
Internationally recognized scientist Dr. Rhodora Azanza receives the Pantas Award

Internationally recognized scientist Dr. Rhodora Azanza receives the Pantas Award

Marine Science Institute professor and former UP Diliman College of Science dean Dr. Rhodora Azanza was presented with the 2015 Pantas Award by the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (PCAARRD) of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST). Every year, the council confers the Pantas on an outstanding scientist or researcher who has made exemplary contributions for the advancement of agriculture, aquatic and natural resources in the Philippines.  Azanza, fondly known to students and colleagues as The Red Tide Lady, is internationally recognized for her groundbreaking research on seaweeds and harmful microalgal biology, coastal environment management and […]

UP Concert Chorus is big winner at international choir festival in Poland

UP Concert Chorus is big winner at international choir festival in Poland

The University of the Philippines Concert Chorus (UPCC), led by its artistic director/conductor Prof. Janet Sabas-Aracama, copped the plum award—the Grand Prix —in the recently concluded 6th International Krakow Choir Festival Cracovia Cantans held from 11-14 June 2015 in Poland. UPCC received a statuette of Golden Polyhymnia (Muse of Choral Art) and a cash prize. The jury was composed by no less than the most respected authorities in choral music, with Prof. Romuald Twardowski (Poland) as head and  Ko Matsushita (Japan), Irina Roganova (Russia), Javier Busto (Spain/Sweden) and Rihard Dubra (Latvia) members. The Krakow Choir Festival awards the Grand Prix to the group that […]

Training on procurement to help research projects stay on course

UP scientists often need to purchase equipment from abroad for their research projects. But little or lack of knowledge of procurement essentials can make the experience quite frustrating for them. To help reduce snags in the process, UP is holding four seminar-workshops in August and September 2015 to teach project leaders and staff how to prepare the project procurement management plan (PPMP) and the annual procurement plan (APP). Participants will also learn how to develop technical specifications for equipment, services and other items; formulate the cost estimate for the item to be procured; generate price quotations or canvass; and determine the […]

UP partners with Apple to address shift in pedagogy

UP partners with Apple to address shift in pedagogy

Twenty-first century teaching needs to engage learners—and digital content can support this end. For UP, drawing on innovative technologies is also “a way for us to market ourselves, to be with other universities in the Philippines and around the world,” said eUP’s hardware & network team leader Rommel Feria during the iTunes U and iBooks Author Training Workshop on 15 July 2015. eUP in cooperation with Apple organized the workshop for the UP faculty as a follow up to the training given earlier to the technical staff of the Information Technology Development Center. Apple’s National Development Executive Joe Sibayan emphasized […]

Maiden run of IP clinic eyes collaboration between scientists and technology transfer officers

To accelerate invention disclosure activities and strengthen technology transfer strategies, the UP System Technology Transfer and Business Development Office (TTBDO) conducted a pilot run of the intellectual property (IP) clinic on 15 July 2015 at the National Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology in UP Diliman. The clinic served as a venue for researchers and inventors to seek advice from experts on issues related to IP and technology transfer, as well as help in the course of the invention disclosure and patenting process. In turn, the inputs and concerns shared by the researchers are expected to help the TTOs in designing recommendations […]

UP Diliman geologists bring fossil conference to the Philippines

UP Diliman geologists bring fossil conference to the Philippines

Calcareous nannoplankton or nannofossils are part of a group of single-celled plant-like organisms called phytoplankton, which are used to determine the ages of rocks useful in oil and gas exploration, the geologic history of oceans, and in climate change research. Because these planktonic organisms subsist in tropical marine environments, what better way for fossil experts to update themselves on developments in the field than to hold a conference in one of the most beautiful beaches in the world? From 7 to 16 March 2015, seventy-nine scientists from 23 countries gathered at South Palms Resort in the powdery shores of Panglao, Bohol for the 15th Conference of […]

Calls under the British Council Newton Fund offer are now open for applications

The British Council is pleased to announce that various calls under the British Council Newton Fund offer are now open for applications. It has partnered with the Department of Science and Technology to offer Researcher Links and the DOST-Newton PhD Scholarships, and with the Commission on Higher Education for Institutional Links and the Newton PhD Placements. Researcher Links with DOST Researcher Links Workshops Researcher Links Workshops bring together early-career researchers from the UK and the Philippines to allow them to make international connections that can improve the quality of their research and open doors to new international opportunities. CLOSING 28 September 2015. Apply here. Researcher Links Travel Grants Researcher Links Travel Grants provide financial support for early-career […]

Philippine representative UP ARCO triumphs in Bratislava music fest

Philippine representative UP ARCO triumphs in Bratislava music fest

The UP ARCO, the Philippines’ first-ever representative to the 7th Bratislava International Youth Music Festival, scored a feat when it topped the festival’s competition category in “String Orchestras up to 35 Years.” It was awarded the Silver Band after garnering 24 points, only one point shy away from the much coveted Gold Band. Eight choirs and four orchestras from ten countries – Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, the Philippines, Singapore, Slovenia, Thailand and the United States of America – competed in the festival. The distinguished panel of jury was headed by Prof. Scott Ferguson of the USA with Prof. John Damsma of The […]

CHED-PCARI funding is available for research projects in information infrastructure development, and health innovation and translational medicine

The Philippine-California Advanced Research Institutes (PCARI) and the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) of the Republic of the Philippines is pleased to announce a new cycle of Request for Proposals (RFPs) for funding involving research projects in the priority areas of information infrastructure development ,and health innovation and translational medicine.  In support of this goal, two PCARI institutes representing key technology areas have been established: (1) the Institute for Information Infrastructure Development, and (2) the Institute for Health Innovation and Translational Medicine. Research project proposals must be developed and undertaken jointly by collaborating eligible HEIs in the Philippines and California. The project proposals […]

UP ARCO wows audience in Budapest with two Filipino classics

UP ARCO wows audience in Budapest with two Filipino classics

UP ARCO, the string section of the UP Orchestra, warmed the hearts of the audience with its splendid rendition of two Filipino classics during the Festival Concert of All Participants that opened the Budapest Music Festival on 3 July 2015 at the concert hall of the ELTE Radnóti Miklós School in Budapest, Hungary.The orchestra played Rondino based on a popular Filipino folk song Magtanim ay Di Biro from Antonio Buenaventura’s Children’s Quartet and Francisco Buencamino’s Pizzicato Caprice, a whimsicial composition that showcased the plucking technique in playing the violin. Conducting the UP ARCO was its director and conductor Prof. Edna […]