RDG Conference Report of Jeanine Concepcion H. Arias

Write up about the Conference

The International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) is the largest congress in the mathematics community.  It is held once every four years under the support of the International Mathematical Union (IMU).  Various prestigious prizes are awarded to prolific mathematicians with great contributions during the opening ceremony on the first day of the congress.  Each congress is memorialized by printed proceedings, recording academic papers based on invited talks intended to reflect the current state of the science.

Feedback on paper presented

The paper was presented in poster format under the category Combinatorics, and mathematicians from related fields viewed and commented on the poster.  One participant took particular interest in the paper and discussed a related problem that could be solved using the results of the paper.  Another commented that the graphs were beautiful.

Future directions of research presented

The paper may be related to studies of convex functions, as pointed out by one participant.

Potential foreign collaborators

Oliver Roche-Newton, University of Reading, United Kingdom

Other important contacts and insights

The first woman president of Korea, Park Gyeun-Hye graced the opening ceremony of the conference.  Maryam Mirzakhani from Stanford University (USA) was recognized as the first woman to be awarded a Fields medalist.

Short write-up of one’s participation (to be used to feature/publicize the grantee’s participation in the conference)

I was able to attend talks about various fields of mathematics, such as algebra, geometry, dynamical systems, partial differential equations, combinatorics, number theory, graph theory, and history of mathematics.  Being with mathematicians from all over the world (and meeting them) in one big conference has inspired me to become a better researcher.