Call for applications: Knowledge and Technology Transfer Training

The Knowledge and Technology Transfer Office (KTTO) training is jointly implemented by the Department of Science and Technology, USAID and the University of the Philippines through UPSCALE and the UP System Technology Transfer and Business Development Office. The training aims to expand the corps of KTTOs in Philippine universities across the country. Specifically, it seeks to build the knowledge of future KTTO managers on various aspects of technology transfer, enable KTTO managers to connect and collaborate with industry and community partners on real-world technology cases, and provide opportunities to create real impact for both the university and its partner/s.

The training is open to all technology transfer officers, information and technology support office (ITSO) managers, research managers (e.g. program/project leaders, senior research assistants), and innovation leaders.

Interested applicants may apply online until May 17th.

For more information, please visit this page.