Three UP researchers were among the five Filipinos honored in the first “Asian Scientists 100” list.
It was released by The Asian Scientist, a Singapore-based publication that aims to bring awareness to quality research being done around Asia.
Placing ninth was UP Professor Emeritus Edgardo Gomez, the founding director of the UP Marine Science Institute (MSI). He was named National Scientist in 2014 in recognition of his sterling contributions and achievements as a researcher, scientist, conservation advocate, and mentor in invertebrate biology and ecology, giant clam culture and restoration, and coral reef assessment and conservation. Recently, Gomez was elected president of the National Research Council of the Philippines.
Meanwhile, Professor Mahar Lagmay, director of Project NOAH and a faculty member at the UP National Institute of Geological Sciences, placed 10th. He was awarded the 2015 Plinius Medal by the European Geosciences Union for his outstanding interdisciplinary natural-hazard research and natural-disaster engagement in the Philippines, particularly with respect to volcanic hazards, earthquakes, typhoons, landslides and floods.
Professor Emeritus Gavino Cajulao Trono Jr., also of the MSI, ranked 12th. In 2014, he was proclaimed National Scientist for his research into tropical marine phycology with a focus on seaweed biodiversity.
Also in the top 10 were Filipino National Scientists Ramon Cabanos Barba (3rd) and Angel Alcala (7th). Barba is from UP Los Banos while Alcala is from Siliman University but also affiliated with UP Diliman.
To be included in the list, a scientist, innovator or leader must have either received a national or international prize in 2014 or 2015 for his or her scientific research through a competitive selection procedure or made a significant contribution to scientific discovery or leadership that benefited the academe or industry.
The honorees–“in no order of merit–come from diverse fields, ranging from the biomedical sciences to mathematics and geology. Together, they weave a rich tapestry of science and technology and provide inspiration and hope to many people around the world.”