Emerging Interdisciplinary Research Grantees

Cycle 5

Main Proponent Program Title Constituent Unit Duration
Torio, Mary Ann Protein engineering of the major storage protein of mungbean enhanced with bioactive peptides exhibiting hypocholesterolemic activity UP Los Banos
Lemence, Richard Automated Constructions of Phylogenetic Trees Networks of Languages in the Greater Central Philippines by a Feature-Sensitive Metric UP Diliman 2 years
Innovero, Jennifer Physiological Studies of Team Sports and Allied Sports Athletes and the Effects of Moderate to High Altitude Training UP Baguio 2 years
Garcia, Alipio Anthropological, Mathematical Symmetry and Technical Characterization of Cordillera Textiles UP Baguio 2 years
Fernando, Lilia Development of a Nanoparticle-Based Biosensor for the Rapid Detection of Escherichia coliO157:H7 Strain Sakai UP Los Banos 2 years
Addawe, Joel Mathematical Analysis of Climate-based Malaria Transmission Model with Age-structure
Human Population
UP Baguio 4 years
Bacani, Jerico The Analysis of Bernoulli Free Boundary Problem using the Velocity Method and Second-Order Perturbation of Identity Technique UP Baguio 2 years
Tambalo, Richard Optimization of Expression of an Endoglucanase gene Insert for Potential in the Hydrolysis of Lingnocellulosic Materials UP Los Banos 2 years
Garcia, Roberta ODevelopment of Laboratory Scale Production Protocols for Recombinant Enzymes Towards Commercializations UP Los Banos 4 years

Cycle 4

Main Proponent Program Title Constituent Unit Duration
Saloma, Cynthia Analysis of susceptibility variants (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms or SNPs) in candidate genes to unravel the genetic basis of preeclampsia(pregnancy-induced hypertension) among Filipino women UP Diliman 2 years
Rivera, Windell Recombinant protein expression and immunological characterization of de-antigenized human influenza H3 hemagglutinin UP Diliman 2 years
Gastardo-Conaco, Maria Cecilia Examining Early Science Learning in Philippine Basic Education UP Diliman 4 years
Conaco, Ma. Cecilia Exploring the molecular, chemical, and material ecology of coral interspecies interactions UP Diliman 2 years
Pajarito, Bryan Effects of shaped filler reinforcement on the diffusion behavior of liquids in polymer composites UP Diliman 2 years

Cycle 3

Main Proponent Program Title Constituent Unit Duration
Co, Edna (took over from Sia, Isidro) Towards an enhanced health care system by community managed health programs (CMHPs) to achieve better health outcomes: a community participatory research for advocacy to local government units (LGUs), Department of Health (DOH), Philippine Institute for Traditional and Alternative Health Care (PITAHC), and Philippine Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) UP Diliman (UP Manila) 4 years
Villaseñor, Irene Development of strategies to improve academic performance of units based on the Internal Academic Assessment and Development System (iAADS) findings UP Diliman 1 year
Collera, Juancho Bifurcations in Laser Networks with Sn Symmetry UP Baguio 2 years
Cuevas, Agham Identifying Transaction Costs and Assessing Its Effects in Agriculture: The Case of Farmer’s Market Participation in the Philippine Rice Sector UP Los Baños 1 year
Aggangan, Nelly Biochar and Biofertilizer Applications for Soil Quality Echancement and Climate Change Mitigation UP Los Baños 4 years

Cycle 2

Main Proponent Program Title Constituent Unit Duration
Tapang, Giovanni Versatile Instrument System for Science Education and Research – Sensors and Modules (VISSER:SM) UP Diliman 2 years
Acda , Menandro Wood to Energy: Use of Fast Growing Plantation Tree Species as Fuel Pellets in the Philippines UP Los Baños 2 years
Gata, Ma. Larissa Lelu Exploring a Theory of Engaged Collaboration Across Borders Among Transnational Advocacy Networks UP Los Baños 2 years
Israel, Katherine Ann The use of the ethylene antagonist 1-methylcycllopropene (1-MCP) to prolong the shelf-life of minimally processed fruits and vegetables UP Los Baños 2 years
Pacheco, Elizabeth Clinical and Autoimmune Characteristic of Early Onset Diabetes in Young Adult Filipinos UP Manila 2 years
Estacio, Leonardo Drug Use Behavioral Health Among Adolescents in Metro Manila UP Manila 3 years
Claudio, Sylvia One UP Health Benefits Action Research: Towards a Gendered Universal Health Care Sectoral Model Utilizing an Information Technology System UP System 2 years

Cycle 1

Main Proponent Program Title Constituent Unit Duration
Yap, Maria Helena Social-Ecological Resilience on Different Spatial and Temporal Scales (Emphasis on the Coast) UP Diliman 4 years
Quintero, Genevieve HULLUBATON: Putting together the Mandaya Dawot UP Mindanao 2 years
Rola, Agnes Towards Good Water Governance for Development: A Multi-Case Analysis UP Los Baños 4 years
Billones, Junie Computer-aided Discovery of Compounds for the Treatment of Tuberculosis in the Philippines UP Manila 4 years
Mijares, Armand Salvador Palaeoenviromental and Biodiversity Study of Mindoro Island: An Archaeological Science Initiative UP Diliman 4 years