The Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs announces the Call for Proposals for the Cycle 8 of the Emerging Interdisciplinary Research (EIDR) Program.
Researchers are invited to submit full proposals (not capsule proposals) that represent the niches of their respective constituent universities (CUs) in creative or research work.
Program proposals must show significant and measurable output that can be generated in two years with a budget not exceeding PhP 10M per program each year.
Proposals must exhibit strong foreign and external collaborators, preferably those that belong to a co-member institution of UP in international academic research networks (e.g. APRU, ASEA-Uninet, AUN, KoSaSa). Interdisciplinary, inter-CU collaborations are also encouraged.
The proposals will undergo stringent reviews by external experts.
Of the fifteen EIDR proposals that will be considered for funding, at least one proposal will be considered each from UP Baguio, UP Cebu, UP Mindanao and UP Visayas.
The deadline for submission of proposals is 15 July 2016.
Forms (3.6a and 3.6-3.9) are available for download from this page.
Update as of 13 July 2016: The deadline for submission of proposals has been moved to 31 July. Read the memo.