Write up about the Conference The International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management is an annual conference organized by the Department of Civil Engineering of Widener University. The conference started in 1981 and has been held annually since 2002, less often prior to 2002. Solid waste is a complex field, drawing on many different areas of expertise (i.e., waste generation, collection, disposal, waste recovery etc.). And because waste is an issue of concern everywhere, the goal of this conference is to bring together experts from all of those areas – researchers, educators, government officials, consultants, managers, community leaders, students and others […]
RDG Conference Report of Gregorio E. H. Del Pilar
Write up about the Conference The first world conference on personality aimed to bring together researchers from a broader spread both geographically (beyond Australia-Asia, or Europe) and in terms of subject areas (beyond only personality or only intelligence). It was successful in gathering about 350 paper and poster presentations from delegates representing over 50 countries, on topics covering personality, intelligence, and individual differences. During the 5-day conference, it featured 3 pre-conference workshops, 10 keynote addresses, over 70 parallel sessions of invited/proposed symposia, and paper presentations. On the last day of the conference, the delegates were invited to join, as founding […]
RDG Conference Report of Christian Joseph R. Cumagun
Write up about the Conference The International Society for Plant Pathology (ISPP) ISPP sponsors an International Congress of Plant Pathology (ICPP) every 5 years. About 1,700 delegates from about 70 countries attended in 10th ICPP Beijing. Four delegates represented the Philippines: one each from UPLB, CLSU, East-West Seed Company, and Biodiversity International. ICPP provided me the chance to meet in person my host scientist Prof. Dr. Bruce McDonald in preparation for my one-month visiting scientist at the prestigious Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) during the coming semestral break. Prof. Mc. Donald’s lab at the Institute of Integrative Biology at […]
RDG Conference Report of Elinor May K. Cruz
Write up about the Conference The conference is a convergence not just of academic community working on the manifold ICT issues but also of regulators and practitioners in the ICT industries of the Pacific Rim. I was assigned in a research round table called “Multiple facets of digital presence” with presentations that ranged from “The Economic Value of Standardization: An Application to the LED Lighting:” “Industry Structure, Innovation and Standardization Strategies: Analysis of Telecommunication Standard-setting in China and India;” and “The Implications of Digital Presence: A Content Marketing Index of U.S. Businesses”. Feedback on paper presented The paper generated the […]
RDG Conference Report of Elinor May K. Cruz
Write up about the Conference The conference is the first among the planned biannual Talking Bodies conference on identity, sexuality, and the representation. This year’s conference was organized by Dr. Emma Rees of the Department of English, University of Chester, Chester, UK from 26-28 March 2013 at the same university. There were 32 panels with the following plenary speeches/workshops/performances: a. The beauty Cut: Women’s Experience of Labia Surgery in Animated Documentary by Ellie Land b. There is No Word for it ( TransMangina Monologues) by Laura Bridgesman and Simon Croft c. YouTube Portraits of Childbirth by Helen Knowles e. Where […]
RDG Conference Report of Tina S. Clemente
Write up about the Conference The 8th International Conference of ISSCO (International Society for the Studies of Chinese Overseas) was held at the Palace of the Golden Horses hotel, Kuala Lumpur on 17-18 August 2013 and convened by the Institute of Chinese Studies, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The conference featured a wide range of subjects dealing with the overseas Chinese, with participation from established and upcoming scholars from Southeast Asia, China, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, North America, Europe and Africa. The diversity of the papers was evident in the analytical approaches of disciplinal and multi-disciplinal orientation; the chronological […]
RDG Conference Report of Elena S. Catap
Write up about the Conference The 1st International Conference of Fish and Shellfish Immunology was organized by the International Society of Fish and Shellfish Immunology (ISFSI) and the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC) through the Institute of Marine Research in Vigo. The ISFSI originated from the first conference in Copenhagen in 1990 wherein fish immunologists from the Nordic countries initiated research collaboration to reduce diseases in aquaculture. Since then the conferences have been held in several cities, but it was in 2007 when the society changed its name to European Organisation of Fish Immunology. In 2010, it was finally […]
RDG Conference Report of Francis R. Capule
Write up about the Conference The 13th Asian Conference on Clinical Pharmacy with the theme “The Clinical Pharmacist and Patient Care: Opportunities and Challenges” was held on September 13-15, 2013 at the Haiphong City Convention Center in Vietnam. It was co-hosted by the Haiphong Medical University with support from Medical Service Administration (Ministry of Vietnam) and Vietnamese Pharmaceutical Association. The conference highlighted the importance of clinical pharmacist in the implementation of pharmaceutical care in the hospital and community settings. The conference achieved its objectives through plenary and concurrent sessions and oral and poster presentations by country delegates. The conference also provided […]
RDG Conference Report of Kaira Zoe A. Cañete
Write up about the Conference This international conference was held in the city of Buenos, Aires, Argentina, from August 28-31, 2013. The setting of the conference is the famed Bauen Hotel, which closed in 2001 as a result of an economic crisis in Argentina but was later rescued and is now managed by its own workers. The opening ceremony was hosted by the University of Buenos Aires Department of Social Sciences. The conference is organized jointly by the International Association for the Study of Sexuality, Culture, and Sexuality (IASSCS) and the Study Group on Sexualities of the Social Sciences School […]
RDG Conference Report of Ma. Doreen E. Candelaria
Write up about the Conference The International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management is an annual conference where researchers, educators, government officials, consultants, managers, community leaders and others meet to present and discuss topics related to all aspects of solid waste technology and management. The 29th International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management was held in Philadelphia, PA last March 30 to April 2, 2014. A professional education short course on natural gases was held on the first day of the conference. The next two days were research presentations from professionals and educators from around 40 countries. The conference […]