
RDG Conference Report of Jae Joseph Russell B. Rodriguez

Write up about the Conference The International Society for Forensic Genetics (ISFG) is an association which aims to promote scientific knowledge of genetic markers of forensic relevance. ISFG organizes a congress every two years, usually in a European country. In 2013 the 25th World Congress was held in Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, Melbourne Australia. During the first two days, workshops on various forensic topics such as evidence interpretation, disaster victim identification, and ancestry analysis were participated by DNA analysts and students from around the world. The congress was officially opened on September 3 by the keynote speech of the […]

RDG Conference Report of Aris A. Reginaldo

Write up about the Conference Around six hundred delegate from all over the world gathered for the 11th International Mammalogical Congress which was held in Belfast City, Northern Ireland United Kingdom from August 11-16, 2013.  Attendees were mostly professional mammalogists with some students who are starting their career in mammalogy.  Most participants came from Europe, United States and Australia and.  There were also few delegates that came from Asia, primarily from China and Japan. The congress featured plenary sessions, oral presentation and poster presentation that cover almost all aspect of mammalian biology (evolution, ecology, disease and parasitism, responses to climate change) […]

RDG Conference Report of Genevieve Quintero

Write up about the Conference The 1st Annual International Conference on Contemporary Cultural Studies, held at Hotel Fort Canning in Singapore from 09-10 December 2013, was organized by the Global Science and Technology Forum (GSTF). Its aim is to “understand how meaning is generated, disseminated, and produced from the social, political and economic spheres within a given culture.”  The conference “tackled historical culture and how it affects the modern society.” The following papers were accepted for presentation in the conference.  These are: Social Media and Youth Protests: Facebook Use in Hong Kong’s National Curriculum Debate by Dr. Celia Lam of The University of […]

RDG Conference Report of Maria Ana T. Quimbo

Write up about the Conference The 5th Asian Conference on Education 2013 (ACE2013) was held in Ramada Hotel, Osaka, Japan on 23 to 27 October 2013. It coincided with the First Asian Conference on Society, Education and Technology (ACSET2013). This joint Conference was organized by the International Academic Forum (IAFor) with the theme “Learning and Teaching in Changing Times”. Among IAFor’s partner organizations were Virginia Tech, Waseda University, University of London, University of Lincoln, National Institute of Education (Singapore),National University of Tainan, Auburn University, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Universidad Nacional de […]

RDG Conference Report of Lourdes M. Portus

Write up about the Conference The Conference featured three plenary speeches and 39 parallel sessions. A film competition was held on the 2nd day. There were more than 160 delegate coming from 25 countries including the Philippines. Seven were Filipinos: two from UP Diliman (including myself), one from UPLB and three from the Southern Luzon State University in Lucena, Quezon. It was refreshing to see faculty members of an unknown SUC present their research in an international conference. We agreed to continuously link for updating. I invited them to join the Philippines Communication Society (PCS), where conferences are held regularly […]

RDG Conference Report of Vachel Gay V. Paller

Write up about the Conference WAAVP 2013 brought together parasitologists from around the world to present and discuss the latest advances in their research as well as important issues relevant to parasitology. WAAVP 2013 covered a broad and growing field of basic and applied parasitology. It was hosted by the Australian Society of Parasotologist and co-sponsored by prestigious companies susch as Novartis, Merial, Pfizer, and Zoetis. The major themes included Animal Production and Food Security, One World Health, Companion Animals (challenges to the future) and New Approaches on Prophylactics and Therapeutics. Subthemes were Aquaculture and Wild Capture Fisheries, Biosecurity, Cell […]

RDG Conference Report of Christian R. Orozco

Write up about the Conference The International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management (ICSW) is an annual conference where researchers, government officials, consultants, educators, managers and community leaders from 40 countries meet to present and discuss important topics of solid waste technology and management. The ICSW is a conference sponsored by the Widener University and the Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management. This year, the 29th ICSW was held in Philadelphia, PA USA from March 30 – April 2, 2014. The following are the highlights of activities during the 29th International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management: 200 presentations […]

RDG Conference Report of Kristyl N. Obispado

Write up about the Conference Congreso Internacional en Estudio de Mujeres y Género held its first conference last March 19-22, 2013 in Zacatecas City, Mexico. This annual conference aims to provide an academic space where original researches can be presented and reviewed, and to create new knowledge from these studies. It also intends to generate links with the international academic community that has the same interest and line of research in the field of women’s and gender studies. Related areas of knowledge include literature, education, arts, politics, laws, migration and development, psychology, health, violence, communication media, science and technology, and […]

IPA Recipients for February 2016

IPA Recipients for February 2016

Juan M. Pulhin Department of Social Forestry and Forest Governance College of Forestry and Natural Resources UP Los Baños “Towards an Effective Policy for Forest Management in Asia” in Multi-level Forest Governance in Asia: Concepts, Challenges and the Way Forward. Makoto Inoue and Ganesh P. Shivakoti (editors). New Delhi, India: Sage Publications, 2015 Juancho A. Collera Department of Mathematics and Computer Science College of Science UP Baguio “Harvesting in Delayed Food Web Model with Omnivory” in Progress in Applied Mathematics in Science and Engineering Proceedings. Hamzah Asyrani Sulaiman, Mohd Azlishah Othman, Mohd Shakir Md Saat, Abd Majid Darsono, Mohamad Zoinol Abidin Abd. Aziz, […]

RDG Conference Report of Louie T. Navarro

Write up about the Conference Conference Theme: Intersecting Belongings: Cultural Conviviality and Cosmopolitan Futures. With around 350 panels spread over a four-day period and more notably, the participation of around 1500 scholars from all-over the world, the Eighth International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS 8) lived up to its claim as the “largest international network of scholars and experts working on Asia” in the humanities and social sciences. Aiming to engage participants in a (global) dialogue across disciplines, this conference not only provided a venue in which knowledge is shared, but also afforded an exchange between audience and presenters towards […]