The 2020 cycle of Metrobank Foundation Outstanding Filipinos Award is now open for nominations. Four teachers will be recognized for their initiatives and concrete contributions to the development of their sector and communities. The guidelines and nomination form may be downloaded here. The last day for submitting nominations is 27 December 2019. For 2019, Dr. Eva Maria Cutiongco-de la Paz of UP Manila, and Dr. Ricardo Jose of UP Diliman were selected for the award among hundreds of nominees. The decision was made by different sectors of society. Cutiongco-dela Paz was former vice chancellor for research of UP Manila and the current […]
7th Interdisciplinary Book Forum features analysis of Spanish colonial baybayin documents

LIKHAAN: The UP Institute of Creative Writing will be holding the seventh installment of the Interdisciplinary Book Forum (IBF) on 17 October 2019, from 10:00 to 11:30, at the CAL AVR (1209-1210) in Palma Hall Pavilion 1, UP Diliman. The book-in-focus for this iteration is 3 Baybayin Studies. This book by Ramon Guillermo, Myfel Joseph D. Paluga, Maricor Soriano, and Vernon Totanes presents some of the most scientific and rigorous analyses of the most important Spanish colonial baybayin documents that have been found. Now that the symbolic value of our archipelago’s ancient aksary has found renewed political currency, the time has […]
Forms for UP Scientific Productivity System
Call for Applications (CY 2022): OVPAA Memorandum 2022-122: Call for New and Renewal Applications for the Scientific Productivity System (SPS) Batch 2022-2024. The deadline for submission by the CUs to OVPAA is on 30 September 2022. Application Forms (CY 2022): UP SPS Application Form 1.0 – New Applications and Renewal (CY 2022) (DOC) UP SPS Application Form 1.0 – New Applications and Renewal (CY 2022) (PDF) Guidelines: Revised Eligibility Requirements for the UP Scientific Productivity System Revised Evaluation Procedure for the UP Scientific Productivity System and the UP Arts Productivity System UP SPS System version 3-31-06 UP SPS Annex 1 […]
IPA Recipients for August 2019

Aileen A. Jara1, Ramon A. Razal1, Veronica P. Migo2, Menandro N. Acda1, Margaret M. Calderon3 and Leonardo M. Florece4 1Department of Forest Products and Paper Science, College of Agriculture and Food Science 2Department of Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology 3Institute of Renewable Natural Resources, College of Agriculture and Food Science 4School of Environmental Science and Management, College of Agriculture and Food Science UP Los Baños Chemical Composition of Bambusa vulgaris Shoots as Influenced by Harvesting Time and Height, Philippine Journal of Crop Science (PJCS), December 2018, 43 (3):1-9 Bamboo shoots are available as potential raw materials for […]
UP breaks into top 500 in world rankings

London-based magazine Times Higher Education (THE) has placed the University of the Philippines in the world’s top 500 universities, according to the 2020 THE World University Rankings. The national university is listed in the 401-500 group of 1,396 ranked research universities. This is UP’s fourth year in the rankings. It was included for the first time in 2017 among the top 1,000. The succeeding rankings showed marked improvement for UP as it climbed to the top 800 in the 2018 edition and to the top 600 for 2019. THE assesses research-intensive universities based on 13 performance indicators in five areas: […]
Two UP researchers make history as 2019 Metrobank Foundation Outstanding Filipinos
Dr. Eva Cutiongco-dela Paz of UP Manila and Dr. Ricardo T. Jose of UP Diliman have been named 2019 Metrobank Foundation Outstanding Filipinos for the teacher category. This is the first time that UP had more than one awardee in the same year. Cutiongco-dela Paz was former vice chancellor for research of UP Manila and the current executive director of the National Institutes of Health. She obtained her Doctor of Medicine degree from UP and further trained in molecular genetics at the International Center for Medical Research at the Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine and in clinical genetics at […]
IPA Recipients for July 2019

Michelle T. Cirunay National Institute of Physics College of Science UP Diliman Statistical signatures of the spatial imprints of road network growth. International Journal of Modern Physics C 29(10), 1850099 (2018). DOI:10.1142/S0129183118500997 Qualitatively, when you look at the road network of Metro Manila from a map, you will find irregular curves and blocks. Moreover, visually the component cities would have different road network layouts. In this work, we try to measure the roads and areas enclosed by the roads in all the Metro Manila cities. Here, although the component cities appear to be physically different, statistically it is found that […]
Call: The Royal Academy of Overseas Sciences Competition
The Royal Academy of Overseas Sciences Competition for FY 2020-2021 is now open for submissions. This annual competition aims to promote and stimulate high-quality scientific research and the dissemination of knowledge regarding worldwide problems. It is open to all scientists without any age restriction. The submitted work should be an original and recent scientific work: a PhD thesis or a work of at least the same level. Studies must reach the Academy’s Secretariat before 1 March 2020 (for the 2020 questions) and 1 March 2021 (for the 2021 questions). The winner will receive 2,500 EUR. Those who wish to participate […]
New genus of shipworm found in the Philippines feeds on stone

A new genus and species of shipworm, the first that burrows through stone rather than wood, has been discovered in the Philippines. Shipworms are wood-feeding mollusks that are well known for destroying ships, wharfs and other wooden structures. But according to the paper written by researchers from the University of Utah, Drexel University, Northeastern University and the University of the Philippines Marine Science Institute, the new genus and species of worm-like clam which they called Lithoredo abatanica “lacks adaptations associated with wood boring and wood digestion” which are typical among previously described shipworms. Instead, this new kind of organism is “well […]
PCIEERD 2020 Call for Proposals
The Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development (PCIEERD) of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) launched its 2020 Call for Proposals on 28 June 2019. Included in the said call are the following: 1. Integrated and intelligent sensors and actuators (liSA) for intelligent factories 2. Convergence of Philippine technologies for smarter city development 3. Energy storage module 4. Renewable energy and energy efficient technologies 5. Development of a prototype for ballast water treatment and ships’ biofouling control and management. For those who wish to submit proposals, the complete package of the call and the application forms can […]