OVPAA is pleased to announce the four finalists that have been selected for the Gawad Pangulo: A Competition for Progressive Teaching and Learning Award. They are: Associate Professors Aimee Lynn B. Dupo of the College of Arts and Sciences in UP Los Banos and Iris Thiele Isip-Tan of the College of Medicine in UP Manila, Professor Wilfredo Jose of the College of Engineering in UP Diliman, and Assistant Professor Aletta T. Yniguez of the College of Science in UP Diliman. They will be competing for the second and final round of the competition on February 13, 2015 at the Institute of Biology Auditorium […]
UP Joins 10th QS APPLE Conference and Exhibition
The University of the Philippines had an Exhibition Booth and presented three papers in the recently concluded 10thQuacquarelli Symonds – Asia Pacific Professional Leaders in Education (QS-APPLE) Conference and Exhibition at Taipei International Convention Centre, Taipei City, Taiwan on November 11-13 2014. The 10th QS-APPLE convened senior and middle-ranking academics, educators, researchers and administrators from universities and colleges around the world, which are aspiring to advance their own internationalization program. The conference and booth exhibition both became a venue for sharing valuable knowledge and best practices on internationalization. These provided opportunities for future networking for the more than 500 representatives […]
GE Mini Conferences
The University is currently reviewing and revising the GE courses in the entire UP System in light of changes brought about by the K-12 curriculum. The new GE courses are envisioned to be designed as multi-/inter-/trans-disciplinary courses taught in a blended learning mode. GE Mini-Conferences are being held in the different CUs where GE and disciplinal faculty experts from all the CUs participate in formulating the new UP GE courses. Schedule of GE Mini Conferences: COURSES HOST CU DATES Philippine History UP Visayas July 28-29, 2014 The Life and Works of Rizal UP Visayas July 30-31, 2014 Self and Society […]
UPLB Laboratory gets ISO accreditation
The Central Analytical Services Laboratory (CASL) of BIOTECH UP Los Banos was awarded ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Accreditation. International Organization for Standardization/ International Electrotechnical Commission) is an international standard followed by accreditation bodies to verify the competency of testing and calibration laboratories. CASL is a service laboratory providing chemical analysis of food and feeds, water and wastewater, and soil and fertilizer. Headed by Dr. Veronica P. Migo, the laboratory underwent renovation and upgrading as part of the preparation for accreditation. CASL is the first testing laboratory under UPLB to be ISO 17025 accredited. The project was funded by the Department of Agriculture Biotechnology Program Implementation […]