Concepcion Dadufalza Award goes to UP biologist with a spirit to serve

He is a “field biologist with a ‘serve the people’ mindset.”

This is how Dr. Perry Ong, professor at the UP Diliman Institute of Biology, describes himself in a nutshell. And the University couldn’t agree with him more, choosing him as the latest recipient of the Concepcion D. Dadufalza Award for Distinguished Achievement.

An expert in urban biodiversity, ecology systematics, DNA barcoding, the biology of Philippine wildlife, and biodiversity conservation, Dr. Ong has contributed significantly to the conservation of the critically endangered Philippine Eagle Phithecophaga Jefferyi as well as the near threatened Philippine tarsier.

Professor Perry Ong receives his certificate and cash award from Vice President for Academic Affairs Gisela Concepcion. Looking on are Dr. Ong’s wife, Susan Ong, and Dadufalza family representative Chito de la Cruz. The awarding ceremony was held on 29 February 2016 at the Institute of Biology auditorium in UP Diliman. (Photo credit: UP System Information Office)

His research works likewise center on the restoration of forests such as those in the mountains of Mindanao. In September 2014, Dr. Ong along with scientists from 77 institutions in the Americas, Asia, Europe, Africa and Australia, published CTFS-ForestGEO: a worldwide networking monitoring forests in an era of global change. CTFS-ForestGEO or the Center for Tropical Forest Science – Forest Global Earth Observatory is a global network composed of forest researchers and scientists who study “tropical and temperate forest function.”

The UP Scientist III is instrumental in implementing the Philippine Biodiversity Conservation Priority-Setting Program which named over 200 sites for integrated priority conservation.

Dr. Perry Ong shares with the audience his adventures as a field biologist who works for the people (Photo credit: UP System Information Office)

Dr. Ong is the 14th recipient of the Concepcion D. Dadufalza Award for Distinguished Achievement. The award, established in 2000, is given to an outstanding individual who has excelled in his/her craft or who has contributed significantly to important causes in society. It aims to keep alive the selfless vision and values of beloved former professor of the University, Dr. Concepcion D. Dadufalza.

The Dadufalza Award is only one of Dr. Ong’s numerous laurels. He has also been recognized with the Hugh Greenwood Environmental Science Award initiated by the National Academy of Science and Technology of the Philippines, the Hiyas Environmentalist of the Year Award and the Jose Rizal Award for Excellence in Science and Technology. In 2000, he was declared Outstanding Young Scientist and one of the Outstanding Young Men in the country.