Who will be the next model of progressive teaching in the University?

Who will be the next model of progressive teaching in the University?

The search is on for the faculty’s “best of the best” in course development. Now on its second year, Gawad Pangulo for Progressive Teaching and Learning aims to recognize UP faculty members who have shown remarkable achievements in enriching course content and innovating in pedagogy while continuing to uphold the fundamental value and relevance of their courses. Nominees, who will compete in two rounds, will be judged according to the excellence and progressive quality of their teaching philosophy, course syllabus and content, course materials, and course activities. Those selected from the first round will each receive 50,000 pesos to prepare audio-visual teaching materials. They will present these along […]

UP, NUS partner for effective institutional and academic leadership

UP, NUS partner for effective institutional and academic leadership

Studies show that it is the quality of leadership that separates the more effective academic institutions from the less effective ones, with successful schools enjoying collaborative management, purposeful leadership, and strong links between the leader’s vision and day-to-day practice. Taking this into account, the University of the Philippines and the National University of Singapore (NUS) through the Centre for Development of Teaching and Learning implemented the Temasek Foundation-NUS Program on Developing University Leaders and Educators (DULE) to “enable leaders to think beyond their own disciplines and lead in ways that support larger institutional objectives.” Specifically, the program seeks to advance and sustain […]

2015 Academic Leadership Conference

2015 Academic Leadership Conference

Concept Paper (Revised: March 5, 2015) Programme of Activities Welcome Remarks President Alfredo E. Pascual University of the Philippines System SESSION 1: NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE Curriculum and Pedagogy for 21st Century Learning – Some NUS Initiatives Dr. Lakshminarayanan Samavedham Associate Professor of Engineering, National University of Singapore Promoting Teaching through Promoting Teachers Dr. Adrian Michael Lee Deputy Director, Centre for Development of Teaching and Learning Director of the Special Programme in Science, National University of Singapore Internationalizing Higher Education in Singapore: Government Policies and the NUS Experience Dr. Teofilo Daquila Coordinator, M.A. Coursework Program Associate Professor of Southeast Asian […]

Consensus reached on proposed revision to the GE program

A consensus was reached among 150 General Education (GE) champions, advocates, implementers and members of the GE councils of all UP constituent universities (CUs) on the proposed revision to the GE program. In the UP System-wide GE Conference held in Tagaytay City last February 5 and 6, the plenary agreed to keep the required number of GE courses within 21 to 36 units and to let the CU decide on the ratio of required and elective courses. Most CUs agreed to adopt the 11 recently developed GE courses as required or core courses. The CUs intend to test run the proposed […]

Good practices, successful models to be discussed in system-wide Academic Leadership Conference

Given the rapidly evolving internationalized landscape coupled with the rise and infusion of technology in education, it has become imperative for the University of the Philippines (UP) to implement infrastructural and cultural changes in major aspects of academic life. Such changes, including shifts in skill requirements, attitudes and knowledge, are necessary to promote and enhance academic excellence and institutional relevance in the 21st century.  The Constituent Universities (CUs) have been inspired to revisit their curricula and programs vis-à-vis their niches and UP’s role in national development as well as to examine new technology-enhanced pedagogy that would improve teaching, learning, research, […]

UP Manila associate professor wins historic first Gawad Pangulo competition

UP Manila associate professor wins historic first Gawad Pangulo competition

Dr. Iris Thiele Isip-Tan of the Medical Informatics Unit in UP Manila bested three other UP faculty members in the final round of Gawad Pangulo: A Competition for Progressive Teaching and Learning held last 13 February 2015. Specializing in internal medicine-endocrinology, Dr. Isip Tan teaches the graduate introductory course on health informatics (HI 201) to doctors, nurses and pharmacists. “I want to see [my students] learning. I want to make learning visible,” she says. To do this, Dr. Isip Tan requires her students to create their own e-portfolios and personal learning networks on varied social media platforms, and takes advantage […]

Scholarship and service: Short-term Foreign Training and Externship in Industry

Training and externship are often associated with academic and professional development. But for UP, it is also about service. Our programs for short-term training in foreign universities and externship in industry are envisioned to spur and nurture a culture of scholarship driven by individual commitment and determination. This is achieved through continuous voluntary mentoring: those who obtain financial support from UP for short-term training abroad and externship are encouraged to fill in for the next batch of colleagues who will also leave for foreign training or externship. That batch then does the same for the one next in line, and so […]

Three UP campuses to offer innovative program in marine ecosystems management

A ceremonial handshake of partners officially signaled the launch of UP’s newest ground-breaking program last January 9, 2015. The one-and-a-half year Professional Masters in Tropical Marine Ecosystems Management (PM-TMEM) will be offered jointly by UP Diliman, UP Los Baños and UP Visayas.  The brainchild of the UP Marine Science Institute, it uses a multidisciplinary, integrated systems approach to marine protected areas, and features field exposure and engagement with partners and practitioners. Present during the ceremony were UP President Alfredo Pascual, UP Vice President for Academic Affairs Gisela Concepcion, UP Visayas Chancellor Rommel Espinosa, UP Los Baños Chancellor Fernando Sanchez, and UP Diliman […]

Academic Program Review

Constituent units (CUs) of the University are urged to conduct an assessment of their curricular programs, and to review and strengthen the respective niches of their CUs. The review should be based on the 2008 Charter of the National University, the 2011-2017 UP Strategic Plan of President Pascual, CU niches and strengths, national needs in relation to regional and global needs (competitiveness), national education system changes (K-12), and the quality of the curricular program. Please refer to the Internal Academic Assessment System (iAADS).

Internal Academic Assessment System (iAADS)

The iAADS is a common standard for evaluating academic units. Internal academic self-assessment of the core academic functions of each department/institute is a collective responsibility and the process is part of the annual SOPs of the departments/institutes.  The core academic functions include teaching, research and creative works, and extension and public service. The iAADS features a computerized system for online data entry, storage of data gathered from the quantitative and qualitative self-assessment, and the automatic generation of the iAADS report, which can be used in subsequent academic self-assessments. With automated iAADS report generation, the departments/institutes will be able to benchmark […]