Write up about the Conference
The conference provided venue for ASEAN agricultural scientists. The plenary sessionhighlightedJapan’s response to the Fukushima tragedy and how their knowledge on agriculture helped citizens to cope up with the disaster. Each country chapter of ISSMS was also given the chance to present their executive committee and their accomplishments for the year. Parallel sessions were held In the NODAi Academia Center. Each speaker was given 15 minutes to discuss his/her research. Questions were then asked after each speaker. Participants are composed of delegates from Japan, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam,Cambodia, and Philippines.
Feedback on paper presented
After the talk, some participants asked about the methods used in the paper. Question on whatthebest statistical imputation method is to be used for agricultural experiments was asked. The paper presented, as the moderator noted, highlighted proper handling of missing data in agricultural experiments.
Future directions of research presented
Application of the research presented will be of high priority. Moreover,the research can be made into a publishable article in an ISI or other peer-reviewed journals. The author also recommended the use of other interpolation/imputation methods for assessment for future studies. Design-based imputation method canal so be explored to add to the existing pool of imputation techniques.
Potential foreign collaborators
The author plans to collaborate with faculty members of Tokyo Nodai who are involved in experimental designs and statistics courses.
Other important contacts and insights
Other researches presented under the session for Production utilizes complex experimental designs and statistical techniques. However, some techniques are misused and not fully utilized.
Short write-up of one’s participation (to be used to feature/publicize the grantee’s participation in the conference)
As a junior faculty member, I am privileged and honored to have experienced presenting my research in an international audience. It is my first time to travel abroad and attend an international conference. After listening to researches conducted in other countries, I have gained insights on how rich methodologies in agriculture area. There are a lot of new knowledge to me when I listened to speakers from different countries.From basic agricultural concepts to very advanced method. each speaker showed passion on the irrespective researches. The Japanese are very warm too.They hosted a welcoming and closing fellowship/party that engaged everyone, though different in languages spoken, to enjoy and to share experiences. The Congress tour gave us a very rich experience on how beautiful Japan is.Top tourist destinations were visited during the congress tour.Though I stayed in Japan for less than a week,I have gained appreciation on the Japanese culture. The experience is very fulfilling. It gave me an inspiration to do more and conduct research with quality output.