2016 Call for Applications: USAID STRIDE Prototype Research and Innovation Grants (SPRIG)

The Science, Technology, Research, and Innovation for Development (STRIDE) Program is a 5-year, PhP1.3 billion initiative by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) that aims to strengthen applied research activity in Philippine universities and industries. It is the flagship program of USAID/Philippines under the Partnership for Growth, a signature initiative of the U.S. government to promote inclusive economic growth.

USAID, through its STRIDE program, will work closely with Philippine academic institutions and industries to transform their capacity to produce research, graduates, and innovation partnerships to accelerate development in the country. In line with these goals, USAID will be awarding grants under the following mechanism:

STRIDE Prototype Research and Innovation Grants (SPRIG). This grant will award a maximum of One Million Pesos to Philippine academic researchers to further their research that will lead to commercialization of their solutions. SPRIG strongly encourages collaboration with industry. Proposals without industry collaborators but with detailed route to market plans will also be considered.

Fields of study
SPRIG is aimed at supporting the late-stage development and pre-commercial demonstration of science and  technology solutions focused on the current priority areas of STRIDE namely:  Electronics, Chemical industries, Alternative energy, Translational medicine (pharmaceuticals and medical technologies), Agri-business, ICT and mobile computing with the cross-cutting themes of manufacturing (including supply chains) and new product development.

Who can apply?

  • Philippine academic institutions collaborating with an industry.  Proposals without an industrial collaborator may be considered provided it shows evidence of actively seeking an industry partner (defined as a business or corporation with SEC registration, excludes governmental entities) or provides a detailed route to market plan.
  • The Principal Investigator is an active Filipino faculty member of the applicant university, authorized by their university.

Each grant will fund research work for up to One Million Pesos within a period of up to 12 months. 

Proposal requirements

  • The proposal needs to be in the last stages of R&D wherein a proof of concept has already been completed.
  • The proposal must strongly demonstrate how the project will lead to creation of a new business, a new tool or process, or new licensing of Intellectual Property.

Application checklist

  • Fully accomplished grant application form, including DUNS number
  • Grant application cover letter duly signed by the college dean or university president authorizing the faculty member as representative of the university
  • Brief CV of the Project Principal Investigator and collaborative partners
  • SEC registration number of proposed collaborative industry partner as applicable
  • Commitment letter of the proposed collaborative industry partner as applicable
  • In the absence of a collaborative research partner, route to market plans (i.e reaching potential investors or plans for a new company)
  • Implementation plan
  • Complete description of the business idea, if applicable
  • Prototype plans and/or mock-up designs (All plans received will be kept confidential)
  • Indicative budget with cost share

Last day of submission of applications: May 31, 2016 (no later than 5:00 pm)

To apply, applicant universities should download the application form available at www.stride.org.ph. 
Please e-mail complete application pack to [email protected]

For inquiries, contact the STRIDE Grants Team:
Email: [email protected]
Landline: (02) 843-0787 / 843-1081 / 843-1041
Telefax: (02) 550-2976

STRIDE will hold a number of Grants Roadshow to provide more information about its grants schemes. Join us on the following dates:

April 11: Hotel Seda Centrio, Cagayan de Oro City, 9-11 AM
April 13: Amigo Terrace Hotel, Iloilo City, 9-11 AM
April 15: Crowne Plaza Manila Galleria, Ortigas Center, 9-11 AM