and cultural changes in major aspects of academic life. Such changes, including shifts in skill requirements, attitudes and knowledge, are necessary to promote and enhance academic excellence and institutional relevance in the 21st century. 

The Constituent Universities (CUs) have been inspired to revisit their curricula and programs vis-à-vis their niches and UP’s role in national development as well as to examine new technology-enhanced pedagogy that would improve teaching, learning, research, creative work and public service. 

Also under review are policies that directly affect the faculty and research staff: criteria for promotion and tenure, schemes for compensation, awards and incentives, and strategies for continuity and invigoration of academic leaders/leadership. 

In light of these developments, a system-wide Academic Leadership Conference (ALC) has been organized by the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs (OVPAA) and the Office of International Linkages (OIL). 

The conference, scheduled for March 9 to 11 at Taal Vista Hotel in Tagaytay City, will include presentation and discussion of some successful models and good practices from UP and other foreign universities. External resource persons such as leadership and change management experts have also been invited for global insight. 

Attending the ALC are UP System officials headed by President Alfredo E. Pascual, OVPAA-affiliated office directors, chancellors, vice chancellors (for academic affairs, for research, development and extension, and for administration), deans, institute directors and department chairs. 

After the conference, academic leaders are encouraged to share with their CUs new knowledge gained so that they can assist in the completion and possible implementation of enrichments on academic course content, pedagogical methods, and rules regarding promotion, tenure, compensation, incentives and awards.

The ALC was inspired by the ongoing Temasek Foundation-National University of Singapore Programme on Developing University Leaders and Educators (TF-NUS DULE) and by the discussions it prompted. Partly funded by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and carried out by TF-NUS jointly with the OVPAA, the program involves UP academic leaders at four levels (UP System academic officials as well as chancellors, vice chancellors and deans of four CUs) plus six leading higher education institutions and state universities and colleges selected by CHED.