RDG Conference Report of Mary Gretchen F. Chaves

Write up about the Conference

The ISBM 2014 was conducted simultaneously with the International Symposium on Education and Psychology (ISEP 2014) and the International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, e-Technology (e-Case & e-Tech 2014).

Organized by the International Business Academics Consortium (iBAC), the Knowledge Association of Taiwan (KAT), and the School of Informatics and Sciences, Nagoya University, over 200 papers from over 40 different countries were presented.

The International Symposium in Business Management 2014 in particular, served as platform for “international exchange of ideas, collaboration and cooperation.” The delegates were mix of researchers/business professors and graduate students who presented a broad range of research and applied business and management topics.

Day 1 of the Conference began with an industrial tour to the Asahi Brewery, Asahi’s 4th largest Brewery in Japan. The delegates were treated to a 75 minute tour of the factory, show-casing the brewing process from start to finish. The tour ended with a sampling of some of Asahi’s famously brewed beverages.

The afternoon of Day 1 began with a tour at the Nagoya University’s Information Technology Center, Center for Embedded Computing Systems. This was followed by the opening ceremony and acknowledgements. The keynote speaker was Mr. Yasuhiko TANIWAKI, the Deputy Director- General, National Information Security Center (Cabinet Office) of Japan. he talked about the  “Deployment of Common Platform for Information Sharing and Cyber Security.”

The afternoon of Day 1 ended with a reception.

Feedback on paper presented

The proponent presented on 4 April 2014, being the last reporter in the 11:30-1:00 schedule, In the interest of time, there was not much feedback on the content of the presentation except for a suggestion of a Thai professor on business communications that a content analysis be done on the children’s responses to their understanding of the TV advertisements.

Future directions of research presented

The proponent intends to submit the paper for publication as soon as final editing is done.

Potential foreign collaborators

The proponent was able to establish professional links with a couple of business professors from Japan, India, London, Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand. She intends to reach these professors for future research activities.

Other important contacts and insights

The proponent intends to encourage other UP Cebu faculty members (from the Computer Science, the Psychology, and Business Management, Professional Education programs) to explore  the possibility of presenting their future papers in a similar venue since the conference simultaneously conducts together with the International Symposium on Business Management, the International Symposium on Education and Psychology (ISEP), and the International Conference on e- Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, e-Education, and e-Technology. (e-CASE and e-Tech).

Short write-up of one’s participation (to be used to feature/publicize the grantee’s participation in the conference)

Prof. Mary Gretchen F. Chaves of UP Cebu Business Management Cluster presented a paper during the International Symposium on Business and Management (ISBM 2014) last 4 April 2014 at  Nagoya University in Japan. Prof. Chaves’ paper, entitled “Filipino Children’s Understanding of TV Advertising and the Link to Their Cognitive Development”, was funded through a UP Visayas Research Grant. The presentation was partly augmented through the extension of a Research Dissemination Grant through the Office of the VP for Academic Affairs.