Cycle 5 Main Proponent Program Title Constituent Unit Duration Torio, Mary Ann Protein engineering of the major storage protein of mungbean enhanced with bioactive peptides exhibiting hypocholesterolemic activity UP Los Banos Lemence, Richard Automated Constructions of Phylogenetic Trees Networks of Languages in the Greater Central Philippines by a Feature-Sensitive Metric UP Diliman 2 years Innovero, Jennifer Physiological Studies of Team Sports and Allied Sports Athletes and the Effects of Moderate to High Altitude Training UP Baguio 2 years Garcia, Alipio Anthropological, Mathematical Symmetry and Technical Characterization of Cordillera Textiles UP Baguio 2 years Fernando, Lilia Development of a Nanoparticle-Based Biosensor […]
Balik-PhD Grantees
Download the list of 2012-2016 Balik-PhD grantees here
Scholarship and service: Short-term Foreign Training and Externship in Industry
Training and externship are often associated with academic and professional development. But for UP, it is also about service. Our programs for short-term training in foreign universities and externship in industry are envisioned to spur and nurture a culture of scholarship driven by individual commitment and determination. This is achieved through continuous voluntary mentoring: those who obtain financial support from UP for short-term training abroad and externship are encouraged to fill in for the next batch of colleagues who will also leave for foreign training or externship. That batch then does the same for the one next in line, and so […]
Public Policy Journal relaunched after almost a decade
A new issue of Public Policy Journal (PPJ) was released again by the Center for Integrative and Development (CIDS) after eight long years. Launched last December 10, 2014 in the presence of UP President Alfredo Pascual, the 2007-2013 issue is a compilation of journal feature papers written by esteemed educators and public policy figures from the University of the Philippines: Prof. Gerardo Sicat on the reform of Philippine labor policies; National Scientist Raul Fabella on the role of the state and collective action; Prof. Ramon Pedro Paterno on universal health care financing; and UP Diliman Chancellor Michael Tan on changing identities among Chinese […]
Three UP campuses to offer innovative program in marine ecosystems management
A ceremonial handshake of partners officially signaled the launch of UP’s newest ground-breaking program last January 9, 2015. The one-and-a-half year Professional Masters in Tropical Marine Ecosystems Management (PM-TMEM) will be offered jointly by UP Diliman, UP Los Baños and UP Visayas. The brainchild of the UP Marine Science Institute, it uses a multidisciplinary, integrated systems approach to marine protected areas, and features field exposure and engagement with partners and practitioners. Present during the ceremony were UP President Alfredo Pascual, UP Vice President for Academic Affairs Gisela Concepcion, UP Visayas Chancellor Rommel Espinosa, UP Los Baños Chancellor Fernando Sanchez, and UP Diliman […]
Academic Program Review
Constituent units (CUs) of the University are urged to conduct an assessment of their curricular programs, and to review and strengthen the respective niches of their CUs. The review should be based on the 2008 Charter of the National University, the 2011-2017 UP Strategic Plan of President Pascual, CU niches and strengths, national needs in relation to regional and global needs (competitiveness), national education system changes (K-12), and the quality of the curricular program. Please refer to the Internal Academic Assessment System (iAADS).
Call for proposals on policy research
The UP Center for Integrative and Development Studies (CIDS) invites proposals for policy research on any of the CIDS research priorities. Entitlements include full-time detail to an appropriate government agency or to UPCIDS to conduct policy research work for one academic year, and a monetary award of P500,000. He/she will continue to draw his her salary and other entitlements attached to the position while on fellowship. See:
UPPEJA Fellowship Award: call for proposals
The UP Center for Integrative and Development Studies (UPCIDS) invites proposals for the UP President Edgardo J. Angara (UPPEJA) Fellowship Award. See more here.
Call for applications for USAID STRIDE scholarships and research grants
The scholarships cover Professional Science Masters (degree and non-degree) and PhD Research. Research grants cover Collaborative Applied Research with Industry, and Philippines-U.S. Research and Exchange in partnership with academic institutions based in one of the STRIDE priority areas: Batangas, Cagayan de Oro, Iloilo, San Fernando/La Union, Puerto Princesa/Palawan, Tacloban, Tagbilaran/Bohol and Zamboanga. Application period starts October 16, 2014. For more about the scholarships, click here. For more information about the research grants, click here. Or visit
Meredith Monk’s A Celebration of Service
The UP Diliman College of Music in cooperation with the Musical Arts and Research Management Foundation, Inc. presents a spiritually inspired performance piece created by internationally acclaimed American composer and pioneer of interdisciplinary performance Meredith Monk. The work uses her musical compositions, movement and texts from the world’s great religions, thus creating a contemporary ritual, which celebrates the larger community of mankind and the power of the human spirit. Directed by Fulbright Visiting Specialist Tom Bogdan, A Celebration of Service features dances restaged by Allison Easter plus numbers by the UP Junior Music Education Guild, UP Madrigal Singers, and UP Dance […]