The UP System Faculty, REPS and Administrative Staff Development Program (FRASDP, formerly the Faculty and REPS Development Program) takes the place of the UP Expanded Modernization Program–Doctoral Studies Fund. It includes fellowship programs for PhD and Master’s as well as for the recruitment of foreign-trained PhD faculty. The inclusion of REPS is expected to hasten the number of academic personnel with master’s and doctoral degrees. Five to ten slots have been reserved in each of the CUs for their respective niches for these study grants and recruitment programs. The FRASDP includes the following:
PhD and Master’s Fellowship Program for faculty, REPS and administrative staff. Priority will be given to PhD and MS fellowships directly aligned with the niches of each of UP’s constituent universities, as well as support for MS/PhD sandwich programs to enable the pursuit of theses/dissertations in foreign universities. The FRASDP grant conforms with the 1152nd BOR-approved guidelines on local and foreign fellowship benefits. The program supports tuition and related fees, living allowance for the grantee excluding family, foreign travel, and other fees that may be required subject to availability of funds and evaluation by the Vice President of Academic Affairs. FRASDP grant strictly follows COA’s policy on economy-based expenditures and can only provide supplementary funding for required or necessary expenses not covered by any external scholarship. FRASDP has no provision for dissertation/research writing related expenses. Applications, duly endorsed by the CU Officials must be submitted to OVPAA at least two months before the start of the registration at their Host University.
Short-term Travel Grants for Foreign Postdoctoral Stints or Training. Academic staff who wish to undergo training or undertake projects in foreign universities for up to 2 months may request for support for travel and living expenses.
Externships and Workshops within Industry. This covers the organization of workshops to explore linkages with industry especially for UP’s mature technologies and other output ready for uptake by industry and SMEs. Externships of faculty and students in these private companies as well as training and promotion of entrepreneurship among students and faculty will be supported.
The guidelines on the eligibility of applicants to the above programs had been revised. As we embark on a massive drive to produce hundreds of PhDs in the next 6 years, it is imperative that the University reaches out to a large number of non-PhD faculty to undertake doctoral studies. This is also the most opportune time for our faculty to go on fellowships as we transition to the K to 12 Basic Education program. To date, the University is supporting more than one hundred faculty on doctoral fellowships and we still have a long way to go in improving our faculty profile. To meet this goal, the eligibility of applicants to the doctoral studies of the Faculty, REPS and Administrative Staff Development Program had to be modified.
Download the guidelines.
Please see attached BOR-Approved guidelines for your reference.
Please note that all applications must be endorsed by the CU.