
Letter of the VPAA on the merit promotions

12 November 2014 The Chancellors The Dean, UP Cebu Former Chancellors Manuel Agulto and Rex Victor Cruz Please allow me to provide our faculty and CU administrators the following clarifications of the recommendations of the OVPAA related to Merit Promotions: Process: The guidelines attached to the President’s Memorandum dated 8 July 2014 calling for the 2014 Merit Promotions provides on page 3 that “recommendations for promotions for crossing rank (from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor), and for the Associate Professor rank and above will be endorsed by the Chancellor to the OVPAA System Committee formed by the President, chaired by […]

Sigma-Aldrich Best Poster Award in international conference goes to UP

Kenneth Roquid and Jolo Ferrer from the Disease Molecular Biology and Epigenetics Laboratory (DMBEL) were 2 of 38 (out of some 1200 posters) conferred the Sigma-Aldrich Best Poster Award at the 26th Intern ational Conference of the Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology in Gangnam, Seoul, Korea held October 21-23, 2014. They share the honor with their research assistants and co-authors who are all graduate students in the lab: Lorenz Chua, Josh Malapit, Brandon Sy and Fidel Serrano.  The winning posters are: “MicroRNA Regulation of the Putative Competitive Endogenous RNAs PTEN, DNMT3B and TET3” by Kenneth Anthony Roquid, Mia Baquirin, Robert Lorenz Chua, Joshua Reginald […]

GE Mini Conferences

The University is currently reviewing and revising the GE courses in the entire UP System in light of changes brought about by the K-12 curriculum. The new GE courses are envisioned to be designed as multi-/inter-/trans-disciplinary courses taught in a blended learning mode. GE Mini-Conferences are being held in the different CUs where GE and disciplinal faculty experts from all the CUs participate in formulating the new UP GE courses. Schedule of GE Mini Conferences: COURSES HOST CU DATES Philippine History UP Visayas July 28-29, 2014 The Life and Works of Rizal UP Visayas July 30-31, 2014 Self and Society […]

UPLB Laboratory gets ISO accreditation

The Central Analytical Services Laboratory (CASL) of BIOTECH UP Los Banos was awarded ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Accreditation.  International Organization for Standardization/ International Electrotechnical Commission) is an international standard followed by accreditation bodies to verify the competency of testing and calibration laboratories. CASL is a service laboratory providing chemical analysis of food and feeds, water and wastewater, and soil and fertilizer. Headed by Dr. Veronica P. Migo, the laboratory underwent renovation and upgrading as part of the preparation for accreditation.  CASL is the first testing laboratory under UPLB to be ISO 17025 accredited. The project was funded by the Department of Agriculture Biotechnology Program Implementation […]

Finding plants that eat metals: The story behind this important new discovery.

Finding plants that eat metals: The story behind this important new discovery.

By Augustine Doronila PhD, UP Visting Professor 2013/2014 22 May 2014 Scientists from the University of the Philippines, Los Baños have discovered a new plant species with an unusual lifestyle — it eats nickel for a living — accumulating up to 18,000 ppm of nickel in its leaves without itself being poisoned, says Professor Edwino Fernando, botanist and lead author of the report.  Such an amount is approximately a thousand times higher than in most other plants. According to Dr Marilyn Quimado, one of the lead scientists of the research team, the new species was discovered in the western part […]

TACLOBAN DECLARATION urges the national government to focus efforts on mangrove protection

In the wake of Supertyphoon Yolanda, the Philippine government released PhP347 million for mangrove rehabilitation, with plans to allocate another PhP1 billion. However, ground assessments in Eastern Samar and Leyte showed the mangroves to be recovering from minimal to partial damage. Or they sustained no damage at all; only a few mangrove patches were totally devastated. These findings were shared during the Post-Yolanda Workshop: Mapping Yolanda’s impact on Philippine mangroves: impacts and recovery held in U.P. Diliman  last 21-22 March 2014 with attendees from the scientific and NGO communities based in Metro Manila. Hence the need to bring these results to local stakeholders in […]