RDG Conference Report of Kathrine V. Maxwell

Write up about the Conference

The 7th South China Sea Tsunami Workshop (SCSTW-7) aims to weave an international academic net,in which strong interactions and collaborations among coastal physical oceanographers, geophysicists, and engineers from the countries in South China Sea Region were combined together. It creates a  forum where potential devastating tsunami disaster and hazard mitigation in this region can be profoundly discussed. Aside from the workshop , two field trips to the 921 Earthquake Museum and the nuclear power plant were arranged so that participants could learn the earthquake hazards surrounding Taiwan and the region.

Feedback on paper presented

The paper was received well by session participants . A participant asked about the relationship of the Ms6.6 08 Feb 1990 Bohol earthquake to the Mw7.2 15 Oct 2013 event.

Future directions of research presented

A technical report shall be submitted and a manuscript shall be prepared for possible publication.

Potential foreign collaborators

Prof. Bruce H. Shyu of National TaiwanUniversity

Short write-up of one’s participation (to be used to feature/publicize the grantee’s participation in the conference)

The 7th South China Sea Tsunami Workshop (SCSTW-7) gathered geoscientists, coastal physical oceanographers , geophysicists , and engineers from different countries bordering South China Sea to discuss the fundamental processes resulting to the formation of a tsunami. The workshopincluded discussions on tsunami modelling including the generation mechanisms, propagation characteristics ,and effects of tsunamis to coastal cities and communities . Participants of this tsunami workshop presented the latest developments and on-going tsunami research in the South China Sea region. This academic engagement therefore serves as a good venue to discuss the future research and implementation plans for tsunami early warning system and coastal hazard mitigation programs in the South China Sea region.