
RDG Conference Report of Raniel M. Suiza

Write up about the Conference The 10th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering features state-of-the-art technical presentations on diverse topics relevant to Urban Earthquake Engineering, followed by a significant choice of theme-based parallel sessions (CUEE, 2013). The conference was held last March 1-2, 2013 at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, O-okayama Campus, Tokyo, Japan. This aims to gather different researchers from different countries for exchange of ideas on their respective studies and for discussion of the lessons learned from past disasters like the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake. Feedback on paper presented The inquiry after the presentation was if our research […]

RDG Conference Report of Rodelio F. Subade

Write up about the Conference The Asian Fisheries and Aquaculture Forum is a tri-annual scientific conference of the Asian Fisheries Society an organization of fisheries and aquaculture scientists, researchers and academicians across Asia and other countries. For this year’s AF AF there were a total of 14 sessions, including the 4th Global Symposium on Gender in Aquaculture and Fisheries (GAF4) and the 4th International Symposium on Cage Aquaculture in Asia. Feedback on paper presented There were some feedback, among conference participants, one of such deals with comparing the experience of some Korean households who were also affected by an oil […]

RDG Conference Report of Susan L. Solis

Write up about the Conference Conference Theme: Intersecting Belongings: Cultural Conviviality and Cosmopolitan Futures. The ICTTL is an international conference organized by Suan Dusit Rajabhat University (Thailand); Le Harve University (France); Kellogg College, University of Oxford; Lincoln University (New Zealand), and Institute for Tourism Studies (Macao) with the aim of providing a forum for exchange of ideas and discussion among academics, researchers and practitioners on the latest developments in the fields of tourism, transport and logistics.  Held in Paris, France last Feb 14-16, the conference provided opportunities for collaboration among the participants as well as the promotion of excellence in […]

RDG Conference Report of Melisa R. Serrano

Write up about the Conference The conference, organized by a consortium of Dutch universities, drew 375 participants from 35 different countries. There were 77 sessions. It was a rich and stimulating event in which various academics from all over the world presented papers that are related to the general theme of “Imagining new employment relations and new solidarities”. The conference was organized around 5 track themes: Track 1 on industrial relations actors in a changing environment; Track 2 on Europeanisation of social and employment policies; Track 3 on public sector restructuring: consequences for employment relations and public services; Track 4 […]

RDG Conference Report of Anna Marie I. Sibayan-Sarmiento

Write up about the Conference The UNESCO’s Millennium Goal Education for All which seeks to eradicate illiteracy, if viewed in the context of today’s Globalization and Information Communication Technology (ICT) age, point to the need for one to be multi-lingual – literate in at least three languages: his own tribal language for a sense of identity as a member of his tribe, his country’s national language for unity with his countrymen, and English, today’s global language for modernity.  Moreover in the ICT age, literacy is now expanded to encompass digital literacy which calls for the use of technological tools to […]

RDG Conference Report of Joefe B. Santarita

Write up about the Conference Conference Theme: Intersecting Belongings: Cultural Conviviality and Cosmopolitan Futures. The European Association for South East Asian Studies (EuroSEAS) is an international initiative to foster scholarly cooperation within Europe in the field of Southeast Asian studies. It was founded in 1992 and it is the only pan-European scientific organization dedicated to Southeast Asian studies. EuroSEAS members work in all areas of humanities and social sciences, from archeology to economics, from anthropology to linguistics.  The 2013 EuroSEAS Conference was held in the Technical University of Lisbon, at the School of Social and Political Sciences – ISCSP, Lisbon from 2ndto […]

RDG Conference Report of Ellaine Joy C. Sanidad

Write up about the Conference International Teacher Education Conference 2014 aims to provide a multinational platform where the latest trends in education can be presented and discussed in a friendly environment with the aim to learn from each other. Feedback on paper presented The audience generally enjoyed the paper I presented. They liked the simplicity and depth of the teaching strategy I proposed for ending classes. Future directions of research presented The audience suggested that my proposed teaching strategy be further tested to more classrooms and courses to see areas which may further improve it, and make it applicable to wider […]

RDG Conference Report of Marc J. San Valentin

Write up about the Conference The 5th ICONSEA is an international conference focusing on critical issues prevalent in the South East Asian region. Held from the 11th to the 13th of December 2013 and hosted by the Universiti of Malaya, the conference is a venue for interaction and exchange of ideas under different themes which includes political development, economy and social development, education, cultural issues, minority ssues, maritime issues and regional cooperation. Feedback on paper presented The questions raised after the presentation focused mainly on the nature of the collection and how it was used in various publications and classes. […]

RDG Conference Report of Jonathan P. Sale

Write up about the Conference The International Labour Process Conference (ILPC) is one of the longest established and best known forums for the analysis of all aspects of work and employment. It has earned a reputation as a cornerstone of empirical research and cutting edge theoretical debate within the labour process and work organization tradition. Every year, the conference brings together academics and policy makers from the sociology of work and employment, business and management studies, human resource management, industrial relations, organizational analysis and a range of other discipline to discuss and critically assess developments in the field. Keynote speakers […]

RDG Conference Report of Kevin C. Salamanez

Write up about the Conference The 24th Asian Pacific Weed Science Society (APWSS) Conference definitely put emphasis on how weed science can support food security by 2020, which is very significant because of rapid population growth, increasing influx of new weeds as international travel increases, climate change and its impact on weed distribution and abundance, and evolution of weeds that are resistant to herbicides. Food and land systems that are environment-friendly, sustainable and profitable in both the short- and long-term have been planned to adopt for use in different situations earth-wide. To face the new challenges of weed science, increased level […]