RDG Conference Report of Rosario M. Baria

Write up about the Conference

The Second European Conference on Language Learning (2014), with the theme: “Individual, Community, Society: Connecting, Learning and Growing” was organized by the International Academic Forum (IAFOR) together with its global university partners such as Virginia Tech, University of Glasgow, National Institute of Education Singapore, La Trobe University, etc. More than 250 delegates from over 40 countries participated in the conference. Academics, practitioners, scholars and researchers from around the world met, networked, shared intellectual developments, explored challenges and dominant paradigms, and exchanged ideas in the dynamic environment of Brighton, England where the conference was held. Thematic topics were presented that addressed the central international, intercultural, and interdisciplinary aims of the conference.

Feedback on paper presented

There was a general expression of interest and appreciation for the practical application of dynamic equivalence and contextual correspondence as translation theories, particularly in the contexts of science communication involving biotechnology; and a crisis situation in relation to typhoon Haiyan. The importance of language translation in actual communication situations was highlighted in the paper presentation.

Future directions of research presented

There is a need for a closer study on the role and importance of language translation in communicating new science and technologies as well as in situations involving disaster risk management.

Potential foreign collaborators

National Taiwan University, Taiwan and University of Dundee, United Kingdom

Other important contacts and insights

Study Translating and Interpreting Programs in Asia and Europe

Short write-up of one’s participation (to be used to feature/publicize the grantee’s participation in the conference)

It was a very important opportunity for me to participate in an international conference on language, like ECLL 2014, with a huge attendance representing over 40 countries. In this Conference I was able to present a significant research on language translation in the Philippine context and share the uniqueness and dynamism of our own Filipino language and culture.