Write up about the Conference Discourse Power Resistance 14 is at its 14th year. Most of the themes in the conference are on papers raising questions on the democracy project, forms of resistance against oppression and poverty as seen and observed in varied countries, and poignant questions on development as applied in Third World countries. What is emphasized in the conference is the need for exchange among academics, researchers and development practitioners and planning for future direction for education, academe and research that can serve as catalysts for change. The conference enunciates greatly the role/s of the researcher and members of […]
RDG Conference Report of Emilia S. Visco
Write up about the Conference The XIX International Conference of the Society for Human Ecology jointly with IV International Conference on Sustainability Science in Asia was a success. It was a very good opportunity for us the presentors and delegates to learn and share our research to our peers in human ecology. The conference was attended by more than 250 participants from 15 countries around the world. Authorities in human ecology and other related fields from the US, Australia, Sweden, Japan and many others were resent in the conference. It was a great learning experience to listen to their sessions […]
RDG Conference Report of Jaime Angelo S. Victor
Write up about the Conference The ICSW is an annual event which serves as a good venue for researchers, educators, government officials, consultants, community leaders and other groups to present, share and discuss various topics addressing issues regarding solid waste management, as well as emerging technologies and trends in other countries regarding this field. Feedback on paper presented More test cases for the California Bearing Ratio Test may be done. The design for improvising the moist curing cabinet to maintain constant range relative humidity is acceptable. Future directions of research presented This study is still on the preliminary stages. Aside […]
RDG Conference Report of Adonis Emmanuel DC. Tio
Write up about the Conference The 5th IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC) 2013 showcased the works of researchers in the Asia-Pacific region as well as in other parts of the world in the field of Power and Energy Engineering. The keynote speech by Prof. Miroslav Begovic highlighted some challenges in modern power systems that merit attention for researchers and industry practitioners. Some of the issues include the challenges in integrating new renewable energy sources and smart technologies in the existing grid. Practitioners from the Hong Kong power industry also shared their experiences in integrating smart technologies in […]
RDG Conference Report of Liezl Raissa E. Tan
Write up about the Conference The Tenth Conference as always offers a platform not only to share common interests and new information and technologies in the field of Urban Earthquake Engineering but also to disseminate research and educational outcomes and to implement a strengthened worldwide network for Earthquake Engineering. The Conference will feature state-of-the-art technical presentations on various topics relevant to Urban Earthquake Engineering, followed by thematic presentations in parallel sessions, on the part of scientists, engineers, researchers, and planners of diverse generations, including both younger researchers as well as graduate students. As in previous years the 10CUEE is slated […]
RDG Conference Report of Raniel M. Suiza
Write up about the Conference The 10th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering features state-of-the-art technical presentations on diverse topics relevant to Urban Earthquake Engineering, followed by a significant choice of theme-based parallel sessions (CUEE, 2013). The conference was held last March 1-2, 2013 at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, O-okayama Campus, Tokyo, Japan. This aims to gather different researchers from different countries for exchange of ideas on their respective studies and for discussion of the lessons learned from past disasters like the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake. Feedback on paper presented The inquiry after the presentation was if our research […]
RDG Conference Report of Rodelio F. Subade
Write up about the Conference The Asian Fisheries and Aquaculture Forum is a tri-annual scientific conference of the Asian Fisheries Society an organization of fisheries and aquaculture scientists, researchers and academicians across Asia and other countries. For this year’s AF AF there were a total of 14 sessions, including the 4th Global Symposium on Gender in Aquaculture and Fisheries (GAF4) and the 4th International Symposium on Cage Aquaculture in Asia. Feedback on paper presented There were some feedback, among conference participants, one of such deals with comparing the experience of some Korean households who were also affected by an oil […]
RDG Conference Report of Susan L. Solis
Write up about the Conference Conference Theme: Intersecting Belongings: Cultural Conviviality and Cosmopolitan Futures. The ICTTL is an international conference organized by Suan Dusit Rajabhat University (Thailand); Le Harve University (France); Kellogg College, University of Oxford; Lincoln University (New Zealand), and Institute for Tourism Studies (Macao) with the aim of providing a forum for exchange of ideas and discussion among academics, researchers and practitioners on the latest developments in the fields of tourism, transport and logistics. Held in Paris, France last Feb 14-16, the conference provided opportunities for collaboration among the participants as well as the promotion of excellence in […]
RDG Conference Report of Melisa R. Serrano
Write up about the Conference The conference, organized by a consortium of Dutch universities, drew 375 participants from 35 different countries. There were 77 sessions. It was a rich and stimulating event in which various academics from all over the world presented papers that are related to the general theme of “Imagining new employment relations and new solidarities”. The conference was organized around 5 track themes: Track 1 on industrial relations actors in a changing environment; Track 2 on Europeanisation of social and employment policies; Track 3 on public sector restructuring: consequences for employment relations and public services; Track 4 […]
RDG Conference Report of Anna Marie I. Sibayan-Sarmiento
Write up about the Conference The UNESCO’s Millennium Goal Education for All which seeks to eradicate illiteracy, if viewed in the context of today’s Globalization and Information Communication Technology (ICT) age, point to the need for one to be multi-lingual – literate in at least three languages: his own tribal language for a sense of identity as a member of his tribe, his country’s national language for unity with his countrymen, and English, today’s global language for modernity. Moreover in the ICT age, literacy is now expanded to encompass digital literacy which calls for the use of technological tools to […]