Cecilia A. Jimeno, Ma. Cecile Anonuevo-Cruz, Adrian Oscar Bacena, Angelique Love Tiglao-Gica, Angelique Bea Uy, Mark David Francisco, Dianne Grace Corpuz Philippine General Hospital University of the Philippines Manila UP Philippine General Hospital Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism Consensus Recommendations for In-Patient Management of Diabetes Mellitus among Persons with COVID-19 There have been many management guidelines for blood sugar control in the hospital that have been published. However, the occurrence of COVID-19 among persons with diabetes has led to some difficulty of blood sugar control among those with severe infection, which is worsened by the use of certain drugs […]
IPA Recipients for May 2020

Allan Abraham B. Padama Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Physics College of Arts and Sciences UP Diliman Dilute Concentrations of Sb (Bi) Dopants in Sn-site Enhance the Thermoelectric Properties of TiNiSn Half-Heusler Alloys: A First-principles Study, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 59(3): 035003, 2020 In this work, we studied the properties of thermoelectric materials based on Titanium-Nickel-Tin (TiNiSn) alloys. Thermoelectric materials are used to convert thermal energy to electric energy. They are used to harvest waste heat for energy efficiency and for cooling related applications. By performing computational investigations based on density functional theory, we showed that it is possible […]
IPA recipients for June 2019

Steve P. Janagap Department of Chemistry College of Arts and Sciences UP Visayas Application of experimental design and multivariate analysis in the on-line reaction monitoring of a Suzuki cross-coupling reaction by Raman spectroscopy, Vibrational Spectroscopy, 100, 93-98 In this study, the amount of a chemical product from a chemical reaction was measured. The amount of product produced at specific time intervals and varying experimental conditions (temperature of the reaction and concentration of one of the ingredients) was determined using conventional instrumental methods and Raman method. The data from both the conventional and Raman methods were used in building a mathematical […]
IPA Recipients for December 2015

Oscar T. Serquiña Jr. Department of Speech Communication and Theatre Arts College of Arts and Letters UP Diliman Voices and Visions: Symbolic Convergences in the Oral Narratives of Filipino Comfort Women. Humanities Diliman, 12 (2): 79-109, July-December 2015. This paper analyzes oral narratives of 10 Filipino comfort women, who are members of the Liga ng mga Lolang Pilipina, or Lila Pilipina, an organization of victims and survivors of sexual slavery by Japanese military soldiers during the World War II in the Philippines. Guided by Ernest Bormann’s Symbolic Convergence Theory, this paper aims to describe the content, identify the salient structure, and […]
IPA Recipients for October 2015

Sir Anril P. Tiatco Department of Speech Communication and Theatre Arts College of Arts and Letters UP Diliman Performing the Bakla in The Care Divas: Crossdressing, Affective Labor, and the Glimpse of the Cosmopolitan. Journal of Homosexuality, 62 (11): 1485-1511, 2015. Catchy title of research: Staging the Bakla in a Contemporary Filipino Musical. This article is an analysis of the original Filipino musical The Care Divas. The analysis is both an affirmation and a criticism of the performance. In the affirmation, the musical is argued to present a social reality that is intended for and in need of inter- rogation: the Filipino […]
IPA Recipients for August 2015

Arvin B. Vista Department of Agricultural Economics College of Economics and Management UP Los Baños Estimating the Recreational Value of Taal Volcano Protected Landscape, Philippines using Benefit Transfer. Journal of Environmental Science and Management, 18 (1): 22-32, June 2015. Catchy title of research: Recreational Value of Taal Volcano Protected Landscape. Benefit transfer methods are increasing used to aid decision-making, especially when time and resource constraints the conduct of primary study. It has many potential applications in developing country, wherein collecting data is significantly constrained by limited financial resources. This paper provides evidence on the total value of recreation at TVPL for visitors […]