Write up about the Conference WAAVP 2013 brought together parasitologists from around the world to present and discuss the latest advances in their research as well as important issues relevant to parasitology. WAAVP 2013 covered a broad and growing field of basic and applied parasitology. It was hosted by the Australian Society of Parasotologist and co-sponsored by prestigious companies susch as Novartis, Merial, Pfizer, and Zoetis. The major themes included Animal Production and Food Security, One World Health, Companion Animals (challenges to the future) and New Approaches on Prophylactics and Therapeutics. Subthemes were Aquaculture and Wild Capture Fisheries, Biosecurity, Cell […]
RDG Conference Report of Christian R. Orozco
Write up about the Conference The International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management (ICSW) is an annual conference where researchers, government officials, consultants, educators, managers and community leaders from 40 countries meet to present and discuss important topics of solid waste technology and management. The ICSW is a conference sponsored by the Widener University and the Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management. This year, the 29th ICSW was held in Philadelphia, PA USA from March 30 – April 2, 2014. The following are the highlights of activities during the 29th International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management: 200 presentations […]
RDG Conference Report of Kristyl N. Obispado
Write up about the Conference Congreso Internacional en Estudio de Mujeres y Género held its first conference last March 19-22, 2013 in Zacatecas City, Mexico. This annual conference aims to provide an academic space where original researches can be presented and reviewed, and to create new knowledge from these studies. It also intends to generate links with the international academic community that has the same interest and line of research in the field of women’s and gender studies. Related areas of knowledge include literature, education, arts, politics, laws, migration and development, psychology, health, violence, communication media, science and technology, and […]
RDG Conference Report of Louie T. Navarro
Write up about the Conference Conference Theme: Intersecting Belongings: Cultural Conviviality and Cosmopolitan Futures. With around 350 panels spread over a four-day period and more notably, the participation of around 1500 scholars from all-over the world, the Eighth International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS 8) lived up to its claim as the “largest international network of scholars and experts working on Asia” in the humanities and social sciences. Aiming to engage participants in a (global) dialogue across disciplines, this conference not only provided a venue in which knowledge is shared, but also afforded an exchange between audience and presenters towards […]
RDG Conference Report of Katrina Angela R. Macapagal
Write up about the Conference Conference Theme: Intersecting Belongings: Cultural Conviviality and Cosmopolitan Futures. Contemporary challenges and contexts of the local, regional, national and global raise urgent questions about cultural conviviality and cosmopolitan futures across the world. These are times when trans-cultural, trans-national and multicultural belonging are particularly being tested through environmental catastrophe, economic volatility, parochialism, fundamentalism, notions of cosmopolitan and multicultural exhaustion, and war. A key challenge lies in the paradox of culture, in which belonging has become a fundamental question of preservation, atavism, tradition and survival as well as hybridity, transgression, possibility and transformation. The aim of this conference […]
RDG Conference Report of Zenaida D. Ligan
Write up about the Conference The conference is annual event participated by an international pool of scholars. There were scholars from Hong Kong, Taiwan, Indonesia, Thailand, Macau, Kansas, Virginia, Pennsylvania and Texas, U.S.A., Moscow, Russia, Middlesex, U.K., Vietnam, Malaysia, and of course the Philippines. This year, there were over 200 papers that were read, half of the abstract that were submitted during the call for papers. Several parallel sessions were held and I was in Session 9E: Environment and Sustainable Development in Asia moderated by Dr. Rital Li Yi-man. I was the first presenter of the panel. Feedback on paper […]
RDG Conference Report of Mae Claire G. Jabines
Write up about the Conference The Conference is organized by the Asian Studies Association of Hong Kong (ASAHK) from March 8-9, 2013. This is the 8th year of the conference, which started in 2006. This year’s theme was on “Transformations, Development and Culture in Asia: Multidisciplinary Perspectives”; and with sub-themes on (1) Business and social entrepreneurship; (2) Creativity, media and culture; (3) Digital Culture; (4) Education social change and culture; (5) Environment and sustainable development; (6) History of Hong Kong, China and Asia; (7) Literature and culture; (8) Managing urbanization in Asia; (9) Public policies and governance; and (10) Sustainability and […]
RDG Conference Report of Eloisa May P. Hernandez
Write up about the Conference The 7th European Southeast Asian (Euroseas) was held at the School and Political Science of the Technical University of Lisboa in Lisbon, Portugal on July 20 to 5, 2013. It was a well-attended conference with scholars from countries in Europe, the United States, and Asia. It brought together hundreds of specialist of Southeast Asia from all over the world. Noticeable is the relatively small contingent of Filipino scholars from the Philippines, though this is supplemented with the participation of Filipino scholars who study and/or work in Europe and the United States. The panels were held […]
RDG Conference Report of Cynthia T. Hedreyda
Write up about the Conference The American Society for Microbiology (ASM) has more than 39,000 members with more than one third of its members located outside the United States. Members belong to 26 disciplines of microbiology plus a division for microbiology educators. ASM holds its annual meeting in the late spring to bring together microbiologists from different countries with a program to educate participants in fields such as diagnostic microbiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, host response mechanisms, general and applied microbiology, molecular microbiology, physiology, and virology. There are also hands-on workshops organized before or after the meeting. The programs include oral paper […]
RDG Conference Report of Eduardo T. Gonzalez
Write up about the Conference Conference Theme: Intersecting Belongings: Cultural Conviviality and Cosmopolitan Futures The European Association for South East Asian Studies (EuroSEAS) is an international initiative to foster scholarly cooperation within Europe in the field of Southeast Asian studies. In line with previous EuroSEAS conferences, the meeting in Lisbon covered a wide range of Southeast Asia topics in all fields of social sciences and humanities. It brought together hundreds of specialists of Southeast Asia from all over the world, and hence was a good opportunity for networking among academics. Jose Ramos Horta, ex-President of Timor Leste and Nobel laureate, […]