The International Publication Award is granted for all articles published in Web of Knowledge (Thomson Reuters), ISI (Institute of Scientific Information)-listed, SCI (Science Citation Index), SSCI (Social Sciences Citation Index) and AHCI (Arts and Humanities Citation Index) indexed journals. IPA Awardees Archives 2012 IPA Awardees Archives 2013 IPA Awardees Archives 2014
“Government should invest in building Philippine human expert resources as other ASEAN countries have been doing” – UP Policy Paper
“In order for PH face up to competition in AEC, the country needs to sharply ramp up investment spending in science, technology and R&D (aka knowledge capability building [KCB]). If this is achieved along with other ongoing policy and institutional reforms, the economy could in time be on a stronger platform to face up to AEC challenges. Otherwise, an uncompetitive Philippines may have to bear with a double whammy of (a) dumping of products from other countries, and (b) accelerating drain of its already scarce high-level human resources to greener pastures, thereby further hurting manufacturing besides agriculture. “The objective should […]
Temasek Foundation – National University of Singapore Programme on Developing University Leaders and Educations (TF-NUS DULE)
The Temasek Foundation-National University of Singapore (TF-NUS) has designed a program on Developing University Leaders and Educators (DULE) to provide a platform for young, middle, and senior academic leaders to engage in a holistic learning program that aims to create a campus wherein institutional/academic leaders are capable of (1) advancing and sustaining a culture of teaching and learning on campus; (2) designing, implementing, assessing, and improving academic programmes that cater to a rapidly evolving 21st century workplace; and (3) harnessing appropriate modes of technology to foster significant learning experiences for students. In March 2013, the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) […]
Internal Academic Assessment System (iAADS)
The iAADS is a common standard for evaluating academic units. Internal academic self-assessment of the core academic functions of each department/institute is a collective responsibility and the process is part of the annual SOPs of the departments/institutes. The core academic functions include teaching, research and creative works, and extension and public service. The iAADS features a computerized system for online data entry, storage of data gathered from the quantitative and qualitative self-assessment, and the automatic generation of the iAADS report, which can be used in subsequent academic self-assessments. With automated iAADS report generation, the departments/institutes will be able to benchmark […]
Awardees of the Scientific Productivity System
UP Scientists for CY 2014 -2016 (Latest) UP SCIENTIST I UP Baguio Teodora D. Balangcod PhD in Botany Associate Professor, College of Science Analyn V. Salvador Amores PhD in Social and Cultural Anthropology Assistant Professor, Department of Social Anthropology and Psychology UP Los Banos Barbara L. Caoili Doctor of Agriculture Science Associate Professor, Crop Protection Cluster College of Agriculture Antonio P. Carandang PhD in Forestry Associate Professor, Social Forestry and Forest Governance College of Forestry and Natural Resources Ma. Victoria O. Espaldon Doctor of Geography Professor, School of Environment Science and Management Maria Ana T. Quimbo PhD in Education (Research […]
Outstanding publications, new UP scientists recognized
It is a celebration of the highest form of research and creative work where the arts, humanities, sciences and other disciplines are all brought together. This is how Vice President for Academic Affairs Gisela P. Concepcion described the ceremony held last December 16, 2014 at the Executive House in UP Diliman for the awardees of the Gawad sa Natatanging Publikasyon sa Filipino and the UP Scientific Productivity System. Concepcion, who spearheads the implementation of programs for the professional development of faculty and REPS, also thanked UP for increased research funds. Distinction for Filipino publications The Gawad sa Natatanging Publikasyon sa Filipino […]
Short features on some of UP’s National Artists, and Outstanding Teachers, Administrators and Young Scientists
National Artist Francisco Feliciano, 73 On the same day the monstrous rains of Typhoon “Mario” submerged Metro Manila, conductor-composer and National Artist for Music Francisco Feliciano quietly passed away after a long battle with cancer, which has reached stage 4. He was 73. Earlier, the UP College of Music paid tribute to Feliciano (along with coartist Ramon Santos) with a concert showcasing his works. His remains will be at the Holy Angels Memorial in Morong, Rizal, until early Sunday and will be moved to Loyola Commonwealth Sunday until Tuesday. Necrological service follows at the CCP on Sept. 24, after which […]
OVPAA announces the GAWAD PANGULO finalists
OVPAA is pleased to announce the four finalists that have been selected for the Gawad Pangulo: A Competition for Progressive Teaching and Learning Award. They are: Associate Professors Aimee Lynn B. Dupo of the College of Arts and Sciences in UP Los Banos and Iris Thiele Isip-Tan of the College of Medicine in UP Manila, Professor Wilfredo Jose of the College of Engineering in UP Diliman, and Assistant Professor Aletta T. Yniguez of the College of Science in UP Diliman. They will be competing for the second and final round of the competition on February 13, 2015 at the Institute of Biology Auditorium […]
UP Diliman hosts second OVPAA research symposium
The Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs (OVPAA) successfully convened the 2014 OVPAA Research Symposium. This was held last December 1 and 2, 2014 at the Intel Center for Science Innovation Auditorium, National Institute of Physics, UP Diliman. The symposium featured the results of projects under the Emerging Inter-Disciplinary Research (EIDR), the Balik PhD and the Emerging Science and Technology Research (ESTR) programs. A total of 17 oral presentations and 20 poster presentations were given. On the second day, a roundtable discussion was held among project proponents and administrators from UP Diliman and UP Los Banos to discuss concerns pertaining […]
UP Joins 10th QS APPLE Conference and Exhibition
The University of the Philippines had an Exhibition Booth and presented three papers in the recently concluded 10thQuacquarelli Symonds – Asia Pacific Professional Leaders in Education (QS-APPLE) Conference and Exhibition at Taipei International Convention Centre, Taipei City, Taiwan on November 11-13 2014. The 10th QS-APPLE convened senior and middle-ranking academics, educators, researchers and administrators from universities and colleges around the world, which are aspiring to advance their own internationalization program. The conference and booth exhibition both became a venue for sharing valuable knowledge and best practices on internationalization. These provided opportunities for future networking for the more than 500 representatives […]