Call for abstracts: APRU Global Health Conference 2019

The APRU (Association of Pacific Rim Universities) Global Health Conference 2019 will be held at The University of Hong Kong from November 17 to 20. This conference aims to facilitate inter-sectoral exchanges of world-class expertise and cutting-edge findings on global urban health. It provides an important platform for Hong Kong-based academics and overseas scholars to exchange ideas on urban health challenges and brainstorm for solutions with policymakers and practitioners from high, middle to low-income settings.

A series of pre-conference workshops, keynote addresses, parallel breakout sessions, and roundtable discussions will be held with the objective of translating scientific knowledge into public health programs and policies for urban cities worldwide.

The conference is now calling for abstracts from all interested parties. Abstracts must be submitted here before 5 July 2019.

Abstract Tracks:
1. Non-communicable diseases (e.g. mental health, smoking, diabetes, cardiovascular disease cancer)
2. Infectious diseases
3. Environment, health & active lifestyle (e.g. air pollution, climate change, physical activities, aging, occupational health & safety, maternal & child health/ reproductive health)
4. Health systems & governance
5. Smart city/ technology
6. Global health education & training
7. Others (e.g. migration/ displacement, natural disasters)

Abstracts must be submitted online from 4 April to 5 July 2019.
For detailed regulations and guidelines, please see here.
For inquiries, please contact the Conference Secretariat at [email protected].