RDG Conference Report of Gloria Luz M. Nelson

Write up about the Conference “Sociology has a long and distinguish history opposing market fundamentalism and  supporting society control over  markets” Excerpt  from the welcome address of  Michael Buroway, President of ISA:  An incredibly sensitive community of academics and professional such as the International Sociological Association, aware of the social transformations taking place in the world, cannot and should not be absent from a debate on inequality.  The great tradition of multi, inter and trans disciplinary works in which the most complex problems of the present day world are addressed; its unique condition of being academically, scientifically, regionally, institutionally and […]

RDG Conference Report of Francis M. Mulimbayan

Write up about the Conference MSE 2014 Congress was the first international conference that I have attended in a foreign country. Although I felt too much excitement in the mere idea of myself, riding an airplane for the first time and going abroad to meet folks with entirely different culture; on the same degree, I became tremendously anxious in thinking of many negative possibilities that might befall on me while abroad, i.e. getting lost, accidentally losing my passport, etc.? Nevertheless, everything went well and as smoothly as I planned.  Many students, young professionals, PHD’s, professors and researchers from 54 different […]

RDG Conference Report of Ivy P. Mejia

Write up about the Conference The 6th World Conference on Educational Sciences held in 6-9 February 2014 at Grand Hotel Excelsior Convention Center, Valleta, Malta was organized by the Academic World Education Research Center. It brought together educational scientists administers, councilors, education experts, teachers, graduate students, civil society organizations, and representatives to share and discuss theoretical and practical knowledge in the scientific environment. The keynote speaker of the conference was Prof. Dr. Meral Aksu of Middle East Technical University (Turkey) who described the qualities of an effective approach in developing a qualified professional. Such approach would require flexible and rich […]

RDG Conference Report of Kathrine V. Maxwell

Write up about the Conference The 7th South China Sea Tsunami Workshop (SCSTW-7) aims to weave an international academic net,in which strong interactions and collaborations among coastal physical oceanographers, geophysicists, and engineers from the countries in South China Sea Region were combined together. It creates a  forum where potential devastating tsunami disaster and hazard mitigation in this region can be profoundly discussed. Aside from the workshop , two field trips to the 921 Earthquake Museum and the nuclear power plant were arranged so that participants could learn the earthquake hazards surrounding Taiwan and the region. Feedback on paper presented The […]

RDG Conference Report of Rocky T. Marcelino

Write up about the Conference The conference provided venue for ASEAN agricultural scientists. The plenary sessionhighlightedJapan’s response to the Fukushima tragedy and how their knowledge on agriculture helped citizens to cope up with the disaster. Each country chapter of ISSMS was also given the chance to present their executive committee and their accomplishments for the year. Parallel sessions were held In the NODAi Academia Center. Each speaker was given 15 minutes to discuss his/her research. Questions were then asked after each speaker. Participants are composed of delegates from Japan, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam,Cambodia, and Philippines. Feedback on paper presented After the […]

RDG Conference Report of Sherry B. Marasigan

Write up about the Conference Multicultural Education and Specia Education (MESPED) 2014 was organized by the Chiang Mai University Faculty of Education. It was a result of the collaboration between the departments of multicultural education and special education to allow educators, researchers, and interest people from around the world to share and discuss knowledge on education for diverse learners. The MESPED 2014 focuses on establishing knowledge base among participants regarding multicultural education and special education to improve quality of education to improve quality of education and life of individuals with disabilities and racial/ethnic minority individuals; permitting educators, researchers, and policy […]

RDG Conference Report of Ronald C. Macatangay

Write up about the Conference The conference will bring together the entire weather science and user communities for the first time to review the state-of the-art and map out the scientific frontiers for the next decade and more. Feedback on paper presented Use a mean layer wind from 850 – 200 hPa with pressure weighting Future directions of research presented Consider writing up the paper for publication Potential foreign collaborators Dr. Carolyn Reynolds, Naval Research Laboratory, Monterey, USA Dr, Suzana Camargo, LDEO, Columbia University, NY, USA Dr. Johnny Chan, School of Energy and Environment, City University of Hong Kong Lydia […]

RDG Conference Report of Raymond A. Macapagal

Write up about the Conference The 3rd International Conference UNITWIN UNESCO Network “Culture, Tourism, Development” centered on Tourism and Gastronomy heritage: Foodscapes, Gastroregions and Gastrnomy Tourism to be held from June 16-20, 2014 in Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain). This meeting aims to present current research and tendencies in gastronomy heritage and tourism based on biodiversity and cultural diversity of our territories, most of them promoted as gastroregions and gastronomy tourism destinations. UNESCO has contributed to reinforce the gastronomy heritage promoting universal value of cultural landscapes, more of them foodscapes, inscribed in the World Heritage List; including culinary and traditional food manifestations […]

RDG Conference Report of Julius Rhoan T. Lustro

Write up about the Conference The Asian Computational Fluid Dynamic Conference (ACFD) was first held in Hong Kong in 1996, with the intention of encouraging scientific and technical cooperation in CFD field among the Asian Countries. Since then, the conference has been held every two years not only to create a professional environment for the scientific and technical communications, but also to promote the friendship between the members and participants. The ACFD conference were held in Japan (1998), India (2000), China (2002), Korea (2004), Taiwan (2006), India (2008), Hong Kong (2010) and China (2012). The 10th gathering of ACFD will […]

RDG Conference Report of Ruth R. Lusterio-Rico

Write up about the Conference The 23rd World Congress of Political Science, organized by the International Political Science Association (IPSA), held on 19-24 July 2014 at the Palais de Congress, Montereal, Quebec, Canada, was attended by around 3,000 political science all over the world. The five-day World Congress featured various activities aside from the plenary and panel sessions, such as book exhibits and launching as well as presentation of achievement awards. Feedback on paper presented The following comments were made by the panel discussant, Dr. Qingshan Tan of Cleveland State University (USA): Cases that do not show the best scenario […]