Write up about the Conference The Second European Conference on Language Learning (2014), with the theme: “Individual, Community, Society: Connecting, Learning and Growing” was organized by the International Academic Forum (IAFOR) together with its global university partners such as Virginia Tech, University of Glasgow, National Institute of Education Singapore, La Trobe University, etc. More than 250 delegates from over 40 countries participated in the conference. Academics, practitioners, scholars and researchers from around the world met, networked, shared intellectual developments, explored challenges and dominant paradigms, and exchanged ideas in the dynamic environment of Brighton, England where the conference was held. Thematic […]
RDG Conference Report of Marshaley J. Baquiano
Write up about the Conference The 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology was held in Palais des Congres, Paris, France on July 8-13 2014. The event was organized by the International Association of Applied Psychology. With the theme, From Crisis to Sustainable Well-being the world congress endeavored to impart new scientific developments and to explore psychology’s challenges and valuable contributions to society both as a science and as a profession. It was attended by around 4,000 psychologists from across the globe. The congress opened with welcome messages from the Congress President, Prof. Christine Roland-Levy, International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP) […]
RDG Conference Report of Mary Donnabelle L. Balela
Write up about the Conference This conference series was established by the National Cheng Kung University and the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) to provide an interdisciplinary forum for the advances in the various fields of nanostructured materials. The goal of the symposium was to unify materials research in engineering, physics, biology, materials science, as well as chemistry and neuroscience. The conference was attended by experts from the academe and the industry from Japan, USA, Germany, China, Taiwan, Hongkong, UK, etc. Feedback on paper presented The focus of the paper is on the synthesis and characterization of the […]
RDG Conference Report of Emmanuel S. Baja
Write up about the Conference The 26th Annual International Society for Environmental Epidemiology Conference – From Local to Global: Advancing Science for Policy in Environmental Health held last August 24-28 2014 in Seattle, WA USA was successful productive conference. The organizers of the conference welcomed more than 1100 attendees from 55+ countries from regional chapters and local groups in Latin America and the Caribbean, Europe, Asia and Australia. The members and participants of the conference addressed topics that include environmental exposures (e.g. air, water, metals, hazardous, wastes, pesticides), health effects (e.g. cardiovascular disease, cancer, reproductive effects, neurological effects), gene-environment interactions, […]
RDG Conference Report of Rowena DT. Baconguis
Write up about the Conference ASIALICS is an association of scholars, practitioners and policy makers who are interested in exploring, learning, innovation and competence building to stimulate knowledge based strategies to fuel development in Asia. This years’ theme “Convergence, Innovation and Creative Economy”, puts premium on innovation systems, management of innovations, technological, social, industry, governance and policy innovation systems. The conference is hosted by different countries every year. with the Philippines as host last 2013. Feedback on paper presented I received positive feedback both from the Session Technical Chair and the members of the audience who were interested in the […]
RDG Conference Report of Jeanine Concepcion H. Arias
Write up about the Conference The International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) is the largest congress in the mathematics community. It is held once every four years under the support of the International Mathematical Union (IMU). Various prestigious prizes are awarded to prolific mathematicians with great contributions during the opening ceremony on the first day of the congress. Each congress is memorialized by printed proceedings, recording academic papers based on invited talks intended to reflect the current state of the science. Feedback on paper presented The paper was presented in poster format under the category Combinatorics, and mathematicians from related fields […]
RDG Conference Report of Rhea Rowena U. Apolinario
Write up about the Conference The IFLA 2014 in Lyon (France) gathered thousands of librarians and information professionals from 122 countries to share best practices, exchange ideas, and learn from each other. The theme, Libraries, Citizens, Societies: Confluence for Knowledge, is indeed a coming together, a meeting, or convergence of the great practices and ideas of all the participants from all over the world. It was a great opportunity to discover outstanding projects, activities, and researches, in libraries and information centers in other parts of the world, and how these made a difference in their respective organizations and countries. It […]
RDG Conference Report of Jennifer Marie S. Amparo
Write up about the Conference The 20th International Conference for Human Ecology was held last October 22-25, 2014 at the College of Atlantic in Maine, USA. This year’s theme is Ecological Responsibility and Human Imagination: Saving the Past – Shaping the Future. The four day conference include activities such as plenary symposium, parallel paper sessions, round table discussions, scientific poster presentations and fellowship/cultural and networking events. Human Ecology luminaries and key thinkers such as Dr. Thomas Dietz, Dr. Rob Dyball, Dr. Gerald Marten, Dr. Richard Borden, among others presented during the conference. There are a total of 145 papers (keynote […]
RDG Conference Report of Dustin Loren V. Almanza
Write up about the Conference The 4th Thailand International Nanotechnology Conference (NanoThailand 2014) held during November 26-28, 2014 in Thailand Science Park Convention Center, Pathumthani, Thailand. The NanoThailand 2014 Conference focused on the integration of Engineering Materials Science, and Nanotechnology to address fundamental nanotechnology opportunities and its applications. The following areas were focused in the NanoThailand 2014 in every field of nanotechnology for better living: Nanomaterials Nanoelectronics and nanosystems Nanobiology Nanomedicine and drug delivery systems Nanotechnology in human health Nanosensor Theory and simulation related nanosystem Nanocharacterization and imaging Nanotechnology for energy and environment Nanoapproach for green technology Nanotechnology for manufacturing […]
RDG Conference Report of Rizavel C. Addawe
Write up about the Conference The 1st International Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences Optimization (OPTI-i) was held at the Kos Island Convention Center, Kos Island Greece, last June 4-6, 2014. It was organized by the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering and the Department of Structural Engineering of the School of Civil Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens. This conference was endorsed by the International Society for Structural and Multidiciplinary Optimization (ISSMO), Transportation Research Board (TRB), European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (ECCOMAS), Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers (HITE), Greek Association for Computational Mechanic (GRACM) and […]