Taiwan presents more opportunities for Filipinos to study in Taiwan through scholarship programs

The Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in the Philippines has once again opened various scholarship programs for qualified Filipino students. These scholarships are intended for Filipinos who wish to pursue further studies in Taiwan (master’s and doctoral degrees) or for those who would like to learn the Mandarin Language in the Republic of China (Taiwan). Due to popular demand and the positive responses from the Filipino students in the previous years, Taiwan‘s Ministry of Education (MOE) has decided to offer more slots for the scholarships to give more chances for Filipinos to study in Taiwan, learn the traditional Mandarin […]

Call for participation: Democratizing AI and Building Trust in the Technology

The APRU International Secretariat and lead researchers are calling for scholar participation in a research and publication project supported by Google. The title of this initiative is “Democratizing AI and Building Trust in the Technology”. The project aims to make the beneifts of AI accessible to all people, raising awareness about the nature of the technology and governance of the technology and its development process. The project team is looking for up to 12 scholars to take part in face to face and virtual meetings over a 12-month period with the intentions to present working papers and to publish their […]

Call for applications: KIT Royal Tropical Institute Amsterdam Master Programmes in Public and International Health

The KIT Royal Tropical Institute Amsterdam has opened the applications for its Master Programmes in Public and International Health to students and professionals. The is a nonproift association with members from public, private and nonprofit sectors. Aside from its master programmes, it also offers advanced courses and e-learning courses to interested individuals. The institute focuses on various areas such as sustainable economic development, gender, health and intercultural professionals. Detailed information regarding the institute and its programmes can be found here.

Call for Participation: 8th PPM Regional Business Case Competition

Call for Participation: 8th PPM Regional Business Case Competition

The PPM School of Management in Indonesia is inviting graduate students (masters degree) who are majoring in management from all over Asia Pacific to join the 8th PPM Regional Business Case Competition-–Bank Mandiri: Banking the Unbanked. This competition provides students a chance to build cross-cultural relationship and experience, as well as take part in analyzing and building business recommendations. The grand final will be held on 15-16 November 2017. Bank Mandiri will provide the accommodation, meals and local transportation during the program to all finalists. Important Dates Registration Deadline : 5 September 2017 Case available to download : 7 September […]

PCED-DBM Careership Program in Development Economics

PCED-DBM Careership Program in Development Economics

The UP School of Economics (UPSE) and the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) will hold an orientation for the Careership Program in Development Economics tomorrow, 7 June 2017, 9-11 AM, at the Institute of Biology Auditorium in UP Diliman. The joint training program is implemented by the UPSE, with support from the Philippine Center for Economic Development, and the DBM. It is open to fresh college graduates who are interested in a career in development economics and public policy, and who are willing to work in the public sector. The qualified applicant will be given a regular appointment at […]

Australia Awards scholarships for 2018 intake

Australia Awards scholarships for 2018 intake

British Council offers new PhD scholarships and collaboration opportunities

The British Council is now accepting applications to its programs for PhD study and research collaboration.   The aim of the Newton PhD Programme is to facilitate the capacity building of individuals, and the building of sustainable, long-lasting links between UK and Philippine institutions, through PhD scholarships. The scholarships are for full-time PhD study in the UK from January 2018 until March 2021. This opportunity is open to researchers who are eligible to apply for the CHED Foreign Scholarships for Graduate Studies for Faculty and Staff during the K to 12 Transition Period.   Newton Institutional Links provides grants for the […]

STRIDE Innovation for Development Grants for Science and Technology

The Science, Technology, Research, and Innovation for Development (STRIDE) is the flagship science and technology program by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)/Philippines that will spur inclusive economic growth by boosting science and technology research.  USAID/Philippines has launched the new STRIDE Innovation for Development Grants for Science and Technology and is now accepting applications from Philippine academic institutions collaborating with civil society groups such as non-governmental organizations, community-based organizations, people’s organizations, cooperatives, and others for up to 12 months of joint research. For more information about the new grants and to submit your application, please visit their website. Deadline is 31 October 2016. […]

Nomination deadline for 3rd Gawad Pangulo for Progressive Teaching and Learning extended

The nomination deadline for the 3rd Gawad Pangulo for Progressive Teaching and Learning has been extended to 30 September 2016. The revised schedule of events is now as follows: 30 September – Extended deadline for the submission of materials for Round 1 1 October – Announcement of finalists 31 October – Deadline for the submission of materials for Round 2 16 November – Round 2 competition and announcement of winners Gawad Pangulo for Progressive Learning and Teaching was launched in 2013 by the Office of the President and the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs to recognize UP faculty members who have […]

Newton Agham Programme: New calls for opportunity now open

The British Council and the Department of Science and Technology are pleased to announce current opportunities under the Newton Agham Programme.  DOST-Newton PhD Scholarships The aim of the Newton Agham PhD Programme is to facilitate the capacity building of individuals, and the building of sustainable, long-lasting links between UK and Philippine institutions, through the DOST-Newton PhD scholarships. The scholarships are for full-time PhD study in the UK from April 2017 until July 2020. This opportunity is open to faculty and staff of Philippine universities or colleges. Deadline for submission of applications is on 16.00 UK time, 10 October 2016. Researcher Links Workshops Researcher Links Workshops bring […]